
Hypertrophy of the seminal mound - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

  • Hypertrophy of the seminal mound - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

    Hypertrophy of the seed hillock is a congenital malformation of the genitourinary system, in which there is hyperplasia of all elements of the seed hillock. In turn, the seminal mound is an anatomical formation located on the back of the urethra, which has the appearance of a tubercle. In fact, this organ is a rudiment of the uterus in a man, so in the literature he is called a male queen.

    Hypertrophy of the seed hill

    Causes of hypertrophy of the seed hill

    As it became clear even from the name, this pathology is congenital, therefore it is impossible to name the exact reasons for its occurrence. Many scientists believe that the genesis of the development of such an anomaly is important, in the first place, exogenous factors of influence on a pregnant woman. More often than not, it's certainly a woman's diet. That's why, pregnant women are forbidden to consume a large amount of salty, fatty, fried and peppery foods.

    In addition, pregnant women should not succumb to constant stressful situations, as it has been proven that chronic nervous experiences adversely affect not only the condition of the woman, but also the health of the unborn child.

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    Perhaps talk about the dangers of chemicals, some drugs, alcohol and smoking can not speak. It should be noted that most of the hypertrophy of the seed hillock is observed in dysfunctional families, where pregnant women do not adhere to all the above warnings.

    Symptoms of hypertrophy of the seed hill

    As the seed hill is located in the urethra, then with its hypertrophy a typical picture of obstruction of the urethra is noted. Symptoms can appear at any age, not necessarily immediately after birth. The initial stages of patients are concerned only with minor discomfort during urination, as well as changes in the nature of the jet. At first, it becomes sluggish, then the urine begins to stand out with drops, after which the state of general obstruction develops.

    Patients rapidly increase their abdomen in the lower parts of the abdomen, acquiring the appearance of a peculiar tumor. With palpation, this formation is dramatically painful. Patients have a strong urge to urinate, but they can not physically do this.

    The next stage in the development of the disease is vesicoureteral reflux. Because of the increased pressure in the bladder and the overlap of the physiological pathway of fluid outflow, it begins to rise higher along the urinary tract, that is, into the ureters, and then into the kidneys. Gradually, this leads to a disruption of the function of the paired organ. Patients, except for pain in the lumbar region, begin to worry about general weakness, malaise, fever and pallor of the skin.

    Along with this, due to impaired renal function, a large amount of renin is released, which increases the tone of the vessels, raising blood pressure. This leads to the development of nephrogenic arterial hypertension. If you do not correct the symptoms of this disease, then this condition can result in a violation of vision and heart function.

    Hypertrophy of the seed hill has a tendency to a constant and fairly rapid progression. Therefore, all patients who have a similar clinical picture should immediately seek help from a urologist who can correctly determine the tactics of treatment of the pathology, which differs depending on the stage.

    Diagnosis of hypertrophy of the seed hill

    An accurate method for the verification of the diagnosis can be considered only uretroskopiyu, which is carried out by introducing a special optical device into the urethra. With this disease, a hill-like elevation along the lower wall of the urethra is visualized in the eye of the apparatus.

    Urethroscopy: hypertrophy of the seed hill

    In addition, retrograde urethrography can also be used, which consists in introducing a contrast agent into the urethra and performing a pelvic x-ray examination. As a rule, with hypertrophy of the seminal mound, a filling defect is noted or the full overlapping of the urethra is visualized.

    For differential diagnosis of this disease with other pathologies, for example, urolithiasis, additional diagnostic methods, for example, ultrasound or computed tomography, can be used.

    Treating hypertrophy of the seed hill

    Treatment of pathology directly depends on its stage, and it is desirable to conduct it immediately after the diagnosis is established. At the initial stage, when there is a slight increase in the seed hillock, endoscopic resection of this site can be used. It is performed with the help of a special device - a resectoscope, which, like a cystoscope, is inserted into the opening of the urethra. Under the control of vision, the hypertrophied seed hillock is removed.

    In more complex situations, when the insertion of resectoscope is impossible or in the absence of the latter, removal of the hypertrophy of the spermatic hill through the crotch access is performed. At the same time, a cut of the skin is performed on the perineum, blunt and acute way the urethra in the prostate area is allocated. After opening the urethra, there is a seed mound, which is removed with a scalpel.

