The maximum amount of maternity benefit in 2015-2016
The maternity allowance is paid for all maternity leave in total, that is, it is an antenatal leave - 70 calendar days and postnatal leave. The length of postpartum leave varies depending on the severity of the birth. At normal delivery - 70 calendar days, 86 calendar days in case of complicated births and 110 calendar days in case of the birth of two or more children.
What is the maximum amount of maternity benefit in 2015-2016?
Allowance for working women
For working women who are subject to compulsory social insurance, the pregnancy and maternity allowance is set at 100% of the average earnings. According to the norms of the Federal Law №255 from 1.1.2011, the average earnings are considered for two calendar years preceding the year of maternity leave. That is, when calculating maternity benefits in 2015, income for 2014 and 2013 is taken into account.
The income recorded for each year can not exceed the limit of the base for calculating insurance premiums in the FSS.The income accounted for in 2014 is limited from above to 624,000 rubles, and the reported income for 2013 is limited to 568,000 rubles above.
Thus, for women leaving for the decree in 2015, the amount of maternity benefits for 140 days can not be more than 228,290 rubles, for 156 days with complicated births - not more than 254,380 rubles and for 194 days of hospital maternity andbirths at birth twins or triplets - no more than 316 345 rubles.
In case you work in several places, then all incomes are taken into account for calculating the benefit. Benefit you can get in several places. Each employer pays a benefit on your earnings from him, not taking into account all the other earnings you earn.
Allowance is granted within 10 days from the date of application and all necessary documents.
Documents required for the calculation of the
allowance certificate;
application for leave;
certificate of the amount of earnings from another place of work, if such were in the previous two years.
If the employer can not pay benefits( there is no money in the account), the benefit is paid by the territorial authority of the insurer( the name of the insurance company is on its OMI insurance policy).
The maternity allowance dismissed in connection with the liquidation of organizations is set at 544 rubles per month( the amount of the benefit in 2015) and is paid by the social protection authority( SSZN).To do this, it is necessary to register in the employment center within 12 months from the date of dismissal.
Students who receive full-time education on a paid or free basis receive a study allowance at their place of study.
Video on
How to get benefits:
New in calculating benefits:
Adding benefits in 2015:
Allowance for part-time workers: