  • Aloe as a Home Remedy

    The homeland of aloe - South Africa, where the plant has the appearance of a tree. It is widely distributed in the form of room culture around the world, we often call aloe vera.

    Description: is a perennial, succulent plant of the family of lily plants, stems erect, branched, densely leafy with a height of up to 60 cm. The leaves are alternate, xiphoid, juicy, fleshy with a slight waxy coating and large cartilaginous teeth along the edges, contain bitter, yellow, mucousjuice.

    A decorative indoor plant in our country.

    Composition: contains bitter tastes of complex glycoside compounds - anthraglikozidy( aloin), nataloin, rabarberon, mucous and resinous substances. There are a lot of enzymes and vitamins in the plant juice.

    Cultivation of : unpretentious houseplant, undemanding to water and fertilizers. In summer, it is transferred to the garden in tubs located at a distance of 40-50 cm, on solar areas, where the aloe is before the first frosts. Re-wintering of aloe occurs in the closed ground of a greenhouse or in a light cool room. If it is a house plant of aloe, it is simply transferred from the garden to the room and placed in a bright place. In winter, water is not enough. The main way of propagation of aloe is the rooting of lateral shoots - children, cut from adult plants. Aloe prefers good soil with a weakly acidic or neutral acid reaction.

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    Collection of : usually cut the lower fleshy leaves, they are kept fresh in the refrigerator for 24 hours .

    Procurement and Storage. For medical purposes, leaves 15 cm long are used. They cut their winter-spring period.

    Cosmetic application

    As an outer cover of the body, the skin is 16% of the total body weight. In a man of average build, the skin surface area reaches 1.5-2 m2.Human skin is very sensitive to the temperature drop, to heat and cold, in addition, it is extremely prone to injury, irritation, various kinds of infections.

    Juice and aloe jelly provide effective help in the treatment of many types of skin diseases, including biting various insects, stinging, pricking, rubbing, scratching, bubble rashes, keloids, lichen, eczema, psoriasis, cuts during shaving, with fungal infections.

    According to the doctors, with external application, aloe has the ability to kill bacteria and viruses, such as, for example, herpes viruses. As is known, the virus herpes simplex causes a bubble fever, and the herpes zoster virus - shingles. Aloe very accelerates and stimulates the healing process, alleviating the suffering of the sick.

    For erosions, uses the disinfectant and epithelizing properties of aloe, the juice of which is wiped by rashes with vesicular dermatitis.

    For the treatment of furuncles , cut off a thick leaf of aloe, wash it, cut along or pound it and lick it to the boil. Aloe extracts pus, promotes the maturation of the boil.

    For psoriasis, , the following mixtures are used.

    Ingredients: 25 grams of aloe juice, 25 grams of celandine juice, 25 grams of root aire juice, 25 grams of table vinegar, 25 g of linseed oil, 20 g of freshly grown herb juice.

    All components are mixed, steamed in one and a half glasses of steep boiling water and allowed to stand for 2-3 hours. Apply the mixture as compresses for 2 or 3 hours to the affected skin areas.

    With herpes simple and surrounding fresh or frozen aloe juice is applied externally for extinguishing rashes.

    With pyodermaids , aloe juice acts as a general restorative, anti-inflammatory and adaptogenic agent. Given the important role of the reactivity of the body, and in particular of the nervous system, in the occurrence of pyoderma( a kind of vulgar acne), patients with chronic pustular skin diseases are prescribed aloe juice 1 teaspoon 30 minutes before meals 2-3 times a day or liquidextract of aloe in the form of injections of 1 ml subcutaneously( treatment course from 15 to 50 days).As a result of treatment, the functions of endocrine glands are normalized.

    In vitiligo, , vesicular dermatosis and skin vasculitis, it is recommended to take fresh or canned aloe juice 1 teaspoon 30 minutes before meals 2 or 3 times a day as a phytopreparative, normalizing the function of the adrenal cortex and metabolic processes.

    For purulent wounds, eczema, hair loss, lupus, burns, cuts of , compresses with aloe juice or fresh leaves are applied to the affected areas. If you have an abscess or a wound on your skin, it is recommended that you apply a clean, washed fresh aloe leaf, cut along, or a slurry of them. From the leaves must be removed thorns. In Chinese medicine, chronic skin diseases recommend drinking fresh aloe juice.

    Those who often lick the lips of , they are weathering, especially in the cold season, become rough and crack. To get rid of this habit, try lubricating the lips with a bitter taste, for example, with aloe juice. To soften your lips, you can use olive, peach or corn oil. Heated the oil with a piece of cotton wool, squeeze between the lips and hold for twenty minutes.

    Toning properties of aloe juice are widely used in cosmetic practice. Aloe juice speeds up regeneration and the formation of new cells, so it can prevent skin aging. It is used to eliminate inflammation on the skin, acne.

