  • Indian onion

    Indian onion, or bird chicken( Ornithogalum).

    "Indian onions", "Mongolian onions" - these are folk names of only one species of birdwort - the caudate( Ornithogalum caudatum).The Indian called it, most likely, for the burning juice, allocated by leaves, - by association with sharp Indian spices.

    Some of our lovers of indoor plants have a bird-tailed tail appeared on the windowsills 30 more years ago. At that time no one had ever called it Indian onions. All these years, since the advent of the bird-chewing bird of the caudate in the USSR, the plant has been studied by botanists, but its therapeutic properties have not been mentioned anywhere. Scientists simply were not interested in them. To find out what Indian onions are capable of, the people's ineradicable faith in the healing properties of most plants has helped. Someone first applied a fresh leaf to the aching joint, because no other remedies helped. And the agonizing pain receded. And then people began to share recipes - and from headache, and from sciatica, and with gout, and with abscesses. .. All descriptions of ointments, tinctures, ways of using freshly cut leaves of a bird-cheesecake at home are recipes of modern folk medicine. Folk herbal medicine does not stand still, reports have already appeared that

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    with Indian onion can treat cancer. On the healing properties of the bird-bird it is worthwhile to say in detail, but first - a few words about different bird-cheesecloths, about the history of this interesting genus.

    The first birdworms tailed described by the ancient Greeks more than two millennia ago. There is historical evidence that the pupil of Aristotle, the Greek naturalist Theophrastus, specially cultivated bulbous plants, including birdwort, for the preparation of medicinal ointments. Initially, the birds and birds were "tamed" for their medicinal properties. Decorative this plant became much later - already in the gardens of Italy, Portugal, France and Holland. In Europe and Asia, its new species were found and described. Over the past 2 thousand years, people in different countries have repeatedly turned to the healing effects of bird-livers. However, we still have scientists for some reason simply refer to them as ornamental bulbous perennials, they have not yet interested our official medicine.

    Botanical portrait of Indian onion

    The genus of bird-chelovechnikov refers to a huge family of lily( Liliaceae).True, according to modern classification, this family is divided into several independent families, and our bird-eaters are now in the family of hyacinthaceae( Hyacinthaceae).According to various data, the plant has from 130 to 200 species. In nature grows in the subtropics, as well as in temperate zones in Europe, Asia and Africa. Most of all bird bird species in our country can be seen in the Botanical Garden in St. Petersburg.

    The scientific name of the birdworm is ornithogalum( ornithogalum) - literally translated as "bird's milk"( Greek words "ornis" - bird and "gala" - milk).

    Leaves basal, linear, appear usually in the spring, but in some species - in the autumn. The flowers are mostly white, sometimes yellowish; in most plants, a green band is visible on the outside of the tepals. One rare species - a birdworm of doubtful( Ornithogalum dubium) - is distinguished by a bright yellow-orange coloration of flowers. Many birds have flowers like asterisks. This feature of the ornithogalum is reflected in its English name - Star of Bethlehem, Star of Bethlehem.

    Fruit - a box with several faces, contains flat round black seeds. Bulbs are dense, round or ovate, sometimes elongate, covered with strong scales. All the birds have a bulb for many years, the roots can be either annual or perennial.

    Gardeners love ornithogalums for the fact that they begin to blossom in early spring - along with tulips, crocuses and daffodils. Already at the end of April - beginning of May, thanks to the different species of birdwort, even the most modest small garden can be a complete landscape.

    It is worth giving a detailed portrait of our protagonist - in fact we are going to be treated with his help. The leaves of the poultry-tailed caudate are relatively narrow;at the base, as if slightly unrevealed, folded;the middle of the leaf is the widest( in large specimens up to 6 cm).The length of the leaves can reach a meter. Large leaves hang, cracking in the middle, they say more - "lie down".Many believe that from the point of view of decorativeness, Indian onions are of little interest. The ends of the leaves, folded into tubules, dry, as in many plants with lanceolate leaves. You can cut them, but this plant does not look very aesthetic. Some growers achieve a bright green color of the leaves, feeding the bird liver with organic fertilizers for indoor plants, but it is important not to overdo it. However, if you use Indian onions as a remedy, it does not matter what it looks like - you still have to cut off the leaves.

