
Useful and medicinal properties of dental ammonium

  • Useful and medicinal properties of dental ammonium

    Description. Annual herbaceous plant of the family of celery( Apiaceae), 80-100 cm tall. Root core, woody, unbranched, penetrates deep into the earth. Stem erect, branchy, roundish, leafy. Leaves are complex, vaginal, two- or three-bicepted. Inflorescence - a large complex umbrella about 15-20 cm in diameter, the flowers are small, with an unpleasant odor. Corolla white, five-petalled, about 1 mm long. The mass of 1000 seeds( half-fruit) - 0,5-0,6 g. Blossoms in June - August, fructifies in August-September.

    Medicinal raw materials: seeds.

    Biological features. Ammi tooth - the plant is dry and only in the initial period of flowering requires moisture;excessive moisture during the flowering period adversely affects yields, causes shedding of ovaries, fungal diseases and significant seed losses. To germinate the seeds, higher soil moisture is needed. Shoots ammi tooth during spring sowing appear on the 10-17 day, and a month later comes the phase of the rosette. Flowering begins in 90 days and lasts 40-45 days. Ripen seeds in late August. This phase lasts until the end of September. The vegetation period ranges from 150 to 170 days.

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    Distribution. In natural conditions, it is prevalent mainly in the Mediterranean regions. It is found in small numbers in Transcaucasia. Cultivated in the south of Ukraine.

    Chemical composition. The quantitative and qualitative composition of the active ammonia dental depends, to a large extent, on the growing conditions. The whole plant contains derivatives of furan chrome, as well as flavonoids. In addition, the fruit contains about 20% fatty oil, there is an essential oil. The main active substance of ammonia is kellin.

    Application. Ammonia dental fruits have long been used in folk medicine in Egypt and the Middle East as an effective tool in the treatment of nephrolithiasis. Pharmacological activity of this plant is due to the amount of biologically active antispasmodic substances. Individual constituents, such as vispamine, exhibit photosensitizing and sedative effects.

    of the USSR made ammonium dentifrice preparations kellin and avisan. Kellin is prescribed for atherosclerotic-com cardiosclerosis, chronic coronary failure

    accuracy, spasms of the intestine and stomach, as well as for angina and bronchial asthma during interstitial periods. Kellin is a part of preparations of vikalin, kelatrina and keliverina. Avisan is recommended for urinary tract spasms, for better separation of urinary stones, for renal colic, and for facilitating catheterization of ureters.

    Agrotechnics of cultivation. Site selection. Ammi tooth is not very demanding on the fertility of the soil and can be cultivated on any, with the exception of low-lying fields that are flooded, and soils affected by dodder. Good predecessors are black steam, as well as cereals that go through pairs, prosapnye and legumes, and from medicinal plants - Dalmatian chamomile and poppy.

    Soil cultivation begins with peeling of stubble after the field is freed from its predecessor to a depth of 8-10 cm. After the appearance of weeds, the main plowing is done to a depth of 20-22 cm, 1-2 times cultivated and harrowed. Before sowing the soil is again harrowed. With strongly compacted soil, the field is cultivated to a depth of 8-10 cm.

    Fertilization. Mineral fertilizers are applied for basic plowing in a dose of 60 kg of nitrogen, 60 kg of phosphorus and 45-60 kg of potassium per 1 ha. If fertilizers are not introduced, then they are brought in the spring for cultivation at the rate of 30 kg of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium per hectare.

    Reproduction. Ammi tooth reproduces by seeds. It is best to sow the early spring stratified seeds( stratify a month or two before the sowing season).The seeding rate is 5-6 kg / ha, and for sowing for winter - 7 kg / ha. The depth of embedding for the spring period is 2-3 cm, for the winter term - 1-1.5 cm. The row spacing is 60-70 cm.

    The care for the plantations consists in the systematic processing of row spacing and weeding of weeds in rows beginning in the early spring. A significant effect in the cultivation of ammonia tooth gives a bunching of its crops, especially on heavily clogged fields. Bouquet according to the scheme - a bouquet of 30 cm and a cutout of 30 cm, which does not reduce the yield of the main products. The bouquet should be made before the first weeding in the phase of 2-3 true leaves with a density of standing of at least 50 germinal denticles per one linear meter of row.

    Rolls are harvested as the fruits dry up with grain harvesters and harvesters, which are regulated for harvesting small-seeded crops. The resulting crop is sorted by current. The average yield of seeds with the sex is 6-10 q / ha. Cleaning can also be done by direct combining. Despite the fact that the seeds ripen non-simultaneously( first on the central umbrellas, and after 20-30 days and on the side), cleaning is planned for the time when the seeds ripen on most umbrellas( late September - early October).It is at this time that the least loss from shedding fruit.

    Drying. After harvesting, the fruits are dried and finally cleaned on grain-cleaning machines.