    The reason that the skin becomes contaminated and unclean is the increased release of fat, which as a consequence leads to the formation of acne and acne. To treat such a "problem" skin, many dermatologists offer a three-stage process of applying aloe. At the first stage, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the skin of the face in the morning and in the evening with an antiseptic. In the second stage, apply the juice or aloe gel to the skin and allow it to dry. At the same time, the pores contract. This process has simultaneously disinfecting and healing skin tissue effect, since with the elimination of excessive fat content of the skin, the prerequisites for "pocketing" pores and irritation are not created. Moreover, the place of acne and acne does not leave scarring, the skin acquires a healthy appearance. In the third stage, the aloe ointment is applied directly to acne, acne for acceleration, the process of recovery and reduction of the scarring probability.

    For acne rash , the following procedure is recommended. Of several layers of gauze carve a mask, soak it with aloe juice and apply to the face for 30-40 minutes. On top of the gauze it is advisable to put a layer of absorbent cotton wool, covering it with a bandage of gauze, also carved in the form of a mask. The procedure is done first daily, then - every other day, and then - 2 times a week. The course of treatment is about 30 procedures.

    Prone to acne, the porous skin is wiped with canned aloe juice. For preservation, one part of alcohol is added to four parts of the juice. Store the composition in a cool dark place in a vial with a ground glass stopper.

    For oily seborrhea and acne , use the following remedy. Two tablespoons of crushed aloe leaves are poured over 3/4 cups of boiling water and boil the mixture for 10-15 minutes, then it is filtered and the received infusion is wiped face.

    With rosacea acne , aloe juice is applied, diluted with half of water. To do this, several layers of gauze or linen napkins are moistened with diluted juice, lightly squeezed and applied to the face for 15 minutes. Course - 20-25 procedures( every other day).

    For dry, wrinkled, flabby, fading skin , the following masks are useful:

    1. Mix 1-2 teaspoons of fat cream( or lanolin) with a teaspoon of biostimulated aloe vera juice and 1-2 teaspoons of vegetable oil and mix thoroughly. With light, massaging movements, the mixture is applied to the wet face after the pre-hot compress and neck for 10-15 minutes. Remove with a cotton swab. Then impose a protein mask( one protein is triturated with 1/4 teaspoon of fine salt) and after 10 minutes removed with cotton wool soaked in infusions of St. John's wort or sage, and in the end the face is rinsed with the same infusion.

    2. Add 1 teaspoon of aloe vera juice and vegetable oil to the mashed yolk.

    3. Grind biostimulated aloe leaves in a meat grinder. Kashitsu impose 2 times a week for 10-15 minutes, rinse first with warm, and then with cold water.

    4. Mix aloe vera juice, lime honey, glycerin, water, mix slowly, add a teaspoon of oatmeal( or ground oat flakes) in equal amounts( one teaspoonful), thoroughly rub until a homogeneous mass is obtained. The mixture is applied to the face for 20-25 minutes. It is applied 1-2 times a week for 1-1,5 months. After 3 months, the course can be repeated.

    Such masks rejuvenate, tone up the skin, smooth wrinkles.

    For faded, dehydrated skin is useful lotion of the following composition. Pour 100 g of biostimulated washed aloe vera leaves with 1 liter of cold water and leave for 2 hours. Then the infusion is cooked on low heat for 5 minutes before the boiling begins. Cooled and filtered infusion stored in the refrigerator. The received lotion is recommended to wipe the face and neck. You can also apply a compress - 3 times a week for 10 minutes, after which you still need to moisten the damp skin with a nutritious cream.

    For the oily skin of , the following mask is recommended. In the beaten egg whites should be poured a teaspoon of aloe juice. You can also add lemon juice here.

    The following masks are suitable for any skin type, they nourish and refresh it, prevent the formation of wrinkles.

    1. To one tablespoon of biostimulated aloe juice add two tablespoons of heated honey, mix the mass. Apply to the face for 10-15 minutes.

    2. Mix until a homogeneous mass of a teaspoon of egg yolk with the same amount of aloe juice and a tablespoon of sour cream. It is desirable to use a brush for this purpose. The mixture is applied to the face and neck layer by layer( when the first layer is dried, the second one is applied, etc.), hold for 20-30 minutes, then rinse with warm water, and at the end rinse the face with cold water.

    This mask is recommended by the famous film actress Jane Fonda

    3. Mix 1/2 teaspoon of aloe juice, 1 teaspoon of honey, 1 yolk, 1 teaspoon of castor oil, 1/2 teaspoon of lemon or orange juice, and in season 1 teaspoon of juicered or black currant. Add the oatmeal or ground oatmeal to the consistency of the porridge. Apply the mask to the face. Rinse off with warm, then with cold water.

