
Useful and medicinal properties of pilocarpus peristolistnogo

  • Useful and medicinal properties of pilocarpus peristolistnogo

    Trees or shrubs of various species of the rooted family, growing wildly in the tropical forests of South and Central America. They are bred in the form of sprouts in Ajaria and Abkhazia.

    Trees or shrubs with complex odd-numbered leaves. The size of leaves and leaves varies greatly in different species, but the shape of individual leaves is always oval, there is a small notch on the tip, which is a characteristic feature for all species;the edge is one-piece, the

    secondary veins merge along the edge with arcs, in the transmitted light, numerous translucent points are seen immersed in the mesophyll of the receptacle with essential oil. Flowers are red, in long leaves.

    Medicinal raw materials are individual leaves of a complex leaf. The leaves contain a mixture of alkaloids in an amount of 0.35-1%.The main alkaloid - pilocarpine - is liquid. Its salt is used, it is easy to crystallize, the synthesis was carried out in Russia by Professor NA Preobrazhensky in 1933.

    Pilocarpine stimulates m-holinoretseptory, due to which it reproduces the effects of parasympathetic nerves. It increases the secretion of glands, innervated by the cholinergic nerves, increases the secretion of secretions by saliva, digestive, sweat glands and mucus in the airways of man. After a subcutaneous injection of pilocarpine( 5-10 mg) 2-3 g of 3-4 g of watery sweat can be excreted in 2-3 grams and during this same time 0.5-1 L of saliva. The most practical, however, is the action of pilocarpine on the eye: it narrows the pupil, lowers the intraocular pressure and improves the nutrition of the eye.

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    Pilocarpin strengthens the gastric juice and changes its composition: the gastric glands secrete juice rich in acid, pepsin and mucin. Under the influence of pilocarpine, secretion of the gastric mucosa is also excited and the separation of intestinal juice with a reduced content of enzymes is increased.

    Pilocarpine causes an increase in contractions of the gallbladder and thereby accelerates the release of bile into the intestine;on the formation of bile no effect. A distinct effect has on the activity of the heart. After the sometimes small initial increase in frequency, the rhythm slows down and coronary blood flow decreases. Smooth muscles of the spleen under the influence of pilocarpine contract, as well as the muscles of the bladder, especially with a lowered tone of the latter;Increases the contraction of the muscles of the intestine and uterus.

    Use of

    Pilocarpine is used in ophthalmic practice as a myotec, i.e., a means of narrowing the pupil, mainly in glaucoma to lower intraocular pressure. It is also used to improve the nutrition of the eye in thrombosis of the central vein of the mesh shell, narrowing of the artery of the mesh shell, atrophy of the optic nerve, with haemorrhages in the vitreous.

    Alkaloids and leaves of pilocarpus have a strong diaphoretic effect.

    Pilocarpine is used in the form of tablets, drops, eye ointment.