  • Formation of bushes of grapes under cover culture

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    On private plots with a cover crop of grapes, bushes form as a multi-arm fan. This formation can be two-sided and one-sided with different length and number of sleeves, with links of rejuvenation and without them, large for arbours and usual for ordinary planting. It is also applicable to the unguarded grapes culture.

    Three- and four-arm fan formations are used in low-growth and medium-sized varieties in less favorable soil and climatic conditions when placing growth on a vertical trellis, six-eight-arm - on medium and high-grown varieties under good water and nutrient conditions using a two-plane trellis.

    The length of sleeves can range from 40 to 100 cm or more. Short sleeves are left in the middle part of the bush, long - to the periphery of the axis of the bush. In addition, for the varieties with high fertility, not differing in strong growth, truncated sleeves will do. For strong, mostly table varieties, sleeves should be long, which will create a reserve of long-term timber, otherwise the fruiting will be weak.

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    Deducing the fan shape of the bush: a - seedling after planting;b - bush of the second year and its pruning;c - bush of the third year and its pruning;d - bush of the fourth year and its pruning;e - cropped bush for the fourth year after planting

    The productive life of the hoses is on average 4-6 years. However, in areas where spotted necrosis is manifested, the sleeves remain mostly two or three years( Rostov Region, Stavropol Territory, etc.).Therefore here on the head of the bush leave an additional two or three knots to replace the damaged sleeves.

    The usual way to form bushes. First year after planting. With fan formation, 2-3 shoots are left on each plant. Create favorable conditions for the normal development of growth.

    The second year after planting .In the spring, before opening the eyes, pruning is carried out. Young shoots do not always develop the right amount of shoots. If there is only one last year's shoot, 3-4 lower eyes are left on it, and with two shoots both are cut off for 2-3 eyes.

    During the second growing season, shrubs develop a more powerful root system and form 2-4 or more strong vines. They are periodically tied to trellis. They are designed to form bush sleeves. When the wreckage is removed superfluous, weak shoots, as well as those that are directed to the aisle. Shoots left on the formation of sleeves, should be placed in one longitudinal plane. This will make it easier to shelter the bushes in the future.

    If the planting material is weak and there are few nutrients in the soil, then it is better not to cut the bushes in the first two years, and the formation should be carried out from the spring of the third year. This will strengthen the power of the root system of the bush.

    The third year after planting. In spring, when pruning on bushes with two shoots, leave 3-4 lower eyes on each. In plants with three shoots, two of them are cut to the length of the future sleeve, and on the third leave 3-4 lower eyelets for growing shoots on the missing sleeves. Shrubs with four normally developed shoots are cut to the length of future sleeves.

    After pruning, the shoots are tied to the trellis obliquely( fan) in the plane of the row. Then, when they open their eyes, remove excess shoots, except for the top three. These shoots in the future will be used for the formation of fruit links. With good care for the 3rd year, you can get a harvest. In this case, it is necessary that the lower eye of the three left is located on the outside of the vine, since then a replacement knot is formed from it, the third shoot on each sleeve is left as spare for a more complete lining of the bush. During the green fragments, the sleeves and head are again cleaned of unnecessary shoots and sleeping buds.

    The development of additional branches on the sleeves thickens them and reduces flexibility. Such sleeves are difficult to bend to the ground with shelter for the winter. As shoots grow, they are tied to trellis.

    Fourth year after planting .The bushes are cut depending on the number of sleeves formed on them. In plants with two and three sleeves form the missing, and on the existing create fruit links. At the same time, two lower shoots are left on each sleeve of the bush, the upper shoot is removed. Then, from the two shoots, the upper is cut long into the fruit-bearing arrow, and the lower one to the replacement knot. After pruning, the skeletal parts of the bush are tied to the trellis, then the wreckage and the green garter are carried out.

    If it is necessary to increase the number of sleeves, they are created from sprouts or pruning individual shoots that developed at the base of the bush on knots in the second or fourth year after planting.