    To prevent the formation of wrinkles, especially with dry skin, it is useful in vaseline or lanolin to add a little biostimulated aloe juice. The juice is poured into a small jar with lanolin or petroleum jelly and the mixture is ground.

    With dry skin, aloe juice mixed with a nutritious cream is applied to the face every other day.

    For easily sensitive, with enlarged capillaries, the skin itself is easy to make a lotion. To do this, take a tablespoon of aloe juice, dried rose petals, sage, chamomile, mint, finely chopped parsley, mix everything, put in a glass bowl with a ground lid. A tablespoon of the mixture is poured into a glass of boiling water, insist in a warm place for 2 hours, filter, add a tablespoon of any sour berry or fruit juice. The face skin is wiped in the morning and evening instead of washing.

    With extended capillaries and persistent reddening of the skin of the face, the following recipe is recommended.

    In the evening or in the morning, dry and well-cleansed tea solution, the face and neck skin is lubricated with juice or a piece of seasoned aloe, on one side of which a solid skin is previously removed. Sliding movements are carried out along wrinkles, along the skin of the whole face and neck, soaking it well. When all the juice is consumed, within 1-2 minutes it is driven into the skin of the face, then a moisturizing cream is applied to the moist skin.

    You can also squeeze 8-10 drops of juice from a piece of freshly cut aloea before applying the nourishing cream and apply it with your fingers on your face and neck. After a month, repeat the course.

    After such a procedure, for the first time, a burning sensation or a slight tingling can occur, which occurs after two or three sessions. Repeat the procedure 10-12 times in a day or two.

    Water infusion of aloe leaves is applied externally in the form of lotions and rubs for cosmetic purposes. To prevent wrinkles and treat wrinkled skin, use infusion, which is prepared as follows: 2-3 large sheets of aloe( 100 g), crushed and poured 1 liter of cold boiled water. Infusion boil on low heat for 5 minutes, cool, filter and store until consumed in the refrigerator( in a glass container).

    It is recommended to clean well-cleaned face skin in the morning and evening with a slice of aloe leaf, which has peeled skin on one side. The procedure is useful for any skin. It has the same effect as rubbing the skin with pure aloe juice.

    It is known that cosmetic recipes of Cleopatra enjoyed extraordinary popularity among ancient Romans. The real secret of her beauty was, in their opinion, in an aloe cream. To this day, residents of North Africa and the island of Sicily are used in cosmetics for the fleshy part of this plant. Modern science confirms that aloe is a natural cosmetic product that cleanses the skin, slightly narrowing the pores.

    Here is the recipe for the preparation of Cleopatra cream: 5 g of aloe powder are mixed gently in 40 ml of distilled water so( since aloe powder is prepared in laboratory conditions, it can be replaced with aloe juice [40 ml]) so that no lumps are added, add 20 ml of rose water orinfusion of rose petals, a teaspoon of honey. The mixture is put on a water bath and gradually introduced into it fresh lard( 100 g), making sure that it does not overheat. The finished cream is transferred to a jar and stored in a refrigerator.

    The cream is applied once a day on the face and neck with a thin layer.

    Help for problem skin

    For acne, oily skin of the face with enlarged pores, it is recommended to wipe the face with a tampon moistened with freshly squeezed aloe juice for the night. This home remedy helps to cleanse the skin, tones it, regulates the function of the sebaceous glands, narrows the pores, gradually eliminates the "black spots".It is possible to try instead of a tampon to use a slice of a leaf, preliminary having removed from it a cuticle.

    With such a problem skin, lotion from the leaves also helps. To make a lotion, 2 tablespoons of crushed leaves are insisted in a glass of boiled water for 2 hours. This liquid is wiped by the skin after each washing.

    Aloe in daily skin care for face and neck You can use for daily skin care for the face of the infusion of aloe leaves. The infusion is prepared by

    as well as in the treatment of various skin lesions: take 1 tablespoon per 1 cup of cooled boiled water, insist for several hours. Ready-made infusion is used to wipe the skin of the face - it gives a cleansing, refreshing and toning effect.

    Infusion of leaves can be used in another way. Pour it into the ice molds that are in each refrigerator. Wiping the skin of the face and neck with ice cubes with the addition of herbal remedies is an excellent morning tonic for any skin type.

    Tonic for the skin is always present in a set of products for daily cosmetic procedures. But experienced cosmetologists warn: if you have dry or especially sensitive skin, it is better not to use purchased tonics. They can contain a large amount of alcohol or other chemical components that deprive the skin of the necessary moisture. Aloe vera juice is what you need to moisten not only sensitive, but also other types of skin.

    A soft skin freshener at home is prepared this way. You will need 10 ml( 2 teaspoons) of dried chamomile flowers or 1 tea bag, 120 ml of rose water, 50 ml of aloe juice, 2 drops of sandalwood oil. Exotic ingredients - rose water and sandalwood oil - can be found in specialized phyto-pharmacies or in exotic exotic stores.