    In the presence of vesicoureteral reflux, which is diagnosed with the use of microcystography, percutaneous puncture nephrostomy is performed. After local anesthesia of the skin in the lumbar region, a puncture needle punctures the skin, soft tissues and parenchyma of the kidney, as much as before the needle enters the renal pelvis. Verify the correct position of the needle by using a back aspiration, in which urine appears in the syringe barrel.

    After this, a special catheter is inserted through the puncture needle into the cavity of the renal pelvis, which performs the function of nephrostomy.

    This is the first stage of surgical intervention for the elimination of hypertrophy of the seminal hillock. The second stage is the direct removal of hypertrophied anatomical formation. It is performed only two or three weeks after the setting of the nephrostomy. During this period all the inflammatory phenomena in the bladder and kidneys subsided, so that there is more chance of a favorable outcome of the operation.

    Rehabilitation after

    Disease Any form of surgical treatment of the spermatic hypertrophy in the postoperative period is mandatory for the placement of a urethral catheter. It is necessary to ensure that the damaged wall of the urethra is not soldered to the opposite wall, and there is no post-operative adhesive obliteration of the urethra. The time of wearing the urethral catheter is determined individually, depending on the type of surgical treatment.

    In the long-term operational period, for better recovery of the functions of the genitourinary system, physiotherapy methods of treatment can be used. To date, most often used darsonval and magnetotherapy, as they have no contraindications and can be used even for young children.

    Nutritional characteristics and lifestyle

    Before and after treatment of the spermatic hypertrophy, there is no need to use a special dietary diet. As for the way of life, he is not limited to anything other than wearing a urethral catheter. Naturally, if such an operation is performed at an older age, then during the wearing of the urethral catheter, patients need to restrict themselves to sexual relations. Neglect of these medical recommendations can very badly end for the patient, since the early activation of the urethra after surgery in terms of sexual relations threatens the development of erectile dysfunction in the future.

    Treatment with folk remedies

    Treatment with folk remedies is not a method of choice for hypertrophy of the seed hillock, since this pathology can be qualitatively corrected only by means of surgical intervention. The appointment of all kinds of broths, ointments, lotions, and infusions does not give any positive effect. Therefore, all patients who have a similar problem or a clinical picture typical for this pathology, it is necessary to apply for help not to folk healers, but to specialized medical institutions.

    Complications of the hypertrophy of the seed hill

    The most dangerous complication of this disease is acute renal failure, which is a natural development of the disease after vesicoureteral reflux. Urine, which constantly accumulates in the cavity of the renal pelvis, leads to the destruction of nephrons and the entry of urinary toxins into the blood. If, in such a clinical picture, the patient is not urgently transferred to the intensive care unit and the entire complex of emergency measures is carried out, it is likely that pathology can be solved lethal.

    Among the long-term complications of the disease, it is necessary to distinguish the strictures of the urethra. As a rule, they arise if after the operation the patient is not assigned a temporary wearing of the urethral catheter. Interestingly, the clinical picture of strictures is exactly the same as the hypertrophy of the seed hillock, so that with improper treatment, you can simply transfer one form of the disease to another.

    Prevention of hypertrophy of the seed hill

    To warn this disease is necessary even before the birth of the child. That is, it is not the patient himself who should be doing this, but his parents. First of all, a pregnant woman needs to get rid of all external risk factors. The latter include infections, poor nutrition, adverse environmental conditions, alcohol consumption and smoking. As practice shows, those pregnant women who are not fed to the above factors have a much lower risk of having a child with a congenital anomaly.

    Along with this, a woman needs to be protected not only from external, but also from internal risk factors. The latter include chronic diseases of internal organs, mental disorders and hormonal disorders. As for the latter, they play the most important role in the development of congenital anomalies. Since the circulatory system of the fetus and the mother are connected, the increase in the level of hormones in the mother's blood affects the laying and development of the tissues and organs of the fetus. That is why, when observed in a women's consultation, pregnant women are forced to periodically take tests for hormones.

    Rev.the doctor the urologist, the sexologist-andrologist Plotnikov А.N.