  • Preparing for homework

    Working with a child according to the method of Doman recalls the creation of a complex computer program. Therefore, each piece of knowledge that the baby will receive is called a "bit of information".

    If you organize the process correctly, any child will enjoy with pleasure everything that you offer him.

    • The child's brain has been programmed from the very beginning for training.

    • Training is effective only during the growth of the brain. And the human brain grows to 7-7.5 years, but most actively it grows in the first three years.

    • All babies have incredible language abilities.

    • The faster the formation of higher departments( and especially the cortex) of the brain, the smarter and smarter your baby will be.

    Almost from birth a child can show large cards with "bits of information".For learning to read, use cards with words. To teach mathematics - cards on which the number is replaced by the corresponding number of points. For obtaining encyclopedic knowledge - cards with pictures. Such a card can represent an animal, an insect or a work of art. The name of the subject is written on the back, it is his child who must read it. The more detailed( according to Doman - more informative) explanation, the better. For example, the inscription "big galapagos tortoise" is preferable to "tortoise".

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    Undoubtedly, the technique of Glen Doman is useful and with the correct organization of classes is effective, although, like any technique, this system has its drawbacks. However, do not immediately abandon the method proposed by Doman. Remember the rule of the "golden mean"?That's it, and it must be respected, skilfully combining the elements of this system with other methods of early development, with common sense, the specifics of your child, as well as your way of life.

    Glen Doman states: "If you show the child not just 10 random cards within 10 seconds, but 10 cards belonging to a certain category, you will give him the opportunity to compile 3628800 combinations from the received knowledge. Now he does not just remember ten bits of information for life, but takes possession of a whole system of knowledge. "

    Before you begin, be sure to pay attention to several important points.• Classes in this technique will require certain strengths and costs for parents - in fact, for a long time they will have to make thousands of cards with dots, words, images of animals, plants, various objects.

    • In Doman's system, the child is a passive object of learning. He sits, and his mother shows him one or another series of cards, communicating a strictly defined set of information about each. Do not get dialogue and joint creativity with the child.

    Doman's system is good because the child learns a large amount of information with ease, in a way that is pleasing to him, without violence, threats and such "educational" delights. To develop creative and research abilities, parents can always find other ways. Do not abandon the traditional "grandmother" methods. Let the child listen to as many tales, songs, poems, and they do not always need to be accompanied by pictures, so that the baby's brain learns to tailor the visual line to the text. This will help develop the baby's speech, in time to form the functions of interpreting the text. Do not forget about these old "fork", like traditional nursery rhymes, pistols, finger games.

    Scientists believe that one should not forget about the emotional and cognitive development of a child, since it is impossible to develop only one( in this case, visual) component. The "fact" must be touched, touched and licked, that is, it should be examined by all senses, and then, using its interrelations with other "facts", to determine its place in the world.

    • If you use only pictures with captions when teaching, as Doman recommends, the child does not have a text-based thinking: the ability to read( or listen) and analyze the text independently, to extract the necessary information from it.

    • Doman compares the human brain with a computer, very perfect, endowed with a huge store of memory, but still a computer that requires a good database for successful work. But the child is not a computer, and he needs more than a certain amount of information.

    So, if you decide to start a child training according to the Glen Doman method, listen to the advice of specialists and experienced parents.

    • No need to follow all recommendations clearly;necessarily combine the methodological development of Doman with other activities and developing games.

    • Focus on the reaction of the baby. Doman recommends showing cards very quickly, delaying each no more than 1-2 seconds. The brain of a small child works differently from that of an adult, and the baby seems to "photograph" the picture, and then at rest, processes the information received. For children of the first, beginning of the second year of life, this is indeed true. But a one and a half-two-year-old kid will definitely let you know that this technique does not suit him any more. Most likely, he will start to select your album, to look at pictures for a long time, to ask questions. Listen to your little one, and you will certainly understand how to deal with it. Rely on your intuition, because any ready-made technique is just a scheme from which you need to choose what seems useful and necessary for your baby.

    • Never do things that you do not like and that you do not think the child likes.

    Do not take seriously Doman's assertion that the only need of a child is to learn, and a useless game is just a parental way to "get rid" of the baby. Psychologists have long proven that the game for the child is the modeling of the world and the possibility of self-expression.

    Do as much time as you can with a child. Do not worry that you can not write a three-time display of several blocks of cards, most physical exercises, etc., on your daily routine. It is worth recalling that initially the technique was developed for children suffering from various diseases and the parents were ready to "live for the child".The purpose of their life was to put them on their feet. Do such victims need a healthy baby? Will parents who have subordinated their whole lives to his education be happy? And will this bring happiness to the child? Doing what Doman uses, use only what you can. In any case, it will be better than nothing.

    • Do not ask the child to give you answers, play with you, read to you when he does not have the mood, just because the time has come for another "portion" of knowledge.

    • The main thing - try to talk as much as possible with the child on any topic. This is the key to your success.

    • Give your child as many ways to get information as possible, not just cards. Let the kid have cards, books, a microscope, musical instruments and many other things that you can afford. The environment in which the child lives should be developing.

    • The information that you give to a small child should be built on the principle of "The child and his environment", and its boundaries need to be expanded depending on the age of the child. For example, you can show the kid cards with household items, fruits and vegetables, plants of the area in which you live, domestic and wild animals, which he can see or described in his books. Very useful cards that depict what children do( goes, sits, swims, drinks from a bottle, smiles, sleeps).It is possible to make a series of cards on which representatives of various professions will be depicted: the painter, the driver, the fisherman, the doctor, the seller, the clown, etc. All this not only expands the outlook of the baby, but also develops his speech. For ease of use, insert cards into photo albums or folders with transparent pockets - files, and sign pictures in large, clear letters. Then the kid will not only remember the pictures, but also gradually learn to read.

    • Rejoice in every success of your child, even the slightest attempt to prove yourself, especially if this desire is noticed by you for the first time.

    • Improve yourself, never stop on the reached, look for answers to children's questions together with the baby, reason.

    • Do not load the child with useless information. To obscure abstract facts do not "hang in the air", it is good to combine such activities with reading your favorite books. For example, reading Russian folk tales, prepare a series of cards with animals and plants that are mentioned in them, images of objects of old life( spinning wheels, spindles, rockers, bast shoes, etc.).If the kid does not need to re-read "Aibolit" without end, it's time to tell him what Africa is and show it on a map, to make and consider the album "Beasts of hot countries", in which images of animals cured by Aibolit will meet.

    • Try to give the child not individual facts, but systematically organized information;serve it from different sides, from different points of view, cover the same topic not only on cards, but also in games, posters, books, other manuals.

    • Young children are much more capable of learning than anyone else.

    • Young children are sure that the most wonderful gift for them is the attention that they are paid entirely by adults, especially dad and mom.

    • The best teachers are parents.

    • They can teach their child absolutely everything they know themselves, unless this knowledge is true and based on facts.

    • Do not make "knowledge checks": testing reveals only what is not learned.

    • Teaching is a game that ends before the child is tired.