  • We grow healthy teeth

    Remained delicious, toothless smiles. Now with each month the smile changes. At about five or six months, parents begin to show interest in teething. Here are the most frequent worries of parents related to caring for these priceless white pearls.

    When should we expect the appearance of teeth in our child?

    The first teeth appear with the same time difference as different children make their first steps, but in general, wait for the first acute surprise at about six months of age;in some children teeth appear earlier, others later. Heredity also plays a role. If you look in your own children's album, provided that the grandmother recorded the time of the appearance of your teeth in it, you may find that your child's teeth appear at the same time as you do.

    In fact, babies are born with a full set of milk teeth in the amount of twenty pieces. They are just hidden in the depths of the gums and are waiting their turn to break out. Teeth are cut in pairs, then two lower, then two upper, and on the lower jaw usually appear before the corresponding upper pair;girls start to cut their teeth a little earlier than boys. Usually the teeth appear, observing the "rule of four".Starting at about six months of age, expect four new teeth every four months until there is a complete set, usually about two and a half years. Teeth come out of the gums at unusual angles. Some go straight, others at first seem crooked, but eventually straighten, laying themselves a twisty path through the gum. Do not be afraid of the gaps between your teeth. If there is free space between the teeth, it is easier to clean between them, and the location of the milk teeth does not necessarily indicate how the permanent teeth will be located.

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    How much worry will the cutting teeth be causing our child?

    You're puzzling why your child, who always slept like an angel, began to wake up at night, and then you hear a no-nonsense knocking on a spoon or groping for a sharp edge in the child's mouth. In fact, the teeth of infants are not "cut" and do not "break through".Teeth slowly glide and lean in search of a path through the gum tissue. However, when sensitive teeth are pushed through sensitive gums, it is really painful, and children protest. Here are the troubles that you should prepare for, and recommendations on how to remove discomfort.

    Salivation. During teething, be prepared for the opening of a saliva-flow valve. In addition, listen: when uttering sounds, the child now splashes saliva. Many of the following troubles result from excess saliva.

    Rash from drooling. Sensitive skin and excess saliva do not get along very well, especially if the skin rubs against bed linen wet from saliva. Prepare for the appearance of a red, protruding, irritating rash around the lips and on the chin. Put a cotton diaper under your chin for a while to sleep so that it absorbs saliva, or a towel under the

    sheet. Carefully rinse off the skin with saliva with lukewarm water and pat dry( do not wipe).Lubricate with an easy emollient, such as "Natures Second Skin", or coconut, almond oil, or cold pressed safflower oil.

    Cough from drooling. In addition to the excess saliva flowing out of her mouth, she escapes and through the back door, dripping into the throat of the child, why he chokes and irritably coughs.

    Diarrhea( diarrhea) from drooling.

    To excess saliva, not only the face but also the butt reacts. At the peak of teething, be prepared for a loose stool and mild intertrigo. These temporary troubles pass by themselves, when the output to the surface of the next batch of teeth ends.

    Elevated body temperature and irritability. Inflammation resulting from hard teeth being pushed through the soft tissue of the

    can cause a slight increase in temperature( 38.3 ° C), as well as a painful state of health. If necessary, give the child acetaminophen.

    Bites. A child whose teeth are teething wants to chew something or someone. The marks from the teeth on the cribs of the crib and the click of the gums on a silver spoon are clear signs that the gums are aching and need to alleviate the suffering. Prepare for the fact that these hard gums will squeeze your knuckles, your hand, finger, and sometimes the breast that feeds the baby. Give the child something cold and hard. The best means to relieve pain in the gums - a cold spoon, frozen candy, frozen bagel, ring-teaser and, the favorite teethers in the Sears family, a bone from the chicken leg, freed from all small bones. Try a cold biscuit as another teaser that melts in your mouth. We are hesitant to recommend selling in the pharmacies pain medications that cause numbness of the gums, as it is difficult to accurately determine their composition and to find studies that would confirm their safety.

