  • Useful and healing properties of the field

    ( field wash)

    Annual herbaceous plant up to 80 cm high. The root is thin and vertical. The stems are erect, rakopyrnno-branched. The leaves are double-trisected with linear 2-3-lobed lobes. The whole plant is covered with pressed white hairs. Flowers are purple, collected in rare brushes. A fruit is a leaflet narrowed at the top in a thin short spout. Blooms from June to September.

    Strongly poisonous!

    grows in the Volga region, in the North Caucasus. Sometimes it forms thickets, especially near forest belts.

    Plants of the genus of the species contain a variety of biologically active substances: alkaloids delmesin, del-kosin, kondelfin, melliktin, elatin, calcaripin, gluco-coalkaloid dolphinium, aconitic acid, glycoside, cepherol, etc.

    For the therapeutic purpose, the upper part of the plant collectedduring flowering, and seeds.

    The greatest interest for scientific and practical medicine is represented by alkaloids with curare-like effect.

    These alkaloids have the property of blocking the terminal apparatus of motor nerves and causing relaxation of skeletal muscles, and therefore they can be used in surgical operations as muscle relaxants and in diseases accompanied by increased muscle tone. The peculiarity of elatin, melliktin and kondelfina is that they can be administered orally. Keep with caution( List B).

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    In folk medicine, decoction of grass is drunk with pneumonia, pleurisy, headache, from worms, with fright, female diseases, whooping cough, with jaundice and most importantly - for all diseases of the genitourinary organs( liver, kidney, bladder, urinary canals,etc.), with catarrh of the bladder, the decoction acts mainly as an anti-inflammatory drug, the cases of

    cause lotions to the eyes when purulent inflammation occurs, with a toothache rinse the mouth;from the decoction of flowers make lotions to the eyes, apply from colic, convulsions, fever.

    Application of

    Decoction: 20-30 g of herb per 1 liter of boiling water;Drink 1/4 cup 3 times a day with genitourinary diseases, jaundice, liver enlargement, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Better acts infusion, which is used for sexually transmitted diseases, make lotions with inflammation and suppuration of the eyes.

    Infusion of flowers helps with intestinal distress, urinary retention, stomach pain, and also as a means of strengthening vision.

    In folk medicine, in addition, low-dose vomiting is used for stomach ulcers, cancer, sclerosis, nervous system disorders, glaucoma, epilepsy, eczema, and lichen.

    Infusion( 20 g of herb per 1 liter of water);not more than 3 tbsp.spoons 3 times a day with jaundice, liver enlargement, increased muscle tone, hyperkinesia, diseases of the genito-urinary organs, venereal diseases.