    Fifth year after planting. This year the formation of bushes with missing sleeves is finished;on the already formed bushes remove the arthropods arrows;From the shoots of the knots of substitution, new fruit links form.

    If desired, this formation can be transformed into a long arm by means of sprouts that have developed on the head of the bush.

    With the accelerated method of forming the , the tops are pricked or the early embossing is carried out and stepsons are used to form the fruit links. Weak shoots and unnecessary stepchildren remove. This method is effective with a strong growth of shoots against a background of good nutrition and irrigation and provides for the installation of trellises in the first year of vegetation.

    First year after planting. With shoot lengths of 10-15 cm, all weak shoots are removed, except for the two upper shoots. When they reach a length of 40-60 cm( future sleeves) spend pinching. Then after 10 days, the stepsons are removed, except for the two upper steps. Shoots are tied vertically to increase growth.

    Second year after planting. When spring pruning, the pricked shoots are tied obliquely in the row plane, and last year's stepchildren are pruned on fruit segments. During this year they leave the shoots missing for the formation of sleeves, they are plucked on the length of the sleeve and at the ends they are brought up by 2-3 stepsons( future fruit links).

    One-sided long sleeve is acceptable for water-secured areas of medium and high growth varieties. Using it, you can create high trellises for decorative purposes on both sides of the garden path, the front entrance, etc.

    The formed bush consists of 2-3 sleeves( 100-150 cm long and more), directed in one direction, with 2-3 branches on each( the longest one leaves the lower sleeve).Each branch is a short horn with a simple or reinforced fruiting link. In case of excessive elongation of the sleeves, they are shortened to the first or second branch. The bush can have from 6 to 10-12 shooters, 2-6 replacement knots, and also a rejuvenation unit.

    In the formation of the bush the bases of the sleeves are given a bend that is formed with the inclined garter of the vine to the wire, which was temporarily stretched at a height of 15-20 cm( it is possible to pin the sleeves) and the

    garter of the upper part of the sleeves to the next tier of wire at a height of 70 cm. The following two tiersare located every 45 cm, with the lower wire used for the upper layer, which is lifted a year or two after the formation of the bend. The bend facilitates the laying of the vines before the winter covering of bushes. The bush skeleton can be placed on a two-plane trellis.

    Removing a one-sided long arm formation VNIIViV them. I.Potapenko: a - the first year;b - the second year( spring and autumn);c - the third year( spring);d - the fourth year( spring)

    Elongated sleeves contribute to the placement of crops at a height of 1 m and more, as well as the free location of growth.

    A common way of forming shrubs. The first year after planting .During the wreckage, two shoots are left on each bush, which, as they grow, are tied vertically first to the lower wire, located at an altitude of 15-20 cm, and then to the remaining tiers.

    Second year after planting. In the spring, before opening the eyes, shoots are cut off. If the length of the ripened part of the shoots left in the past year is more than 70 cm, they are cut off at 20-30 cm above the tier placed at a height of 70 cm. The lower part of them is tied to the bottom wire( 15-20 cm) with a slope towards the coverat an angle of 20-25 °, and the upper part with a slight slope - at an altitude of 70 cm. The lower wire is stretched for one vegetation to make the bases of shoots Z-shaped bend, in autumn it is lifted to the upper tier.

    In spring, swollen eyes are removed, leaving on each sleeve two or four upper. With a length of shoots of 15-20 cm, a second wreckage is carried out. The shoots are tied up as they develop.

    If the length of the ripened part of last year shoots is less than 70 cm, then cut them so that the cutoff point of shoots had a diameter of at least 5 mm. Then they are tied to the bottom wire and remove all the extra eyes, and later - shoots in the lower part of the sleeves.

    If last year's shoots are weak, then they are shortened to 2-3 eyes in spring pruning and grow 2 shoots, as in the first year after planting.

    The third year after planting .In the spring, at the top of normally developed sleeves, 2-3 arrows are left. On the sleeves that do not reach a height of 70 cm, leave two hands, one of which is the arrow of the continuation.