    Brew chamomile tea and let it cool to room temperature. Pour 120 ml of tea into a bottle or jar with a screw cap and add rose water, sandalwood oil and aloe juice. Shake all this well. Keep this tonic in a cool place - for example, in a refrigerator, and use the cooked amount for a week.

    In the care of the neck is a very effective tool - warm compresses with infusion of leaves of the century. Wet the towel in heated infusion, squeeze well. Keep the compress should not more than 15-20 minutes, then remove and rinse your neck with lukewarm water. If you have no problems with the thyroid gland, you can try contrast compresses: a hot compress is applied to the neck for 1-2 minutes, and a cold compress for 3-4 seconds;Change them with each other need 5-6 times. After compresses, it is good to apply one of the nourishing cosmetic masks to the skin of the neck.

    Aloe has long been used for cosmetic purposes by residents( of course, much more often by women) of the native land of this plant. For hundreds of years this flower served for the same purpose and our Russians.

    There is probably not one hundred recipes with which women have made themselves more attractive. Here are the recipes of several such women's medicines( and this word could be taken without the quotes, since masks with aloe have also a healing effect):

    - nourishing face mask: 1 teaspoon of aloe juice, 1 teaspoon of honey, 1a teaspoon of vegetable oil and 1 chicken egg.

    Separate the protein from the yolk. Mix the yolk with honey and add aloe vera juice into this mixture, and after it - vegetable oil. Mix the mixture well until a uniform mass is formed. The resulting mask should be applied to the previously cleaned face and neck for 20 minutes, then wash off the mask with warm water;

    - mask for dry skin of the face.1 tablespoon of aloe juice, 50 g of eggplant, 1 teaspoon of bee honey and 2 cups of St. John's wort broth.

    Wash and peel the eggplant, grate it on a large grater. Place it in a decoction of St. John's wort and in aloe juice. Honey, melted in a water bath, combine with the cooked ingredients.

    Apply to the face at the beginning part of the mixture, and then, when the mask is slightly absorbed into the skin, apply the remaining mixture to it. After 10-20 minutes, remove the mask with a cotton swab, wash your face with hot water and wipe it with a piece of ice( which can be cooked in the freezer).Do not wipe your face with a towel - let the skin dry itself. And only after that, apply on the face of any cream for dry skin.

    This mask can be used 2-3 times a week. Of course, it can be alternated with other masks that are suitable for your skin;

    - mask "cosmetic ice": 2-3 tablespoons of aloe juice and 1/2 cup of sage infusion. Mix the aloe juice and sage infusion and pour the resulting solution into special molds for ice making and put it in the freezer. Use externally for lotions;

    - mask of aloe with beets: 1 tablespoon of aloe juice, 1 beet, 3 tablespoons of fresh milk and 4 tablespoons of St. John's wort perfumed.

    Wash the beet and cook it for 2 hours, then cool, peel and grate on a fine grater. Add aloe juice here. In the resulting gruel, add fresh milk and combine it with infusion of St. John's wort. Mix everything and apply the resulting mask to your face for 10 minutes, then rinse it off with warm boiled water. Apply on the face the cream necessary for your skin;

    - mask of aloe and pumpkin: 1 tablespoon of aloe juice, 2 tablespoons of boiled pumpkin, 2 tablespoons of concentrated herb infusion of St. John's Wort( 40 g for 200 ml of water), 1 tablespoon of yolk broth( 30 g per 200 ml of water).

    Mix all ingredients until smooth and apply a thin layer of mask on face. After 10-15 minutes, wash it off with warm water;

    - mask of aloe and walnuts: 1 tablespoon of aloe juice, 3-4 walnuts, 2 tablespoons of plantain grass, 2 tablespoons of St. John's wort and 2 tablespoons of ashberry juice.

    Clean and grind nuts. Add the juice of mountain ash and aloe juice. Dry grass plantain and St. John's wort grind and pour water. Bring to a boil. The broth obtained after this strain. Mix it with chopped nuts and ashberry juice and aloe. Mask on face for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water;

    - mask of aloe, St. John's wort and honey: 1 tablespoon of aloe juice, 2 tablespoons of honey, 2 teaspoons of St. John's wort broth and 1 egg yolk.

    St. John's wort, melted honey( on a water bath), aloe juice and egg yolk, combine and mix everything until smooth. Wear the mask on the face with a cotton swab( not touching the area around the eyes).After 20 minutes, wash with warm water and apply moisturizing cream to your face;

    - mask of aloe and strawberry: 1 tablespoon of aloe leaf, 2-3 berries of strawberry or strawberry, 2 teaspoons of dry herb St. John's wort and 1/2 teaspoon of vegetable oil.

    Grass and St. John's wort and aloe, chop the berries well and add the vegetable oil here.

