  • Monthly symptoms and pain treatment with folk remedies and methods

    Normally menstruation is a physiological process that does not cause disturbances in the general condition of a woman. But sometimes menstruation can be accompanied by severe pain in the abdomen below the loss of a woman for a period of critical days of work capacity.

    In this case, a doctor's help is needed. In addition to treating a disease that causes painful menstruation, appointed by a doctor, during critical days, you can use the methods of traditional medicine.

    Menstruation or menstrual period occurs almost every woman every month. Since ancient times, such a phenomenon as menstruation, was surrounded by secrets and superstitions. Today, the attitude towards it has changed, because humanity has become more enlightened. Now, many couples have sex even during menstrual periods, if both partners have nothing against it. It is proved that women become more sexually excitable during this period. But some religions and the culture of some people impose a strict ban on sex but the time of menstruation.

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    Menstrual periods can be irregular during puberty and before menopause. The organism of some women is arranged so that their menstrual periods are not regular at all. Each woman has her own menstrual cycle, which may differ in duration and severity. It is believed that the average cycle time is 28 days. In fact, it can last from 0 to 36 days. The bleeding can last 2 to 8 days.

    Most women have no problems at all with the menstrual cycle, nor with the menstrual period( actually menstruation).True, a small percentage of women suffer from their menstrual periods every month, because these days their lives literally turn into hell.

    If you know your menstrual cycle and know how your body reacts to it, then it's easier for you to control it. You can know what internal and external factors affect your cycle, know exactly how they affect it, know when your menstrual cycle is broken. Diseases, stresses, any changes in lifestyle can affect your menstrual cycle. The menstrual period usually changes after the birth of the child, and also after you start using hormonal contraceptives( i.e., pills, injections, implants or intrauterine contraceptive systems.) However, if your menstrual cycles are usually quite regular,and then suddenly become violated, it means that this is due to some objective reason. In such cases, you should immediately consult a doctor. If you need a doctor, if your menstrual period is too difficult andlasts for more than a week, and if there are bloody discharge between menstrual periods and you feel the same pains in the lower abdomen as before the menstrual period when the time of ovulation is approaching. One of these signs clearly indicates that your menstrual cyclethe natural changes in the menstrual cycle are violated or it is very important to consult a doctor in time, because if the cycle disorders are associated with some serious diseases, they are easier to treat when they are not starteds.

    Hormonal changes in the menstrual cycle are due to the fact that the body is changing the level of hormones estrogen and progesterone. Such changes, as a rule, can be determined by some signs and symptoms. For example, shortly before the start of menstruation, the breasts of many women swell and begin to ache, the skin becomes greasy, the hair is fat. Sometimes constipation is possible. There are some changes in mood.

    If before the onset of menstruation you experience discomfort that occurs after your menstrual period begins, then this is a premenstrual syndrome. Usually it is accompanied by accuracy( a buildup of fluid in the body, because of which you feel like you are immediately fattened), chest pains and swelling of the chest, stomach pains, headaches, nausea, back pain, stomach upset, diarrhea or constipation. If you feel that everything annoys you, if you are depressed, you are ready to burst into tears, you do not want to move - these are also signs of premenstrual syndrome. The listed signs can be called premenstrual changes in the level of hormones related to the reproductive system.

    There is no single recipe here, but the combination of the following can help you feel better.

    • You should consult with friends and acquaintances whose support will help you cope with premenstrual syndrome.

    • Knowing your body, you can plan ahead what you need to ease your condition.

    • Constantly control yourself, try to avoid stress, learn to deal with them yourself, change your attitude to life, try to see in it more good.

    • Relaxation. Learn to relax or learn such techniques of meditation as the mental creation of visual images. You can also benefit from the techniques of yoga and tai chi.

    • On critical days, try to wear comfortable, loose clothes that will not restrict movement. The same applies to underwear.

    • Try to follow a balanced diet, include in it a lot of fresh vegetables and fruits containing vitamins, minerals and carbohydrates.

    • Take vitamin B6.Sometimes in critical days, primrose oil helps.

    • Reduce the intake of salt, pickles and liquids.

    • Try taking a bath with lemon or lavender oil( aromatherapy).

    • Reduce the consumption of coffee and alcohol.

    • To remove excess fluid from the body, take diuretic tablets.

    • Combined hormone tablets and progestogen tablets can sometimes be used as prescribed by the doctor to restore the hormonal balance of the menstrual cycle.

    If none of these tools help you and you will still need help, you should consult a doctor.

    Many women often experience pain in the lower abdomen and back before and during the first two days of menstruation. Such pains are caused by spasms. During menstruation, the muscles of the uterine wall begin to contract. During a severe muscle contraction, the blood stops supplying oxygen to the muscles of the uterus, which causes spasmodic pain. Some women very badly endure such pains, especially if they last a long time. There are women who almost do not suffer from such pains. Uterine contractions stimulate the hormone prostaglandin. Its action usually causes headaches, lethargy and painful sensations during menstruation. If such pains increase, you should see a doctor.

    What can help with such pain? Maybe you should try out some well-known methods that will help alleviate the pain.

    • Pour hot water into the bottle and hold it in the lower abdomen or back.

    • Take a hot bath and drink something hot.

    • Try to take off pain with the help of yoga techniques.