    In the variant where two annual vines are grown, they are cut at a height of 90-100 cm and make a bend at the base, tied the lower part of the sleeves at a height of 20-15 cm, the upper one at a height of 70 cm. Then the arrows are fastened,arrows or up to a height of 50 cm, break weak shoots on arrows, tie green ones.

    On normally developed bushes the load makes 15-17 shoots, on lagging - 6-10 shoots.

    Fourth year after planting. When pruning from the arrows in the upper part of the sleeves, fruit segments are formed - branching. If it is necessary to increase the load on the bush, you can leave the reinforced fruit links and create new branches. Upper arrows cut into 10-12 eyes, lower - to 6-8 eyes. Sleeves with arrows tie on the first and second wires. On the bushes, where the arms and fruit links are not yet created, the process of formation continues.

    Fruit-bearing arrows are removed on fruit-bearing bushes and create new fruit links on ramifications;the elongated sleeve is cut at the top to the first or second branch from above.

    With a weaker shoot growth on the sleeve, at its base, a sprout shoot is left to replace, which is cut to 130-150 cm and tied accordingly.

    Accelerated method of removing the formation. Depending on the condition of the bushes for the first or second year, two strong shoots are left in the wreckage and tied vertically. When the shoots begin to exceed the length of the first main wire( 70-100 cm) by 10-15 cm, then they pinch.

    This contributes to the active growth of stepchildren. All stepchildren, with the exception of two or three, are removed.

    In the spring of next year, to create a bend, draw the ground wire. Stephens cut into arrows. In the future, pruning is aimed at creating ramifications.

    Long arm hose with free placement of growth.

    The formed shrub has two or three 150 cm long sleeves with two fruit arrows on them, a vine of substitution and a restoration twig. Support - a single-wire trellis, the height of pulling it above the soil level of 140 cm. At the same time, the shoots grow freely, the green garter and the wreckage do not pass. Fertilized sleeves with fruit vines are cut at the very base, on each new sleeve leave two or three vines.

    During the first year of , two strong shoots are grown on bushes.

    In the spring of the second year , grown shoots are cut into 4-5 eyes. At the wreck leave 3-4 strong shoots, which, with a slope towards the shelter, are tied to a temporarily stretched wire at a height of 60 cm, during the second garter - to a wire at a height of 140 cm.

    In the spring of the third year, , 2-3 upper shoots are cut at height160 cm, and the rest - 4-5 eyes. With a dry garter, the arrows are attached vertically with a slight bend to the upper part of the trellis.

    With a wreck, all the shoots appearing on the sleeves up to a height of 130 cm, break out, on the upper part leave 3-4 of the most developed shoots on each fruit shoot of the sleeve.

    In autumn, the bushes are separated from the wire, laid along the row and covered.

    In the spring of the fourth year the formation of the bush ends. In the future, the principle of pruning is the annual replacement of the harvested arms with new ones prepared from knots of substitution.

    The large fan-shaped has 2-4 long sleeves( up to 2 m and more) that extend from the head of the bush in a fan-shaped manner. On the sleeves there are branchings of the second - fourth order with fruit links or short knots on grades with short pruning, in particular in Isabella.

    The perennial and annual parts of the bush, together with the current year's growth, are placed in different parts of the trellis( the trellis trellis) in a vertical, horizontal and inclined position.

    This formation is often used in small yards, limited by high walls of buildings.

    For such a powerful formation suitable vulture varieties. A necessary condition for the normal development and fruiting of bushes in this formation is a good supply of plants with food and water.

    For the greening of arbors widely used isabel varieties that do not harbor for the winter, as well as varieties with increased frost resistance of domestic breeding. The vine of highly productive varieties with low frost resistance in the covering zone before the cover is removed from the arbor, piped into a ring, warmed with paper or buried.