    Mix all the ingredients thoroughly and apply the mixture on your face with a cotton swab. After 15-20 minutes, wash off the mask with warm water. Notes: instead of berries strawberries are quite suitable berries currants or gooseberries;

    - a mask of aloe and rose petals: 1 tablespoon chopped aloe leaf, 1 tablespoon rose petals, 2 tablespoons herb St. John's wort, 1 tablespoon lime blossom and 1/2 tablespoon peppermint leaves.

    Mix all listed ingredients, pre-grinding them. Apply the mask on the face( before lubricating the skin with a fat cream).After 15 minutes, rinse the mask with warm water;

    - mask of aloe and cucumber: 1 tablespoon of aloe leaf, 1 cucumber, 1 tablespoon of St. John's wort and 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil.

    Grind and mash the aloe leaf and cucumber( grate it on a fine grater).Add the broth of St. John's wort and vegetable oil to the mixture. Mix everything thoroughly. The resulting mixture is applied evenly over the face( without affecting the eye area).After about 25-30 minutes, wash off the mask with warm water and apply the moisturizing cream you need;

    - mask of aloe and tomato: 1 tablespoon of aloe leaf, 1 tomato, 1 teaspoon of St. John's wort, 2 teaspoons of chamomile flowers and 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil.

    Crush the aloe leaf and squeeze out the juice from it. Smooth tomato. Add to the mixture the dry crushed grass of St. John's wort and chamomile, and also butter. Prepared mask apply on face and after 20 minutes rinse with warm water;

    - mask of aloe, cream and oatmeal.1 tablespoon of aloe juice, 50 ml of St. John's wort infusion, 3 tablespoons of oatmeal, 1 tablespoon of cream.

    Pour boiling water over the herb of St. John's wort, cover with a lid and leave to infuse for 10 minutes in a dark cool place, then strain the infusion. Fill with this infusion oat flakes( which should before well swell), then add cream and aloe. Prepared mask put on your face and after 30 minutes wash with warm water.

    This mask will help smooth wrinkles. It will improve the skin color and make it velvety;

    - mask for oily skin with dilated pores: 2 tablespoons of aloe juice, 2 teaspoons of honey and 1 lemon.

    Lemon scroll through the meat grinder and squeeze out the juice. Mix it with aloe juice and honey.

    With the resulting mass, blot gauze napkins and apply them to a previously cleaned face. Every 15 minutes, replace the gauze wipes with others. Repeat 2-3 times. A total of 15 procedures are used for masks, conducted every 3 days;

    - mustard mask with aloe and butter: 1 tablespoon of aloe juice, 1/2 teaspoon of dry mustard, 1 teaspoon of butter and 5 tablespoons of St. John's wort perfumed broth.

    Dissolve the warm broth of St. John's wort with dry mustard, add aloe juice and melted butter. Apply mask on face with cotton swab. Keep the mask for 2-3 minutes( depending on the sensitivity of the skin), then rinse it off with cool water, directing a stream of water to your face. After that, apply a moisturizer on your face.

    This mask should not be done often - once a week it will be quite enough. This mask is a preventive against premature aging of the facial skin;

    - mask of aloe and radishes: 1 tablespoon of aloe juice, 20 g of black radish, 1 tablespoon of sage broth( 1 tablespoon of dry ground grass for 200 ml of water).

    Wash the radish and grate it on a fine grater. Stir with the sage broth and add the aloe juice. Mix everything again and apply a thin layer of the mixture on your face. Wash off the mask after 20 minutes with warm water.

    For hair and scalp

    Scientific studies indicate a very beneficial effect of the introduction of aloe in shampoos, rinsers and balms, since aloe well nourishes the hair. However, many people leave the shampoo on their hair only for a short time, and then wash it off with plenty of water, as a result of which aloe can not show its healing qualities. For medicinal purposes, cosmeticians recommend using a shampoo with a higher concentration of aloe.

    You can also test a more complex two-stage system. To do this, use a shampoo with the usual concentration of aloe, but then apply to the hair with aloe balm and leave it for 3-5 minutes, after which it is washed off.

    With abundant hair loss, you can use the following recipes.

    1. Ingredients: 1 tablespoon of aloe juice, 1 teaspoon of garlic juice, 1 tablespoon of honey.

    Preparation: Mix all the ingredients thoroughly and add 1 yolk to a tablespoon of this mixture.

    Application: the hair is divided into partings, the mixture is applied to the scalp. Tie a head with an oilcloth, and then with a warm kerchief, after 20 minutes, the hair is well washed. You can then wash your hair with one yolk, and for the last rinse, prepare a decoction of nettles and horsetail field( 3 tablespoons of herbs pour 1 liter of boiling water, insist 30 minutes).Apply this tool 5 times in a row.

    2. Composition: 1 tablespoon of aloe juice, 1 tablespoon of birch juice, 1 tablespoon of honey, 1 teaspoon of garlic juice, yolk.

