  • Calendar of measures against pests and diseases

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    Fight against pests and diseases must be done in time, carrying out preventive measures even before the appearance of this or that pest. If rowan was incidentally next to the apple tree, then it is better to uproot it, as it is a source of infection with a rowan moth. Seasonal alternation of poisons is necessary, as pests easily get used to them and form stable populations.

    The rate of application of solutions for spraying young( up to 6 years) trees 2 liters per tree, fructifying - up to 10 liters, depending on the age. Soil and fallen leaves are sprinkled at the rate of 25 liters of solution per 100 m2.The solution consumption per 1 ha of garden depends on the tree arrangement.

    The vernevesesenniy period( March, April, "on the skeleton", before budding buds) is cut out by withered, dying, diseased and pest-damaged branches and burning them. The remnants of the hollow are made of putty made from nigrol( 70%) and ash( 30%), or a mixture containing 1 kg of nigrol, paraffin, rosin. The mixture should be boiled

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    on low heat for 30 minutes. Slices cover with ocher on natural linseed oil or clay diluted in a 5% solution of copper sulfate. Disinfect wounds with a 3% solution of copper or 5% ferrous sulfate solution, with a strong solution of potassium permanganate. Peel them, capturing 2 cm of healthy tissue, treated with petrolatum and for rapid overgrowing - heteroauxin. Once every four years old fruit-bearing gardens are sprinkled with 5% iron sulphate, which, getting into the soil, improves the development of trees.

    Be sure to restore whitewash trunks and branches( not bad sprinkle the entire crown) with lime milk to protect against sunburn. Hang out the cows, the birdhouses, if they did not do it in the fall;feed the birds. If necessary( a large stock of infection of the past years), when the temperature reaches 5 ° C, sprinkle the crown with 3% nitrafen "eradicating spraying").As a rule, 3% nitrafen is sprayed with only fallen leaves under the apple trees. Also, solutions of mineral fertilizers of high concentrations( urea - 700 g, ammonium nitrate - 100 g, potassium chloride - 100 g per 10 l of water) or iron( 5%) or copper( 3%) vitriol are also used.

    The spring period( May-first half of June, from bud blossoming to the beginning of flowering) is the most important in the fight against diseases and pests in the garden. Successful implementation of control measures during this period saves from damage by most pests and diseases and can lead to the fact that many subsequent sprayings become unnecessary during the growing season.

    During the swelling of the kidneys, the color-beetle beetles are shook off by the sixths, covered with burlap, on the litter they burn. Against sucking pests apply 8% concentrate of green soap. Wear on the string hacking belts from burlap, straw, corrugated paper or foil.

    When the buds are unfolding( green cone), sprinkle the apple tree with a 3% Bordeaux mixture( "blue spraying"), if the crown has not been treated with nitrafen.

    During the extension and detachment of buds, the garden is sprayed with carbophos( 30 g per 10 l).If no blue spraying was done, substitutes for Bordeaux are added to insecticides: cineb( 40 g per 10 l), kuprozan( 40 g per 10 l), copper oxychloride( 30 g per 10 l) or colloidal sulfur( 100 g per 10l).Spray a Burgundy liquid( 100 g of copper sulfate and 45 g of soda ash per 10 liters of water).

    During the flowering period of the apple tree, hives are set in the garden. No treatment with pesticides is carried out so as not to poison the bees and not interfere with pollination.

    In summer( July, August) periodically( when the temperature is kept at least 10 ° C), after 20 days, look at the hunting belts, clean pests in a bucket with kerosene solution. Disinfect and ventilate the cellar. After flowering, when the fall of the petals is over, the spraying with the combined solution is repeated( 1% Bordeaux liquid, 40 g per 10 liters, 40 g per 10 liters, 40 g for cuprozan, 10 g for copper chloride, 30 g for 10 liters,100 g per 10 L).With a strong infection of the mite, keltan is added to the solution.

    The garden is fumigated with smoke from tobacco dust. If necessary, combating sucking and leaf-eating pests use carbofos( 30 g per 10 l).Inspect the plants, destroy the caterpillars. Shake the ovaries damaged by the sawfly on the cloth. Update the hunting belts. Twenty days after the flowering period, fruit-bearing trees are sprayed with carbophos. If it is necessary to fight the scab, a substitute for the Bordeaux liquid( zineb, phthalane, copper oxychloride, etc.) is added to the solution.

    25 days after flowering, if necessary, repeat spraying. Look through the hunting belts, collect( preferably daily in the evenings) a wormy carrion.

    At each spraying( 3 times a summer) of the leafy crown, non-root fertilizing with mineral fertilizers is simultaneously performed, especially if the trees are weakened( 1% phosphorus, 0.3% nitrogen and 0.2% potassium, the total concentration should not exceed 1.5%, with phosphorus fertilizers soaked overnight).When there is a shortage of trace elements, they are also given additional nutrition.

    Pesticide treatment is stopped 30 days before harvest. In the autumn, pests leave for wintering, fall into a state of rest, winter colds they carry in the upper layers of the soil, on the branches and the stem. Pathogens of diseases persist in the fallen leaves, cracks in the cortex.

    In autumn( October-November), after harvesting, remove and burn fishing belts, dry mummified and affected fruits;rake, compost, dig in or burn fallen leaves;cut and burn dry branches. Purify the old bark on the trunks, branches, treat wounds, repair Dupla. The stems and main branches are bleached with lime milk or

    special garden water-emulsion paint BC-511, available for sale. Spray with 7% urea or 3% nitrafen. Disinfect containers, chatals, tools for pruning with copper or iron vitriol, 5% carbolic acid, saturated solution of ammonium nitrate.

    After a natural leaf fall, dig in the trunks, plow or dig through the aisles. Deploy poisoned baits to fight rodents, trample snow during a thaw around young trees, tie their truncheons with lapnik. They lead catching hares, for their repelling, the stains are coated with a mixture of carbolic acid, clay, mullein. Hanged out the sunflowers, the birdhouses;attracted to the garden of insectivorous birds, feeding them, especially with snow and glaze.

    It must be remembered that it is necessary to carry out the processing of gardens with pesticides only when other( non-chemical) methods can not achieve the desired result. When planning spraying the garden, it is necessary to take into account the degree of development of diseases and pests. When treating trees with pesticides it is necessary to cover with polyethylene film or dense

    with strawberry cloth, vegetables and other crops planted in the aisles of the garden.

    It is also possible to reduce the use of pesticides by an integrated apple tree protection system, that is, using a complex of high agricultural techniques, physical, biological and other means.

    Regularly inspecting plants, identifying pockets of diseases and pests, apply mechanical control measures;collection of wormy carrion, shaking off the affected fruit, collecting nests with caterpillars, trapping caterpillars with trappings, traps;cut sick branches.

    In the absence of diseases and pests, especially in young gardens, apple trees can not be sprayed or carried out only eradicating early spring spraying with 3% Bordeaux liquid, nitrafen.

    Gardeners now often use herbal substitutes for pesticides: onions, garlic, tobacco, yarrow, horse sorrel, parsley, tomato tops, potatoes, citrus peel, mustard, pine needles, tar soap, ash-soap solution, soap-ash-salt solution withturpentine.

    Such phytoncidal plants as calendula, marigolds, useful to plant among fruit trees and shrubs, they help in the fight against

    diseases and repel pests. The smell of a red elderberry planted at the house scares away rats( it also helps in combating the firefly on the currant and gooseberry).To insecticides( protecting the garden from pests) plants include delphinium, dandelion, aconite( fighter), the latter can be useful in fighting mice.

    A pure apple, grown by own hands, is especially tasty and appetizing.