    The roots of the bird-cheesecake are numerous, white, cord-like, like the usual onions, only much thicker.

    The arrow-tsvetonos reaches a meter in length. The inflorescence really looks like a hairy tail. In addition to buds, there are also thin green needles sitting on the pedicel. The flowers are small, about 8 mm in diameter - 6 petals and 6 stamens. A characteristic feature of the flowers of the bird-liver of the caudate is a longitudinal green strip in the middle of each petal. Bulb - in white, slightly yellowish clothes - thin dry scales.

    Of the close relatives of the birdwort of the caudate, it is worth noting the Poultrywoman umbrella, white brandies( Omithogalum umbellatum, Star of Bethlehem).

    grows in Central Europe. The height of the plant reaches 30 cm. The flowers of this species of bird-bird are white up to 2.5 cm in diameter, each like asterisks, collected in inflorescences resembling umbrellas - up to 20 cm long. In sunlight, the flowers are turned upwards, they close at night. Contains alkaloid colchicine. In Europe it is widely used in homeopathy, as well as in official pharmacology for the preparation of therapeutic ointments.

    Ptitselechnik pyrenean( Pontian)( Omithogalum pyrenaicum L.)

    Grows in the Caucasus, in the Crimea, in the south of the European part of Russia, in Central Asia. You can meet him in light forests, steppes, and also as a weed in the fields and plantings. Together with the peduncle reaches 75 cm in height. A large pyramidal inflorescence consists of 60-70 white flowers, each 2-3 cm in diameter. Leaves are narrow, linear, bluish-green 2 cm wide and up to 40 cm long. Blooms in late May - early June for 20-25 days. After flowering, the pedicels are pressed against the stem. Forms fruits - ovate triangular boxes. Bulbs ovoid, formed by the bases of leaves, 3-4 cm in diameter and 4-5 cm long. Breeding birdseed with pyrenean seeds. In the Caucasus it grows in beech forests. After the flowering begins, the leaves die, because the plant does not have enough light in the shade of a broad-leaved forest. The leaves are formed in early spring and help the bulb to store nutrients to use during flowering.

    This is the only known species of birdworm, whose bulbs can be eaten. Mentioned in some reference books for tourists, geologists, hunters and fishermen, in sections on survival in extreme conditions. Indeed, the bulbs of the Pyrenean birdworm can be eaten in baked form. Mountain tourists bake them, like potatoes, in the coals from the fire. It looks like a normal onion, however, the taste is quite specific, however, like many wild plants that you normally will not become. Residents of those areas where it grows, eat it like a common onion, fry and pickle, harvested and for future use.

    There have been occasions when small flower bulbs( tulips, daffodils, amaryllis, poultry liver of the caudate) were taken for onions, crumbled into salads and poisoned. Sometimes cute bulbs are tried by children. Therefore, any bulbous plants excavated for the winter, it is better to store in inaccessible places. Yes, and the adult is better not to eat onions Pyrenean onions, unless you are 100% sure that this is it.

    At the first sign of poisoning: immediately call an ambulance, induce vomiting, rinse the stomach with water or a pink solution of potassium permanganate. Take a laxative. If the juice of the bird-bird has got on the mucous membranes - rinse the mouth, nose and throat with a weak solution of baking soda.

    Treatment with Indian onion

    For gout and joint pain

    When gout and arthritis attacks, doctors often prescribe colchicine in tablets, of which we have already spoken. At home, first aid means "from Indian onion" - grate the joint with fresh juice and put on a woolen sock, if it's the joints of the foot, or tie a woolen shawl, if it's other joints.