    Night Awakenings. At night, growing teeth do not rest, like the children they grow up with their parents. A child who has slept beautifully before, at the peak of teething can often wake up at night, and it can be difficult to return to a sleep regimen that could be adhered to before the appearance of teeth. Give the child before bedtime dose of acetaminophen, or, if the child has severe pain, one double dose. Repeat the dose four hours later, if necessary.

    Feed refusal. This is the most fickle of all the troubles that occur with teething. Some children do not miss a meal during teething, other greedy eaters require breasts or a bottle. More often, to soothe, but some may reject even the most tested sedative, a dummy person. Offer the child a cool, puree-like food - for example apple sauce and frozen fruit juice with pulp. Take it with a chilled spoon and it will be a real hit.

    Doctor, probably, it's teeth?

    You may think that your doctor does not share your concern with the problems associated with the appearance of teeth in your child. Your doctor is just cautious and acts in the interests of your child. Some medical research, contrary to the opinion of mothers, found that the discomfort caused by teething is exaggerated.

    Another reason why your doctor has a conflicting opinion about the symptoms, possibly associated with teeth, is the fear of attributing symptoms to teething and missing a serious, difficult-to-diagnose disease. How many doctors agreed with mothers and diagnosed "teething" in a telephone conversation, and then ran into an ear infection when I visited the child personally.

    How can I tell if a child has a bad tooth?

    In addition to "branded" signs, such as drooling and associated symptoms, try to massage the gums.(Small children will rather agree to put their fingers in their mouths than they will allow them to look into their mouths.) Swipe your finger along the front edges of the gums and you will feel the swollen knolls on the gums ready for the appearance of teeth.

    Sometimes it is difficult to say if a child's teeth are chopped, as the degree of discomfort in teething is different for all children. In some children, teeth appear evenly, once a month;many have jerks and stops when a child suddenly has a terrible week, and you feel for four swollen tubercles waiting in the gums of your turn. Be prepared for the fact that the child experiences the greatest discomfort when several

    teeth are cut at once. Some children experience extreme pain with eruption of molars, when they also have a strong swelling. If you can look into the child's mouth, you may notice a mound of swollen tissue around the lifting tooth. Do not panic if you notice a soft blue blister above the not yet broken through tooth. In fact, this is the accumulation of blood under the surface layer of the gum tissue. These painful swellings are best treated with cold compresses( eg, frozen candies) that soothe the swollen tissue.

    I have several times sent with to the doctor for a false alarm. I thought he caught a cold, but it turned out that his teeth were chapped. How can I distinguish one from the other?

    You correctly acted that you were allowed to make a decision to the doctor. When in doubt, do not attribute the child's painful behavior to the teeth. But here are a few basic ways to distinguish teething from diseases such as ear inflammation:

    • A fluid that is troublesome when teething is clear saliva, and the does not leak from the nose. Mucus, which appears for colds, thick and yellow. Nasal discharge usually indicates an allergy or infection, especially if they are accompanied by secretions from the eyes.

    • Teething rarely causes a rise in temperature above 38.3 ° C.

    • Teething can be confused with pain in the ear. When babies have teeth, they pull themselves by the ears, probably because the pain from the teeth is given in the ears. If a small child is pulling his ears - usually this is an unreliable symptom. When a child has an earache, usually his pain increases, if you put it, and also it has other signs of a cold.

    • If a child has a toothache, he does not behave as if he is getting worse and worse. The main rule: when in doubt, consult a doctor.

    When should I start brushing my child with teeth?

    Today, dentists recommend cleaning gums with gauze to remove plaque starting from about the time when the first teeth appear, usually at six to seven months old. Try the following brushing strategies.

    Give a good example of oral hygiene. Let the child see how you brush your teeth. Show enthusiasm and emphasize "like Mom and Dad."Approximately on the first birthday, buy a child his own toothbrush and brush the tooth side by side, just for fun. If you first let the child feel the joy of

    from the fact that it mimics brushing your teeth, it will be easier for you to continue to take care of the removal of microorganisms from children's teeth.

