  • Climax. Menopause - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

    Climax is the beginning of a new phase of life that can be lived as actively and with pleasure as in the previous years. But that the climax does not cause any special inconvenience, you should limit your bad habits - smoking, drinking alcohol, being physically active and eating right. Optimism and attention to yourself and your emotional and physical health are the key to preserving the quality of life right up to the oldest age. The very word "climax" came from the Greek "ladder" and the English "climax."

    There is such a thing as an artificial climax. This is a climax caused by drugs in order to treat certain diseases.

    Causes of menopause

    In the life of every woman comes a time when the development of female sex hormones in her body begins to rapidly decline. This is because, over the years, the function of the ovaries( the internal genital organs that these hormones produce) is dying down to its complete cessation. This process lasts for a long time - from 8 to 10 years, and this condition is called climax( menopause, perimenopause, postmenopause).

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    At what age can a woman begin to have menopause?

    Age of onset of menopause is most often due to heredity, but also depends on lifestyle, associated with nutrition and the presence of bad habits( smoking, drug addiction, alcoholism).Normally this is 45-50 years. There is a misconception that the climax will come sooner if not to live a sexual life - but it's not. The lack of an intimate life in women( unlike menopause in men whose frequency of sexual intercourse has a significant effect on sexual function) does not affect the onset of menopause.

    Early, early menopause( up to 40 years) can cause severe stress. Early menopause can also be a consequence of genetically determined insufficient activity of the ovaries, infectious diseases during puberty, immunological diseases of the thyroid gland, complicated labor, sepsis, severe surgical operations, trauma. The early menopause indicates that there are some failures in the woman's body, pathological processes are taking place.

    Can I postpone, delay the menopause?

    You can delay the menopause if you use hormones. But you can not apply hormonal drugs to everyone and only after examining the breast and pelvic organs. Only after consultation and under the supervision of a doctor. But the birth of a late child will not delay the arrival of menopause, although it may slightly soften the symptoms of menopause.

    With regard to the prevention of premature menopause, it should have started already with the period of bearing of the child. All stressful external factors should be excluded, the way of life of the pregnant woman should be the most favorable.

    We must try to minimize the number of infectious diseases a girl has for a year of life. To do this, you need to temper the child, to feed him properly. It is very important to follow the regime, get up on time, go to bed, eat right. Extremely important is the period of puberty. During this period, there is intense work to establish a link between the centers that regulate the function of a woman's ovaries. Therefore, it is necessary to minimize the possibility of stress. Stress is when a teenager, for example, is in a state of chronic fatigue, psychological tension from excessive stress.

    It is believed that after the termination of menstruation, it is impossible to conceive naturally. Can a woman get pregnant and give birth after menopause?

    Theoretically, it can after hormonal stimulation of the ovaries. The question is: is it necessary? Pregnancy at this age is associated with problems arising in other organs and systems. With age, the quality of the material from which a new born being is built does not improve. In a middle-aged organism, chromosomal changes can occur, and then children with genetically determined pathology, in particular Down's disease, will be born.

    The ability to conceive after 35 years is half that in 25. And yet the frequency of unplanned pregnancies increases between 40 and 55 years. Doctors explain this by the loss of vigilance and the belief that menopause has already come. The risk of becoming pregnant persists during an increase in intermenstrual intervals for at least two years after the last menstrual periods.

    It is believed that full women are better tolerated menopause. Is it so?

    Theoretically yes. Because the fat tissue itself produces estrogens. Although overweight and predisposes to age-related diseases, it can alleviate menopausal symptoms.

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