    • You should also try to just take a walk or jog. Perhaps you will find that in this state you will not have the mood to do this. However, simple physical exercises will help you load the pelvic muscles, which will cause a rush of blood in the genital area. In addition, such exercises contribute to the release of Mschorfin, which serves as a natural anabolic.

    • You can take an aspirin or ibuprofen pill that reduces the effect of the prostaglandin hormone.

    • Sometimes, with severe pain, you can massage the lower abdomen and back.

    • At night, you can take primrose oil or drink herbal tea with raspberry or fennel leaves.

    • Sometimes a week before the start of menstruation, you can start taking calcium or magnesia tablets. Nobody knows what exactly is their effect on the body, but many women say that it helps them a lot.

    • Masturbation, which ended with orgasm, is also useful, because at the moment of orgasm, blood flows to the genital organs and muscles, helping to relax the muscles of the uterus and pelvis.

    • Sometimes you can use an oral contraceptive.

    • Stop smoking! Chemicals contained in cigarette smoke, get into the blood, which only increases the spasmodic pain, because it helps to narrow the blood vessels.

    Here are some folk remedies for pain management with monthly :


    1 tbsp.a spoon of dry crushed leaves of plantain and 1 cup of boiling water( 200 ml).

    Method of preparation.

    Pour the leaves of the plantain with boiling water and insist in the thermos for 2 hours, after which the resulting infusion strain through cheesecloth.

    How to use.

    Take 1 tbsp.spoon 4 times a day before meals.


    for 35 grams of sweet clover flowers, a thousand-year-old umbrella grass, mother-and-stepmother flowers, 1 glass of water.

    Method of preparation.

    Mix vegetable raw materials, take 1 tbsp.spoon collection, pour water and boil for 15 minutes, then strain the resulting infusion through cheesecloth.

    How to use.

    Take 0.3 cups 6 times a day.


    for 2 parts of coltsfoot color, creeping thyme, althea root of medicinal, 1 part of nettle leaves, St. John's wort flowers, Yarrow herb, 1 liter of boiling water. Cooking method. Vegetable raw mix, 20 g of collection pour boiling water and insist in the thermos for 2 hours, then strain the resulting infusion through gauze. Mode of application. Drink 100 ml of infusion 3 times a day.


    for 1 part of flowers and leaves of St. John's wort, perennial grass, 1 cup of boiling water.

    Method of preparation.

    Vegetable raw materials mixed, 1 tbsp.spoon collection pour boiling water and boil for 15 minutes, then strain the resulting broth through gauze.

    How to use.

    Take 0.2 cups 3 times a day.


    2 tbsp.spoons of herb weedworm.

    Method of preparation.

    Brew 2 cups of boiling water, insist for 3 hours, strain.

    How to use.

    Drink 1/4 cup infusion 3 times a day for 15 minutes before meals.


    2 tbsp.spoons of crushed cones of hops.

    Method of preparation.

    Brew 2 cups of boiling water, insist for 2 hours in a sealed container, cool, drain.

    How to use.

    Drink 1/2 cup infusion overnight.


    for 1 tbsp.spoon of rhizome with roots of valerian officinalis, flowers of hawthorn blood-red, 2 tbsp.spoons of St. John's wort flowers, yarrow flowers, 4 tbsp.spoons of hawthorn fruit blood-red.

    Method of preparation.

    Brew 3 tbsp.spoon collection 2 cups of boiling water, insist for 4 hours, cool, drain.

    How to use.

    Drink 1/3 cup of infusion 4 times daily before meals.


    2 tbsp.spoons of flowers of chamomile pharmacy, rhizome with roots of valerian officinalis, 4 tbsp.l.fruits of caraway seeds.

    Method of preparation.

    Brew 1 tbsp.l. Collect 2 cups of boiling water, insist for 4 hours in a sealed container, cool to room temperature, strain.

    How to use.

    Drink 1/3 cup of infusion 3 times a day before eating.


    250 mg royal jelly, 100-120 g honey syrup.

    Method of preparation.

    Mix the specified ingredients.

    How to use.

    Take 1 teaspoon 30 minutes before meals for 3-6 months. Recipe


    250 mg royal jelly, 100-120 g honey syrup.

    Method of preparation.

    To raise royal jelly with boiled water in a ratio of 1: 2.

    How to use.

    Take this solution 5-10 drops 2-3 times a day for 1.5 hours before meals for 3 months.


    By 2 tbsp.spoons of flowers of chamomile pharmacy, flowers of hawthorn blood-red, herbaceous motherwort leaves, 3 tbsp.spoons of herb wool grass, 2 glasses of water.

    Method of preparation.

    3 tbsp. Spoon the collection with water, put on fire, bring to a boil, remove from heat, insist for 4 hours, drain.

    How to use.

    Drink 1/3 cup of broth 4 times a day after eating.


    for 1 tbsp.spoon of rhizome with roots of valerian officinalis, cones of hops, leaves of lemon balm, 2 tbsp.spoons of yarrow flowers, 3 glasses of water.

    Method of preparation.

    Ingredients to mix, brew 2 tbsp.spoon collection with boiling water, simmer in a water bath for 40 minutes, insist for 4 hours, drain.

    How to use.

    Use for 2 tbsp.spoons of broth 4 times a day. Ready broth stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days.