    First brushing of teeth. You will have a better chance of promoting the baby and clean teeth if you use your own finger, wrapped with moistened water gauze, as a toothbrush. The gauze is also great for an older child who refuses to let you into his mouth with a toothbrush.

    Positions for cleaning teeth. If you put your baby on your lap head to your belly, it will be a good position to penetrate into the wide open mouth. If you sit or stand behind the child, and he throws his head back, this will also give you a good overview. The older child can be kept on his lap, turning to the side. Or, try positioning when two parents are kneeling to their knees, as shown in the picture above.

    Cleaning teeth and children from one year to two. As soon as the child has a full mouth of teeth, especially the molars, the toothbrush will more effectively penetrate into the grooves between the teeth than the homemade gauze. Do not forget several times to carefully brush along the surface of the tongue, on which the same bacteria accumulate as on the gums. If you let your child hold the brush while you are

    From the wrapped finger gauze you get a wonderful first "toothbrush",

    brush his teeth, the procedure will be more acceptable for him. Most children protest when they brush their distant teeth, for fear of choking, so start with the front teeth and gradually move to the root.

    What kind of pasta? Toothpaste is not necessary for beginning, but if you want, a paste ball with the size of half a pea is suitable. Dentists warn about too much fluoride-containing paste ingested by young children. Two-year-olds like the ritual of squeezing a toothpaste onto a brush, but then they express displeasure because of the sharp taste of the paste. If necessary, buy a baby pasta with a softer taste.

    Which brush? Select a short brush with two rows of soft bristles on a small head.

    Position for cleaning teeth by two parents.

    Hold one more brush in reserve. They get lost, get dirty and quickly wear out. Change the brush as soon as the bristles bend.

    Why so much noise around the first teeth? They will all the same fall out.

    Taking care of baby teeth is very important. These primary teeth hold the right places for secondary, or permanent, teeth. Healthy baby teeth also have a beneficial effect on the development of the jaws and bite. And do not neglect the feelings of a smiling preschooler. No one likes to show a series of rotten teeth.

    In addition to brushing your teeth, what else can we do to help your child's teeth?

    Here are the recommendations for your own home dental program aimed at growing children without caries.

    Breastfeeding. Children's dentists who study the influence of breastfeeding on the development of the oral apparatus are convinced that one of the main factors leading to healthy teeth and the correct mutual position of the jaws is the chest in the child's mouth, as long as there is enough desire and opportunity. Apparently, special sucking movements in children receiving breasts prevent bite anomalies. We heard that in dental circles they say: "The efforts your child made to get milk from the breast will be visible on his face later."

    Avoid sticky treats. Not

    should keep the child on a constant diet from the sweetened ballast products, especially sticky candies, caramels and hard candies that stick and keep between the teeth, providing the microbes enough time for contact with the enamel. Dental caries begins with the formation of plaque - a sticky film appearing on the teeth and serving as a habitat for caries-causing bacteria. These bacteria and plaque react with the sugar in the food, forming a caries-causing acid. The more plaque, the more

    caries. The purpose of oral hygiene, thus, first of all, to prevent the formation of plaque through frequent brushing of teeth and to prevent sugar from contact with plaque through a healthy diet. When our kids protest against brushing their teeth, we tell them that it is necessary to wash away the sugar bugs.

    Do not allow a child to fall asleep with a bottle of milk or juice. Bottles are not at all useful for the teeth of a sleeping baby. Especially beware of oiled honey pacifiers. When the child falls asleep, the circulation of saliva decreases, and accordingly it does not so intensively wash the teeth. Teeth bathe in sweet liquid. Plaque and bacteria are feasting with enamel, which leads to severe tooth decay with caries. If the child does not want to refuse the bottle before a day or night sleep, try to dilute the juice or milk with water, with every night more and more until there is only one water left. If the child clings to his night bottle and does not agree to any diluted surrogates, be sure to thoroughly brush your teeth at the first morning visit to the bathroom.