    The general rule of pruning and forming shrubs when growing on an arbor, near the walls of buildings is the uniform distribution of annual and green shoots for more complete use of space in vertical and horizontal directions. When thickening the sites, which indicates a poor ripening of shoots, it is necessary to thin the fruit links, remove the weakest vines. Annually remove the old fruit arrows, from which the harvest was obtained last year, and create a new fruit link or shortly cut the shoots on knots.

    A common way of forming shrubs. In the year of planting , bushes provide an opportunity to strengthen the root system, so shoots do not break.

    In the spring of the second year - two annual shoots are shortened by 3-5 eyes, the rest is removed. When the fragment is left, strongly developed 2-4 shoots, which, as they grow, are tied somewhat inclined in both directions for the convenience of shelter. If necessary, a second wreck is carried out.

    In the spring of the third year - the developed shoots are cut off by the length of the ripened part. During the first debris on the vines leave 1-2 shoots at a height of 40-60 cm and 3-4 shoots in the upper part. All other developed shoots are removed. For the third year, green shoots cover most of the gazebo and create a shadow in the summer.

    Starting this year, they begin to lengthen the sleeves and create ramifications on them. So, left in the bottom of 1-2 shoots are the basis for creating branches to green the vertical part of the arbor, and shoots in the upper part of the vines contribute to the elongation of the sleeves. As shoots grow, they are tied up.

    In the spring of the fourth year - the formation of the bush continues. First-order sleeves are always cut from top to bottom. The topmost shoot after trimming is called the continuation arrow. It is cut into 10-15 eyes, each subsequent - 2-3 shorter shorter than the previous one( or for short knots - 1-3 eyes).

    Following the arrow continuations of the vine serve both for fruiting and branching. On each sleeve there may be two or three or more branches, with horns or arrows fruiting. Between branches, the original sleeves leave a distance of 40-50 cm, so that there is no excessive thickening of the crown.

    In the spring of the fifth year - if necessary, work continues on the elongation of the sleeves. On the continuation arrow, one upper shoot is cut to continue the sleeve, another one below to create additional branching.

    The arrows left last year to create ramifications become second-order sleeves. On them create fruit links or conduct a short pruning of the vines. With strong growth, each branch can have 1-3 fruit hands, and the upper ones are also cut longer than the lower ones.

    In the future, remove the arthritic arrows, shorten the sleeves with excessive elongation, create third-order ramifications, and also remove the unseaw shoots, dry and old parts, stepsons and form new sleeves if necessary. In many cases, a short pruning is used, leaving knots on horns placed on the horizontal part of perennial arms..

    The formation of the Don bowl. This form is a multi-hose bush, deployed on four inclined planes. Each side of this bush has the form of a fan of several forked perennial arms. On ramifications, there are from 2 to 5 fruit vines, cut to different lengths( 8-18 eyes) and 2-3 substitution knots. In each branch, the pruning is carried out mainly on the principle of choosing the best shoots for fruiting in the coming year. The upper arrows are cut long, the lower ones are shorter.

    When forming the formation, the main attention should be paid to the creation of the most important parts of the bush - trunks or sleeves, since the viability, yield and durability of the bush depend on their condition.

    To the formation of sleeves begin the second year after planting. Of the shoots that develop on each bush, 1-3 strong ones are selected, well ripened and cut into 3-5 eyes. To the beginning of the development of shoots put the support.

    With good moisture supply and proper care in the nest develops 10-20 strong shoots.

    For the third year, 8-12 strong shoots are cut to a length of sleeves of 70-100 cm and tied to inclined support planes. On the weaker leave 3-5 eyes.

    In the fourth year, the best shoots are cut into fruit arrows, the weaker ones are cut by short arrows or knots to form branches with independent fruit links.

    With increasing age, the number of branches on them increases. On adult bushes on each sleeve there may be 3-4 or more.

    To avoid unnecessary thickening of shoots between branches, leave a distance of 40-50 cm. The formed cluster bowl has from 8 to 12 or more sleeves( vines) with a length of 100-120 to 200 cm and more. At the base of the bush, one should always leave sprouts, twigs and annual vines as a reserve for the formation of damaged or rejuvenating sleeves.