    Preparation: aloe, garlic, birch juice mixed with honey and yolk.

    Application: the mixture is applied to the scalp for 1-2 hours or even more before washing the head and carefully rubbed. Then the head is tied with a kerchief. After washing, the hair is rinsed with infusion of nettle, birch leaf or arnica.

    3. Ingredients: 1 tablespoon of aloe juice, 1 tablespoon of honey, 1 teaspoon of garlic juice.

    Method: mix honey, aloe juice and garlic juice. The mixture can be stored for future use and stored in a refrigerator.

    Application: before washing the head to 1 tablespoon of the mixture, add the yolk of a hen's egg, stir and, dividing the hair into strands, is applied to the scalp. They tie a head with a handkerchief and put a cellophane bag on top. After 20 minutes, the hair is well washed, another yolk is rubbed and rinsed with water. For the last rinse, prepare a decoction of field horsetail, chamomile or nettle. Apply this tool 5 times in a row.

    With greasy hair, a mixture consisting of aloe juice, lemon juice, honey( one teaspoonful of each), one egg yolk and one clove of garlic( grate) is rubbed for 30 minutes before washing. After 30 minutes, the head is washed.

    In addition, with oily hair 2-3 hours before washing, it is recommended to rub aloe vera juice into the scalp. It helps to get rid of dandruff and will strengthen the roots of the hair. At loss of hair the compress from juice of an aloe is useful. Keep it for 1 h.

    In case of oily head seborrhea, use aloe juice mixed with 20% alcohol. The mixture is rubbed into the scalp through the spouts every other day for 2.5-3 months.

    When nesting alopecia, biostimulated aloe vera juice is recommended to be applied daily to the scalp. If within 2 months of hair growth does not come, the procedure can be abandoned. It is also used for the localization of foci of baldness on the beard, whiskers, eyebrows.

    With overdried, discolored hair, as well as when they fall out, rubbing is made from a mixture of a teaspoon of aloe juice, a tablespoon of honey, a teaspoon of castor oil for 30-40 minutes before washing the head. After washing, the hair is rinsed with infusion or decoction of chamomile or nettle, and then with clean water. The procedure is repeated 1-2 times a week until the hair becomes elastic and elastic. It is also recommended after a perm.

    Tincture of crushed aloe leaves, prepared with 40% alcohol, has biostimulating properties and serves as an excellent remedy for dandruff and hair loss.

    It should take some time before the therapeutic and preventive measures to improve skin and hair will give more or less persistent results. Therefore, you should be patient when using cosmetic aloe-skin care products. After all, the process of healing hair is not an easy and difficult task, so the main thing is regularity and patience.

    Solar burns

    With such burns, this recipe will help. Take 3 sheets of aloe and scroll through the meat grinder. Press the juice. On the deified place of the skin, apply a bandage soaked in aloe juice. Keep this compress for 2 hours. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated in 4-6 hours.

    Cracks on the lips

    Take 1 teaspoon of aloe juice and 1 teaspoon of fatty cottage cheese.

    Mix aloe juice with cottage cheese so that a homogeneous mass is obtained. This mass is applied to the lips for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water and brush lips with hygienic lipstick.

    Hair Diseases

    If you have fragile, brittle hair that also grows badly and falls abundantly, aloe will help to strengthen them. Its juice is rubbed into the scalp 2 hours before washing.

    In addition to this: if for some reason the aloe can not cope with the "task", folk medicine offers the following treatment:

    - composition: mix the crushed oak bark( dry) with onion peel( in the ratio 1: 1).1 cup of this mixture pour 1 liter of boiling water and keep it on low heat for 1 hour. Strain and rub into the skin when hair falls out( the same composition well helps fight dandruff);

    - composition: juice of cabbage( white-beaked), lemon and spinach( taken in equal amounts) are rubbed into the scalp with split, weak hair;

    - the bear's bow. Grated bulbs are applied externally, rubbing them into the scalp with beginning baldness;

    - parsley. Her fruit is poured with castor oil in a ratio of 1: 5, heated in a water bath for half an hour. Strain and rub into the scalp every other day to strengthen the hair and stimulate their growth;

    - laurel oil( Avicenna's recipe).This oil has long been used as rubbing in the scalp with alopecia.


    You can get rid of lice and nits with a drug based on aloe vera: 1 tablespoon of aloe leaves, 5 tablespoons of leaves and tips of sage stems, 5 tablespoons of the roots of a lungwort, 1 tablespoon of celandine grass, 5 tablespoons of leaves of blackcurrants, 5 table spoons of herb, 5 tablespoons of oak bark, 3 tablespoons of chamomile inflorescences, 15 table spoons of pine needles, 10 tablespoons of burdock roots, 10 tablespoons of walnut leaves, 10 table spoons of herbaceous grass, 10 table spoonsozhek calamus rhizomes, 500 g of wheat bran and 250 g of grain germinated rye.

