
Erectile dysfunction - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

  • Erectile dysfunction - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

    Erectile dysfunction is a functional disorder that consists in the inability of a man to have sexual intercourse, due to insufficient hardness and straightness of the penis during sexual arousal.

    It should be noted that earlier in the literature there was a slightly different name for this disease - impotence. To date, it is considered obsolete and officially excluded from the general medical register of diseases. The main difference between these two diseases is that with erectile dysfunction, a man loses the opportunity to engage in sexual intercourse only, while impotence also results in ejaculation.

    Causes of erectile dysfunction

    There are many reasons that lead to the loss of male power, but to date doctors have not identified the main one. It is believed that the origin of erectile dysfunction can be organic, psychological and mixed.

    Now completely refuted the fact that the loss of male health is associated with age. As practice shows, much more harm of erection brings smoking, drinking alcohol and a sedentary lifestyle with fixed work. In addition, such somatic diseases as diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension, atherosclerosis, hormonal disorders and trauma of the pelvic organs are bad for the urogenital system. All these reasons, and some consequences of operations on the genitals and lead to erectile dysfunction, which is considered organic.

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    Many more patients suffer from so-called psychological or psychogenic dysfunction. As one can guess from the title, it is associated with the influence on the consciousness of a person of certain traumatic factors. As a rule, psychogenic dysfunction is the lot of young people. According to recent sociological studies, the most common psychological trauma leading to disorders of the sexual function is the unsuccessful first sexual experience, which causes psychological stress.

    Well, the most numerous group of people suffering from erectile dysfunction has in the history of their disease, both those and other reasons. As a rule, the effect of summation is observed closer to the elderly, although there is no direct connection between the year of birth and the reproductive system. Quite often described cases where men without weighty somatic pathologies maintain sexual activity up to 80 years.

    Symptoms of the disease

    Probably, it is not necessary to speak about the symptoms, since it is only one. Although the inability to perform intercourse does not mean that you need to see a doctor immediately. If such a kurtosis has taken place, first of all, it is necessary to analyze the past day and concentrate on those facts that can distract from direct fulfillment of marital duty. In the event that the situation recurs, it is best to see a doctor. A specialist in this area is a sex therapist, but if there is no such doctor in your city, then the urologist can help.

    Diagnosis of erectile dysfunction

    Erectile dysfunction is not a rare problem for today, because for its diagnosis, many methods have been developed. At the first stage it is necessary to mention ultrasound examination of .It will help to assess the blood flow in the cavernous bodies of the penis and indicate the reserves of its functional readiness. A special test with the introduction of prostaglandin will lead to an erection of the genital organ. This is necessary in order to assess the blood flow of the penis in the active and unregulated states.

    US of the penis

    It is worth noting that the deterioration of blood flow is not the only problem of impaired sexual function. It often happens that the problem lies in the nervous apparatus of the organ. Therefore, is very important to test the innervation of the penis .This simple manipulation can immediately indicate the main cause of the disease. The test is carried out as follows: the doctor presses the glans penis and observes or palpates the contraction of the anal sphincter. Normally, there should be a sharp and rapid contraction of the anal sphincter for mechanical irritation of the glans penis. If the delay of the reflex is determined, other tests directed directly at the elucidation of nerve function are carried out.

    Another reliable method of diagnosing erectile dysfunction is calculation of nocturnal erections .Normally, over a night, a healthy man has up to six penile excitations. To calculate them, a small sensor is fixed to the organ. This allows for differential diagnosis between psychological and organic dysfunction. In that case, night erections have set in the patient in norm, and in the afternoon there are no excitations, it can say that the reason of pathology lies in psychology. And if there are no erections day or night, then most likely, this is the result of some organic defect.

    Counting of night erections

    In addition to these classic methods, there are modern methods for determining the erectile capacity of the genital organ. The bioscience of the penis is one of them. With this technique, the effect of vibration on the penis is evaluated. If reflexes are absent, then it can speak of a violation of innervation, which is most often observed during diabetes mellitus or polyneuropathy.


