  • Avocados useful properties

    American avocado( Persea americana Mill.) - is an evergreen tree of the laurel family, 6-15 m high, with a wide crown, egg-shaped stiff leaves and yellowish-green flowers collected in brooms at the ends of branches. Fruits are large pear-shaped drupes. Their flesh is yellow( with different shades), tender and oily.

    Homeland of avocado - Mexico and Central America. In the US, this plant fell only in 1856 reptiles, Russia was imported for the first time in 1904( in Sukhumi).However, it was only in the 1930s that the most adapted avocado seedlings were planted on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, which have existed to the present day.

    Avocado leaves contain essential oil and bitterness obakantin, which has the same effect as the alkaloid of cocoa - theobromine. Broths of leaves( less often seeds) are used against diarrhea. The leaves can be used in the perfume industry.

    Caloric content and chemical composition of "Avocado"

    The table shows the content of nutrients( calories, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals) per 100 g of edible part.

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    Nutritional value
    Caloric value 160 kcal
    Proteins 2 g
    Fats 14.66 g
    Carbohydrates 1.83 g
    Dietary fibers 6.7 g
    Saturated fatty acids 2,126 g
    Mono and disaccharides 0.66 g
    Starch 0.11g
    Ash 1.58 g
    Water 72.23 g
    Beta-carotene 0.062 mg
    Vitamin A( RE) 7 μg
    Vitamin B1( thiamine) 0.067 mg
    Vitamin B2( riboflavin) 0.13 mg
    Vitamin B5(pantothenic) 1.389 mg
    Vitamin B6( pyridoxine) 0.257 mg
    Vitamin B9( folic) 81 μg
    Vitamin C 10 mg
    Vitamin K( phylloquinone) 21 μg
    Vitmin PP( Niacin equivalent) 1,738 mg
    Choline 14.2 mg
    Calcium 12 mg
    Magnesium 29 mg
    Sodium 7 mg
    Potassium 485 mg
    Phosphorus 52 mg
    Trace elements
    Iron 0.55 mg
    Zinc 0.64 mg
    Copper 190 μg
    Manganese 0,142 mg
    Selenium 0.4 μg
    Fluoride 7 μg

    Benefit of

    The skin of the fruit, leaves and branches are used in folk medicine as an anthelmintic and in gastrointestinal disorders. In France, based on unsaponifiable avocado oil, a drug has been developed to treat scleroderma, pyorrhea, arthrosis, Paget's disease. In old age, this drug is used for decalcification, eczema, skin inflammations.

    Avocado fruits are pleasant taste, reminiscent of walnuts. They are very nutritious and on calorie content significantly exceed all other fruits. For example, for the population of Mexico and Central America, avocados often have the same importance as meat for us. Flesh pulp contains up to 30% fatty oil, 1.5% protein, a lot of minerals( salts of potassium, sodium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium).In addition, the fruits are rich in vitamins C, E, D, group B and carotene. Eat them fresh, sometimes spreading on bread, often with salt or sugar. They make salads, mashed potatoes and various dishes. The oil from the fruits of avocado can be used in perfumes. Of great importance can be the fruits in nutrition with diabetes, because they have very little sugar( up to 1.6%).Avocados are recommended for patients with anemia and gastritis with reduced acidity of gastric juice. Fruits are also useful for patients with essential hypertension and atherosclerosis.

    The exotic fruit of avocados goes well with such simple and habitual vegetables as celery, cucumbers, cabbage, sweet pepper, lettuce, corn, carrots, and also with seafood, meat and eggs.

    Avocado salad with squid and corn.

    Fragrant pasta for sandwiches.

    Cheese avocado

    4 servings

    Soup with avocado and tomatoes

    4 portions

    Grilled avocado

    4 servings

    "Guacamole" salad

    Recipe for the famous Mexican salad "Guacamole": peeled avocado with a fork until it is pure, add to it againfinely chopped onions, tomatoes and all abundantly flavored with lemon juice. Guacamole is eaten, clinging to it with biscuits or spreading on tortillas( corn) tortillas, which are usually used in Mexico instead of bread. .

    Tomato and avocado salad

    4 servings of

    Avocados, thanks to the fats and oils contained in it, vitamins and minerals, is an ideal cosmetic and therapeutic remedy for dry and aging skin of the face.

    Vinegar mask with avocado
