Useful and medicinal properties of the hairy hawks
Perennial herbaceous plant with a long thin rhizome, giving green leafy creeping shoots. Stem 10-30 cm tall, leafless, carrying a single basket;leaves are oblong-palmate, from above hairy, from below white-faced. Flowers in the basket are light yellow, reed, fragrant. Blooms in May-June.
Grows in pine forests, on hills, fringes, dry meadows, along roads, on grassy places, is found everywhere.
Medicinal raw materials are grass and roots. The raw material contains tannic, bitter substances, resin, slime, umbelliferone( coumarin), flavonoids.
In folk medicine, grass is used, collected during flowering, sometimes the entire plant.
It is known from folk practice that the hawk acts as a hemostatic, diuretic, intensifies the secretion of gastric juice, when applied topically in the form of a lotion, it has anti-inflammatory, astringent and wound-healing effect.
Decoction, and it is better to drink infusion for all kinds of bleeding, dysentery, hemorrhoids, hemoptysis, liver diseases accompanied by jaundice;pulmonary tuberculosis, kidney and bladder stones, dropsy, anemia and spleen diseases.
Decoction of inflorescences is drunk from jaundice, decoction of the whole plant is taken with gastric diseases, for appetite, with pulmonary tuberculosis, whites;with a sore throat rinse and drink a decoction;from bites by rabid animals, snakes eat raw grass;In panarits apply ointment, prepared from dry and raw grass with pork fat( it is considered a good tool);with infant thrush, the mouth is moistened with a decoction;wash out festering wounds, fresh leaves are applied to abscesses;from chicken blindness, panaritium, abscesses in the throat, to strengthen the gums and teeth. It is used in homeopathy. Application
Decoction: 10 g per 200 ml;2 tbsp.spoon 3-4 times a day.
Infusion: 10 g of dry herbs brewed 2 cups of boiling water, after cooling and straining drink 1-2 tablespoons.spoons 3-4 times a day, sometimes 1/2 cup 3-4 times a day with liver disease - its tumors, jaundice, low acidity, lung diseases with bleeding, etc. when jaundice is sometimes used powder from the plant 3 times a dayto 3 g.