    As mentioned above, erectile dysfunction may not be a primary disease, but a consequence of some other pathological process. This suggests that for its diagnosis, you may need other studies, used, for example, for diagnosis and during treatment of diabetes or heart disease. So do not panic if, instead of dealing directly with the focus of your dissatisfaction, the doctor will direct you to an ultrasound examination of the heart or suggest recording a cardiogram.

    Treatment of erectile dysfunction

    No matter how voluminous the list of diagnostic measures was, in any case it is made for the purpose of appropriate treatment of the pathological process that led to erectile dysfunction.

    In terms of symptomatic treatment, PDE5 inhibitors are currently the drugs of choice. To this group, in addition to all known Viagra, is also Levitra, Cialis and Dynamico. The mechanism of action of these drugs is to increase the flow of blood to the genitals. The effect of their reception is lightning fast, but unfortunately, such medications do not eliminate the root cause of the disease. That is, taking Viagra, a person is not cured, but only returns to himself sexual power for the duration of the drug.

    As a rule, the use of powerful medications is recommended in late and neglected stages, when other methods of treatment are simply powerless. If the disease is detected in the early stages, then you can try to return the man strength and self-confidence. For this, herbal preparations , such as Euricoma and Ginseng, are used.

    Recently, invasive methods of treating the dysfunction of the reproductive system have become very popular, during which injections of medicines into the urethra and cavernous bodies of the penis are applied. In addition, the massage and the therapy are quite actively used.

    And only in extremely neglected cases prostheses and vacuum devices are used for the penis. Their action can hardly be called curative, because these drugs return only the possibility of performing sexual intercourse, without subsequent ejaculation and sexual satisfaction.

    There is no need to talk about rehabilitation after the treatment of erectile dysfunction, since there is no clear boundary when it can be said that the disease is stopped. Moreover, most of the treatment methods that are used during the violation of sexual intercourse are already in themselves rehabilitative measures.

    Lifestyle change

    Erectile dysfunction is one of the few diseases when lifestyle and nutrition are more important than the treatment itself. Those who have noticed at least the slightest symptoms of this pathology, or, conversely, does not want to see them in the near future, should lead a healthy lifestyle, not to abuse alcohol and not to smoke. Any drugs, whether they are from the head, should be taken strictly according to the doctor's recommendations. This is due to the fact that many of the current drugs have a very negative effect on potency.

    No less important role is played by a regular sexual life, the lack or excess of which leads to an unavoidable violation of the regulation of sexual desire. In addition, all hypertensive patients or diabetics, as well as those who received even the slightest trauma to the pelvic area, should immediately consult a urologist.

    Folk methods of treatment of erectile dysfunction

    If even despite all the caveats, you could not keep your masculine strength and noticed the symptoms of erectile dysfunction, this problem should not be embarrassed, especially resorting to folk methods of treatment. Of course, nothing wrong with drinking a bucket of diuretic tea will not happen, but nothing good can be expected from such treatment. On the contrary, lingering with a visit to the doctor, you further aggravate your problem, which then can lead to irreparable consequences.

    Also some folk healers offer to "strengthen" the penis with the help of paraffin, which is injected into the cavernous bodies of the organ or directly under its skin by a syringe. But probably, no man would agree to such an operation, knowing about all its consequences. In principle, they can not be talked about for a long time. Suffice it to say that it will not be two years before you forget about sexuality forever.

    Herbal remedies for erectile dysfunction can be used and often need, but they should be prescribed only by a doctor after finding out the reasons for your illness.

    Complications of the disease

    As such, there is no complication of erectile dysfunction itself. Perhaps the most terrible outcome is to consider the total loss of ability to intercourse, which can develop due to a long time without any treatment. These are the forms when even Viagra does not cause any therapeutic effect.

    Prevention of erectile dysfunction

    As already mentioned, preventing erectile dysfunction is much easier than curing it. This is what a man at a young age should be guided by. It is extremely important to remember all the consequences, which can lead to a wrong lifestyle, smoking, alcohol abuse, passive sex life, masturbation and the presence of chronic diseases.

    Rev.doctor urologist Korobeinik RO