
Normozoospermia with agglutination and / or aggregation - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

  • Normozoospermia with agglutination and / or aggregation - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

    Normozoospermia is a medical term that denotes the normal quantitative and qualitative composition of sperm. In other words, this spermogram result is considered good, the chances of fertilization with normozoospermia are maximal. According to official data of the World Health Organization, semen is considered normal in the volume of 2 ml, the number of immobile spermatozoa in which is less than 50%.

    BUT! at these parameters it is necessary to evaluate the gluing of spermatozoa among themselves, as well as with epithelium, mucus particles and other pathological agents. Then in the first situation we have to talk about agglutination , and in the second about aggregation of spermatozoa. Equally, both the first and the second pathology can lead to a violation of the fertilization process.

    Causes of agglutination and aggregation of

    Agglutination occurs due to the violation of immunological processes in the body of a man, as a result of which specific substances are formed on the surface of the germ cells, which lead to gluing of the latter among themselves. This happens due to a disruption in the integrity of the hematologic barrier, which, under normal functioning, protects testicular tissues from the effects of immune blood cells. This barrier can be completely or partially destroyed due to scrotal injury or inflammatory disease of the urogenital system( orchitis, epididymitis, prostatitis).

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    Agglutination of spermatozoa

    As for aggregation, the main cause of the latter is the increase in the total amount of time the liquefaction of sperm. This situation can be observed after a prolonged chronic inflammation of the testicles, the prostate or the vas deferens.

    Aggregation in spermogram

    Probability of fertilization with normozoospermia with agglutination or aggregation

    Possibility of fertilization with aggregation or agglutination is practically zero. Of course, there are minimal chances of getting pregnant with such a diagnosis, but it's not desirable to use them at all. The fact is that during the aggregation or agglutination the qualitative structure of the sperm is broken, which in case of fertilization by them, can affect the fetus itself in the form of a genetic pathology.

    Tactics for agglutination and aggregation of spermatozoa

    In almost 100% of cases, aggregation and agglutination are consequences of acute or chronic inflammation in the pelvic organs. And this means that such pathologies need compulsory treatment. So, when you get a similar result in the analysis of sperm, you do not need to wait and retake it. It is better to immediately seek advice and help to the urologist.

    Treatment of aggregation and agglutination

    Treatment of such conditions is based on the treatment of an inherent inflammatory process. In most cases, antibiotic therapy is prescribed for this, which is selected depending on the pathogen. In addition, patients with aggregation or agglutination of sperm are assigned complexes of vitamins and microelements, which not only contribute to the speedy eradication of the inflammatory process, but also improve the qualitative composition of the sperm.

    Aggregation and agglutination are not very serious pathologies, so after a short course of drug treatment, the tests tend to return to normal. Exceptions include chronic, neglected cases in which patients are recommended IVF( in vitro fertilization).

    Rev.the doctor the urologist, the sexologist-andrologist Plotnikov AN