    Another way to get rid of pain during an attack of gout is to brew the chopped leaves of Indian onion with boiling water, to insist under the lid for 10-15 minutes, dilute to a tolerable temperature( if it's a lot and it did not cool down), pour into a basin of water. Keep your feet to the point, while the water remains warm, then wipe your feet dry and wear woolen socks.

    If you have chronic arthritis or recurrent gouty attacks, it is better to stock yourself with the tincture from the leaves of the bird-bird, by preparing it in advance.


    These are serious injuries, external manifestations in which are not so noticeable. Fresh juice heals bruises well, but sometimes even with a very strong injury( for example, back or waist) pain is there, but there is no swelling, no discoloration of the skin. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor - make sure that internal organs are not damaged. If the traumatologist did not find anything, and the pain does not go away, you can prepare a special rubbing - it is used not only with bruises, but also with neuralgic pain in the lower back, and also with bronchitis or tracheitis. An additional component to Indian onions in this case is honey. It softens the skin, facilitates the penetration through it of biologically active substances of the bird bird. Take 3 sheets of Indian onions, grind, mix with a tablespoon of honey and yolk 1 egg, stir. The mass is applied to a sore spot, lightly rubbing the skin with massage circular movements, shaking the "squeezed" pieces of onions and immediately applying a warming bandage with cotton or woolen cloth. If the burning does not last long, you need to wash off the remnants of the product with warm water and lubricate the skin with a neutral soothing cream or sea-buckthorn oil mixed with baby cream, and again put on a bandage. If the house has a pre-prepared alcoholic tincture of Indian onion leaves, instead of fresh gruel, you can use it for rubbing it.

    For vein diseases

    For vein diseases, an oily dressing can be used to relieve swelling in the legs and reduce seizures. Prepare butter balm based on Indian onion juice( see above).The bandage covers the entire leg from the fingertips to the upper third of the thigh. The balsam has a mild thermal effect( especially if there is inflammation) and retains a slight prolonged irritation of numerous nerve endings. This bandage can be kept for several days, it protects the aching legs from mechanical, temperature and other irritations and is a kind of continuously acting physiotherapy procedure. The bandage improves the tone of the vessels, stimulates blood circulation and nutrition of tissues.

    It is dangerous to use compresses with Indian onion juice and tincture, and also rub the diseased legs with ointment with thrombophlebitis, especially in the acute stage.

    With hemorrhoids

    With the help of the bird chicken juice can reduce not too large hemorrhoidal nodes in the anus, to relieve the unpleasant symptoms that accompany them - itching, burning. Those who experienced this remedy on their own recommend oil enemas with such a mixture: for 2 tablespoons of pure olive oil( warmed in a water bath and cooled to body temperature) a few drops of fresh juice or tincture of leaves of Indian onion. After the introduction of the oil mixture into the anus, you need to lie for about 15 minutes, making sure that the oil does not flow out, for which you put the pillow under you.

    From warts

    Warts are smeared with fresh leafy leaves of a birdworm or a tiny piece of leaf is applied and attached with a plaster.

    With myositis

    Myositis is the inflammation of skeletal muscles. For its treatment, Indian onions are used in the form of freshly cut leaves, tinctures and ointments.

    With radiculitis, osteochondrosis

    To rub the juice of Indian onions the most painful place, and additionally to spread the juice or tincture of the skin along the spine from two sides. If you are afraid that the juice or tincture of Indian onions will strongly burn the skin, and the area in which the pain due to sciatica manifested itself is extensive, you can instead of rubbing the entire waist to make the juice "mesh" as iodine. When rubbing the waist, the hands should be warm. It is better to ask someone to do it from home. After the procedure, you can wrap your lower back with something woolen and stay in bed.