    All ingredients are ground, mixed, poured with water and cooked on low heat in a sealed container for half an hour. Once the broth has cooled, strain it and pour it into a hot water bath.

    Traditional medicine offers and such recipes for combating lice and nits:

    - laurel. First, a rich bay leaf is prepared: the leaves are crushed and boiled in a small amount of water until a concentrated aqueous extract is formed. Then the resulting broth is mixed with pork fat and used externally for rubbing;

    - wine vinegar. To get rid of lice, a 0.5-0.2% solution is prepared from vinegar by adding water, which is moistened with a cotton swab. Then put on the head a plastic bag and warm the head with a handkerchief or a terry towel. After 30-60 minutes the package is removed, and the hair is carefully combed. After 7-10 days, the second session of the vinegar treatment is mandatory;

    - sorrel( leaves and roots).Prepare decoctions or infusions. The recipe is infusion: 1 tablespoon fresh roots pour 1.5 cups of water, boil for 15 minutes, insist, wrapped, 2 hours, strain. Top up the water when washing your head.

    Water infusion of aloe leaves is applied externally in the form of lotions and rubs for cosmetic purposes: with irritations on the skin, acne, with excessive fatty skin.

    For sensitive, with enlarged capillary skin, it's easy to make a lotion yourself. To do this, take a tablespoon of aloe juice, dried rose petals, sage, chamomile, mint, finely chopped parsley.

    Mix, place in a glass dish with a ground lid. A tablespoon of the mixture should be poured a glass of boiling water, insist in a warm place for two hours, strain, add a tablespoon of any sour berry or fruit juice. Wipe the skin of the face in the morning and in the evening instead of washing.

    To prevent the formation of wrinkles on the face is very useful to use the following tools.

    In the vaseline add the juice from the leaves of aloe.

    For oily problem skin, the following procedures are useful: apply a 20-minute application in the form of a patch and peeled lower leaves of the plant.

    Aloe juice prevents premature aging of the skin. If you want to look good, use the following remedy: one part of the aloe juice and five parts of water to insist for one hour. With this compound, wipe the face and neck, and then apply the cream.

    For the care of hair is recommended infusion. Infusion strengthens the hair, improves their growth, eliminates dandruff.

    A tablespoon of dry, powdered nettle leaves is poured with a glass of boiling water, and the hour is insisted in a dark place, filtered and immediately applied: moisten hair or their roots without wiping with a towel.

    Fresh nettle juice is very useful to rub in the roots of the hair. This not only improves their growth, but also stops early graying. Infusion of leaves( 1:10) rinses hair or rubs it into the scalp with a swab once a week after regular washing. The course is long, not less than six months. Infusion of leaves on water and table vinegar 1: 5: 5 is filtered and used for washing the head 2-3 times a week. Course of treatment: ten procedures. If necessary, repeat the treatment in a month.

    In cosmetic practice, the tonic properties of aloe juice are especially appreciated. It is an effective stimulant: it accelerates the regeneration of cells, slows down the aging of the skin. To prevent the formation of wrinkles, it is useful 2-3 times a week to make 10-minute lotions from fresh juice of aloe leaves, previously passed biostimulation. With dry skin after lotions, a nourishing cream is applied to the face.

    With acne, inflammatory processes and irritations, as well as with oily skin, lotions from aloe juice are very good. If you do not have a nutritious cream with medicinal herbs on hand, to prevent the formation of wrinkles, add biostimulated juice from aloe leaves to petroleum jelly or lanolin.

    Facelift is not a novelty of the 20th century. Earlier, Aesculapius smoothed wrinkles, using various plants, in particular aloe. Finely chopped slices of aloe wrapped in foil and put in a refrigerator for two weeks. Put the resulting jelly in a glass jar. Two days later, apply it immediately, pre-lubricated with a suitable cream for your skin, and after 15-20 minutes rinse with cool water. After three procedures, only jelly, without cream, is applied. Then - again three times of aloe with cream, and on the fourth - only aloe. The duration of the course of masks from aloe - a month and a half.

    Cosmetic therapeutic preparations

    Cream "Aloe ferst"

    Provides anti-burn, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, bactericidal, antimicrobial action, promotes blood clotting, analgesic, relieves irritation of mucous membranes, relieves itching, nourishes and soothes the skin.

    Hygienic lipstick with aloe Hygienic lipstick for any season of the year, protects the lips in unfavorable weather conditions, softens cracked lips, prevents fever, treats seizures, herpes, and also an irreplaceable thing in first aid if you are cut, scratched or burned.

    Aloe vera with propolis

    Aloe vera with propolis, has a calming and anti-inflammatory effect, is used for massage and specific skin problems.

