
How to prepare golden mustache preparations at home

  • How to prepare golden mustache preparations at home

    The plant is considered ready for use for medicinal purposes, when its lianopod whiskers are formed by 9-12 full joints and they acquire a brownish-violet color. The medicine is prepared from the main part of the plant. But you will not, of course, forever part with your home doctor! Cut the leaf swirls or apex and put them into the water to create rootlets, then put them in the ground mixture. You can use all parts of the flower to make the tincture.

    The most effective are the products prepared from so-called biostimulated raw materials. The method of stimulation of biologically active substances of collision is approximately the same as for aloe. The whiskers and stem are packed in food polyethylene and refrigerated at a temperature of 2-4 ° C for 2 weeks. Leaves can be torn from a living plant as needed, and the process of their biostimulation can be reduced to 3 days.

    Uses golden mustard in common for most medicinal plants forms:

    alcohol tincture - is prepared for external and internal use;in the treatment of osteochondrosis, bruises, tuberculosis, bronchial asthma, pneumonia, myomas, etc.;

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    infusion - in the treatment of diabetes, pancreatitis, liver and gastrointestinal diseases, for the purification of the body, etc.;

    ointment - for the treatment of bruises, joint pain, skin diseases and trophic ulcers;for rubbing with colds;

    oil extracts - for all types of massage;for rubbing in the treatment of arthritis and arthrosis;in the treatment of skin diseases.

    Preparation of spirit tincture: grind 12 elbows of a golden mustache, finely cutting them with a plastic or bone knife. Then pour 0.5 liters of vodka. Insist for 2 weeks, shake occasionally. After this, strain, pour into a bottle, close tightly and store in a dark cool place. This tincture is taken as a prophylactic, with the aim of strengthening and improving the body. Healers recommend taking 15-25 drops for 30-40 minutes before meals 3 times a day. Most likely, for achievement of essential effect long reception with small breaks for 7-10 days is required.

    Another way to make tinctures. Side branches, leaves and trunks of a plant to grind in a meat grinder. Cake together with juice put in a convenient container and pour vodka;vegetable raw materials take 1 part, vodka - 3 parts. Infuse 3 weeks in a warm dark place, then drain. The remaining cake should not be thrown away, but transferred to another dish - it will still come in handy. Every day, you can boil 1 tablespoon cake with 1 glass of water and drink during the day until the broth is over.

    Infusion of leaves: 1 sheet with a size of at least 20 cm chop and pour in a glass jar 1 liter of boiling water, wrap, insist a day, take 3-4 times a day for 40 minutes before eating 50 grams in a warm form. This drug is considered the most innocuous, it can be used for prevention or treatment for a long time.

    Some healers recommend the use of a golden mustache "alive" - ​​to chew in the morning or at night a joint or a piece of the trunk of a golden mustache. The juice is swallowed, and the green mass is spit. This method is considered effective for restoring the work of the stomach and intestines, reducing blood pressure, and helping to get rid of heartburn.