    With respiratory diseases

    One of the main symptoms of these diseases is a severe cough. To combat it, use the leaves of Indian onions instead of pepper plaster - for example, to treat tracheitis and even bronchitis. Apply a piece of a sheet just below the collarbone on both sides, but closer to the middle of the chest and fix the mini compresses with the usual plaster. Very soon sputum begins to go away, it becomes easier to breathe and cough. However, unlike pepper plaster, which is allowed to keep for two days, the leaves of Indian onions should be removed in 2-3 hours, it depends on the individual characteristics of your skin. And of course, with such a mini-pack it's better not to leave the house, and even after you remove it, at least two hours. Therefore, it is better to apply any compresses in the evening.

    When you cough, you can also combine the juice of freshly cut Indian onion leaves with a small amount of honey, stir and rub the back or chest thoroughly with this mass( but do not overdo it, grab only the "stagnant" zones).Immediately after rubbing - put on a cotton jersey and wool sweater. The best thing is to go to bed and cover yourself with a blanket.

    With toothache

    Fresh leaf juice lubricates the gum near the aching tooth. Only act carefully, so that the juice does not get into the mouth and tongue. It is better to take a small piece of cloth or cotton wool and apply to the painful place for about 10 minutes, and then spit it out and rinse your mouth with warm water. Particularly cautious people apply the juice externally - lightly rub the cheekbone in the gum area and make a bandage of woolen cloth.

    Take a piece of sheet, knead it and lightly rub the whiskey, or the back of the head, or( very carefully!) The bridge of the nose. The pain goes away after 10 minutes. Doctors explain this effect by the action of biologically active substances, which improve blood circulation, increase the flow of blood. Action, in fact, the same as with neuralgia, - irritating, stimulating.

    When herpes

    "Sore" carefully lubricate the juice several times a day. It is necessary to watch, that the agent has not got on mucous membranes of a mouth. True, not at all he acts the same way. Someone just needs to lubricate a biting sore once, and it disappears, and some have to treat a fever when the vesicles have already burst. For the treatment of herpes also tincture of leaves of the bird-bird and flower tincture( see the section on home cosmetics) is also suitable.

    Warning! If the blisters of herpes rashes have already burst, you can not use Indian onion juice in combination with any ointment. The lip can "inflate", there will be an inflammatory process and an edema, and then it is necessary to treat a sore for at least three weeks, or even a month. Before using the juice of freshly cut Indian onion leaves, it is necessary to treat the wound with hydrogen peroxide.

    For abscesses and boils

    In these cases, fresh juice of Indian onions is used as lotions. But not on open wounds! The juice is mixed with warm water( about half), moistened with liquid gauze or a soft cloth, applied to the boil and make a bandage. It is necessary to make sure that the gauze under the bandage remains moist, so it will have to be changed several times or moistened through the bandage. It is even better to apply an oil-balsamic mixture( see above).

    Juice or tincture of a bird chicken has a pulling action, simultaneously removing the edema and improving the blood supply of tissues. In addition, the bactericidal properties of the juice help to quickly remove inflammation.

    For cuts and small wounds

    Juice or tincture of Indian onion leaves can be treated not very deep skin lesions - cuts, scratches, sores, including on the face. The wound is quickly tightened, becoming less painful. Especially many troubles deliver cuts on the fingers. It is enough simply to apply a tiny piece of leaf to the cut or grease the wound with Indian onion juice( pretreating the skin with an antiseptic agent) and make a bandage. The next day, from a cut or scratch, there is often no trace.

    How to grow Indian onion on the windowsill

    A large layer of river sand or small pebbles is laid on the bottom of the pot. You can use small claydite. The earth mix is ​​made up of 1 part of ordinary turf ground, 1 part sheet and 2 parts sand with charcoal. The bulb is planted in the ground not very deep, it is buried only in half. Be patient: from a small onion "children" a full-fledged plant will not grow soon. Therefore it is better to find from friends and ask for grown bulbs with leaves. Flower growers willingly share planting material - in some, a large onion begins to divide by itself, and in one pot 2-3 large bulbs with leaves can coexist, then they can be planted.