    Get advice about nighttime breastfeeding. "Breast caries" does occur in children receiving breast-feeding

    , but the incidence of such cases and causes cause conflicting opinions. Most often this happens with those children who suck the breast the night away, staying in the belief that the right to the breast at night is the child's main right. We turned to children's dentists, who carefully examined the issue of breastfeeding at night. Many of them are convinced that night-time breastfeeding only partially contributes to the development of caries. In many cases, caries would appear without any feeding.

    If you are still breastfeeding and this brings you positive results, contact a pediatric dentist who is aware of the beneficial effects of breastfeeding on jaw development. Periodically check the child's teeth to find out if there is an initial stage of caries or softening of the enamel, because of what you should give up the night feeding. If you get good from the dentist for the continuation of night feeding, you should start the day with a thorough brushing of teeth, in addition to regular dental care before bed.

    Stop breastfeeding, or even nightly breastfeeding, when teeth began to appear, as some dentists can advise, it's like throwing a child into the water, leaving him to get out as he knows. If we take into account the beneficial effects of breastfeeding on

    health in general and on dental health in particular, as well as the advantages that breastfeeding gives in the emotional and developmental areas, a more cautious approach would be to undergo an examination at the dentist and brush your teeth after feeding.

    What about fluoride? How can I tell if my child gets fluoride?

    This is what every parent should know about fluoride:

    • Fluoride helps the teeth from two sides: fluoride that enters the child's digestive system( with food or water), gets into the bloodstream and is delivered to the teeth, strengthening the developing enamel, thereby making itless vulnerable to tooth decay. Fluoride applied to the surface( as a paste or fluoride solution applied by your dentist) helps to strengthen the new enamel, which is in the process of formation, when the teeth are restored( this is called remineralization) after natural wear.

    • Mineralization and development of enamel of permanent teeth begins even before the birth of the child, when the teeth are still in the gums. Fluoride, which is given to a child after birth, enters the developing teeth and strengthens them.

    • An experiment conducted by nature itself: people living in areas where fluoride is naturally present in water are 50% less likely to suffer tooth decay.

    • Fluoride, in contrast to many vitamins and minerals, has a very fine line between benefit and harm, that is, the correct amount helps, and too much damage the teeth, making them fragile, a disease known as fluorosis. That's why fluoride is released only on prescription, and it should be given to the child exactly in the prescribed dosage.

    • Artificial infant formula is produced on non-fluorinated water.

    • Do not allow children to swallow fluoride toothpaste and mouthwashes, as these denture protectors have a very high fluoride content. If you allow a child to use toothpaste, squeeze only a tiny ball on the toothbrush. If the child is already getting fluoride supplements, use toothpaste without fluoride.

    • The amount of fluoride naturally ingested in drinking water varies in different parts of the country. Contact your dentist or local water company for information and ask how many parts per million. If the water in your tap contains at least 0.3 parts per million( ie 0.3 ml per liter), your child is not required and should not be given fluoride supplements.

    • Nutrition Committee of the American Pediatric Academy

    recommends that if water that the child drinks contains less than 0.3 part of fluoride per million, give the child 0.25 mg of fluoride per day, starting at the age of two weeks and continuing( increasing the dosage) before adolescence.

    • Even if the tap water is fluoridated, some children do not drink much water, while others often quench their thirst. In addition, if you drink bottled water, it most likely contains little fluoride, unless you specifically require water with fluoride.

    • Many products, such as cereals and vegetables, have a natural fluoride content. Children can also receive fluoride from the following artificial sources: fluoride supplements prescribed by your doctor( usually in combination with vitamins in the form of drops or chewable lozenges), applied surface fluoride in toothpastes and dental solutions, and fluoridated drinking water.

    • Opinions continue to differ on the question of whether fluoride supplements are required for children exclusively breastfed. By the time this book is written, all the facts indicate that they are not required, although very little fluoride enters the body of a child with mother's milk and the fluoride content in the mother's milk does not change significantly with the changes in the mother's diet.