    The whole plant can not be transplanted for 3 years - unless the bulb starts to grow too quickly. A small onion can be planted in any not too tiny pot, and when transplanting provide the plant with enough living space - 3-4 cm from the bulb to the pot walls.

    Indian onions multiply very simply - around the large bulb there are many small dark green "children", each approximately 7 mm in diameter. A large, perennial bulb is very prolific - dozens of tiny onion scions hiding from a large "mother" bulb hide under a light yellow dry scales."Children" can be transplanted immediately, without waiting for them to take root. And even better distribute to other pots, so they do not interfere with a large onion. However, the main plant "children" almost do not bother, it has a fairly powerful root system. For a while, the "children" can be left in the pot and transplanted after they are allowed 1-2 small spines. Sometimes the "mother" bulb is divided into a few - "babies" what you can not be called. These are already completely independent plants;if the pot size allows, they perfectly coexist along with the main bulb.

    Indian onions, like many other indoor healers, are very unpretentious. He loves water, but can do without it for several days. Pour it usually once every 3 days, but the bird-cheesecake is quite capable of tolerating both 5 days and a week( if you need to leave, and leave the plants for no one).Fill the plant is not necessary - the tips of the leaves begin to dry, and the bulb rot.

    The leaves of the Indian onion are smooth enough, the dust on them almost does not accumulate, nevertheless it is necessary to wipe them with a damp soft cloth from time to time.

    How many Indian onions require light in the apartment - hard to say. Most likely - the more, the better. Then it blooms all year round, and leaves do not suffer from it. At the majority of fans in Petersburg it costs on a window sill. It's good there, you just need to ensure a uniform hit of light and sunlight - from time to time turn the pot 30-45 degrees. In the darkest period - from mid-October to February, you can arrange for the birdieleader additional artificial lighting. However, you can leave Indian onions at the window only if the frames are well pasted in winter and it does not freeze. At the same time, like many bulbs, the bird-bird can not bear the heat. He likes cool air, but he is afraid of drafts.

    In apartments where the windows look out on the sunny side, the Indian bow grows well and in places that are not too bright. There are even specimens that blossom all year round. Sometimes flowering begins at the end of summer, sometimes in late autumn, in November, and lasts a long time. If in winter the plant is in a period of rest, you can adjust its biological cycle so that it blossoms in April-May - just like plants planted in the ground. Very quickly from the bulb grows a long arrow with an inflorescence in the form of a panicle( hence the name - "bird-tailed tailed").Flowers are small white, even greenish, an arrow with an inflorescence up to a meter, bends under its own weight. Indian onion gives small black seeds, but at home it is better to use it for reproduction of "children".Small bulbs also grow from seeds, but this method is mainly used to obtain seedlings of decorative species of bird-bird for open flower beds.

    There are specimens blooming all year round. The time of flowering of the bird-bird can be somehow adjusted, cutting off too long peduncles. In apartments where there is little light, in the winter, the bird-tailed tail-tail begins to wither - "South African" actually blossoms all year round, but if it produces flower-nodules in November-December, it takes a lot of energy and the leaves wither. Therefore, you can arrange for the plant period of rest - crop the leaves, flower spike and put the pot in a semi-dark cool place. The Indian onion will overwinter perfectly there.

    In June, pots with plants are exposed and on the balcony( only in no case under direct sunlight).If you have a garden plot, in the summer room birdielechnik can be sent "on vacation" in the open ground.

    The poultry farmer can be referred to indoor plants-longevity. In some apartments he has been living for 20 years and feels great. At the largest specimen that grew up indoors, the bulb was 15 centimeters in diameter, and the broad leaves were more than a meter in length. And all this is achieved with minimal care.

    Extra food

    In April, new leaves begin to actively grow in the bird chicken. Once a week, you can feed the plant with mineral fertilizer. In May, feeding is carried out 2 times a month. For plants planted in the garden on the lawn, as well as on the alpine hill, during the growth of leaves recommended fertilizing with mineral fertilizers. The composition of this is about 2.5 teaspoons of ammonium nitrate, 1 teaspoon of superphosphate, 0.5 teaspoon of potassium nitrate per 10 liters of water. During flowering, the composition of the feeding changes somewhat - 0.5 teaspoon of ammonium nitrate, 2.5 teaspoons of superphosphate and 1 teaspoon of potassium nitrate per 10-12 liters of water. You can use ready-made fertilizers, now there are a lot of them - you just need to pay attention to the composition and stick to a similar scheme.

    Diseases and pests

    Fortunately, the "poisonous" nature of the Indian onion itself completely protects it from the pests of indoor plants. The main thing is to water on time, do not fill, sometimes feed and provide the plant with enough light. It is also possible to add a very weak solution of potassium permanganate to the water for irrigation once a month( pale pink).Protection against pests, if they appeared, is the same as for other indoor flowers. However, in the case of Indian onions, protection is minimized - the main thing is to give the plant more attention. To inspect the leaves( which is very simple, because they are relatively few and they are all open) and rearrange pots with other affected plants - to quarantine. If you find suspicious gray or brown spots on the leaves of the birdwormer on inspection, do not rush to make conclusions about diseases or lesions by pests. Try first to wipe the leaves with a damp cloth - perhaps this is an elementary pollution - for example, the dust sticks to the droplets left after watering or top dressing with some kind of solution.

    It should be ensured that no drops remain on the leaves, - if the plant is on the windowsill, it can cause sunburn. How to care for a birdworm in the garden

    A seedless way of sowing: seeds of different species of bird bird( umbrella, drooping, pyramidal, pyrenean, etc.) are sown directly into the open ground, to a depth of 5 cm. Further, the distance between the plants is maintained at least 15-30 cm. With this method the bird-bird will blossom for the 3rd-4th year. Sometimes the seeds( immediately after ripening and harvesting in July) are first planted in boxes, put them in a cool dark place, and late in the autumn they take it out on the street, cover it with dry moss and leave it under the snow. In the early spring boxes are brought into a warm light room so that the seeds can germinate. In the first summer, when the formation of bulbs is just beginning, the birds' birds are left in boxes until the fall. Then repeat the entire procedure - storage in a dark cool place, wintering under the snow, growing in the room in early spring, and on the site - in the summer, and then planting under the winter in the open ground.

    When planting bulbs that are already grown, one must start from their size: the ones that are bigger are planted to a depth of 9-10 cm, very small - just like seeds, they are buried in the soil for 5-6 cm.

    The poultry farmer adapts well to weakly acidic,neutral soils, but does not tolerate wet, swampy areas. Before planting bulbs, the soil must be thoroughly loosened. As for the requirements for light, the plant feels well on the sunny side or in a slightly shaded place.

    Most bird species are very unpretentious. It is believed that he has a high winter hardiness, so many gardeners do not even cover them in the fall. However, in our northern conditions the soil sometimes freezes so much that even the most unpretentious bulbous plants can not be saved. Young bulbs of bird-healers should be sheltered for the winter by dry moss or branches.

    Experts recommend manually weeding weeds, abundantly watered, especially in dry summers. When the plants blossom - cut off the peduncles with seeds, so that in the future they do not sprout( it will be a pity to weed out) and did not violate the image of the garden you conceived. In this regard, special attention should be paid to the fertilizers that are introduced. It is better not to use the organic material - bird birds can grow rapidly, fill the whole space around themselves with stems and leaves, and in this mass the charm of flowers will be lost, the harmony of plantings will be disturbed.

    The poultry farmer is fed before he starts to bloom when the buds appear. For the preparation of the solution take the combined mineral fertilizers at a rate of 15-20 g per 10 liters of water.

    Watering a bird-liver, like all bulbous ones, is necessary not only during flowering, but also within 2-3 weeks after the plant fades. Watering is combined with top dressing of bulbs with potassium and phosphoric fertilizers. This helps the plant to gain strength before the rest period and for flowering already in the next season.