    Jelly "Aloe Vera"

    Jelly "Aloe Vera" removes inflammatory processes, including the female sexual sphere, as well as hemorrhoids and varicose veins;an excellent remedy for acne, impetigo, seborrhea, eczema, psoriasis, dandruff.

    Lotion with aloe

    Lotion with aloe - soothing and moisturizing, perfectly affects the weather-beaten, flabby, irritated skin, with problems with the vessels;It is used in the treatment of dermatoses, muscle injuries, injuries of tendons and joints.

    Stabilized gel "Aloe Vera"

    This stabilized gel "Aloe Vera" and allantoin, an organic agent that promotes the growth and renewal of cells;It is used for eczema, dermatitis, acne, impetigo, seborrhea, dandruff, alopecia, scleroderma, psoriasis, inguinal epidermophytosis, herpes, warts, bedsores, sprains, arthritis, rheumatism. ..

    Aloe Vera gel

    Aloe vera gel- a cosmetic product used as a protective day cream for all skin types, especially for oily and acne. Suitable for sensitive, problematic skin. The gel formulation contains natural ingredients that help speed up the recovery of skin cells, in particular after sunburn. Extracts of plants and minerals of the Dead Sea help to cleanse the skin and maintain its healthy appearance. Aloe extract treats the skin, gives it youth and freshness. The gel "Aloe Vera" also has a moisturizing and softening effect, removes inflammation and irritation, is a good antiseptic. The gel is applied to the face once a day in circular motions until absorbed. To care for the sunburn inflicted by sunburn, it should be applied every three hours.

    Aloe Scrub

    The formula "Aloe Scrub" allows you to use this product on all areas of the body, including the face. It perfectly removes dead skin cells and dirt particles that can clog pores, making the skin look sluggish, rough, dull and tired. Gently removing the dead cells, "Aloe Scrub" opens up a cleaner, smoother, younger skin and speeds up the natural process of skin renewal at any age. Exfoliation with the help of "Aloe Scrub" tones up the skin, removes old cells, stimulates the process of cell renewal, improves tone, helps moisturize the skin and even reduces the appearance of fine wrinkles.

    Mud Facial Mask

    The mud mask nourishes the skin of the face, improves tissue tone, smoothes wrinkles. The effect of this remedy is achieved through the complex action of such substances that are beneficial to the skin, such as aloe and seaweed extracts, lemon balm, lavender, jojoba, carrot, almond, orange, and the famous vitamin of vitamin E( tocopherol).Chamomile extract, contained in a mask, has a cleansing effect, and aloe, carrot oil and vitamin E actively promote the regeneration( recovery) of cells. The whole complex complex has a powerful rejuvenating property. To achieve this effect, it is enough to use the mask 1-2 times a week.

    Ingredients: balm oils, lavender, carrots, almonds, orange, rosemary;extracts of aloe, algae, vegetable wax, tocopherol( vitamin E), zinc oxide, exclusive BOM K system.

    Directions for use: Apply face mask 2-3 times a week for several minutes( depending on skin type).Wash after applying the mask can be ordinary water, but it is very useful to use after washing "Balm for the Eyes", applying it in a thin layer.

    Dynamic Moisturizing Cream

    This cream contains aromatic oils and extracts of chamomile, aloe, lily, as well as salicylic acid( a powerful disinfectant), vitamins C and E, known for their rejuvenating properties. Vitamins actively stimulate the protective functions of the skin and can naturally prevent many complications. Features of the composition have made "Dynamic Moisturizing Cream" an effective tool for moisturizing, nourishing and regenerating the skin. A wide range of action of the cream allows us to talk about its indispensability for the user of any age. The cream can rejuvenate the skin of an elderly person and significantly slow down the aging process of the skin at a young age."Dynamic moisturizing cream" can also be used as a massage - for a general reflex or point massage.

    One of the features of the cream is the ability to tone the body after a strong mental or physical overwork. To achieve this effect, it is necessary to apply the agent in a thin layer to the heartbeat( elbow or popliteal fold, "pulsating skin" area behind the auricle).The cream is effectively used to improve the emotional state. Anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties allow using the product as a shave cream.

    Ingredients: salicylic acid, lactic acid;aromatic oils of jojoba, orange, lavender, lemon balm, emulsified vegetable wax, chamomile extracts, aloe, lilies, tocopherol( vitamin E), ascorbic acid.

    It is used for the following diseases: neurosis, paralysis, burns, muscle pain;arthritis, arthrosis, back pain, diabetes, gynecological problems in women( dryness in the vagina);amputation( phantom pain);strokes, skin problems( erysipelas, has antibacterial action, antifungal, stimulates the immune system. The cream improves capillary blood supply, acts as an analgesic for dizziness, headaches, stomach pains, rheumatism, pains in the heart, regulation of the menstrual cycle

    Water compressesDead Sea

    This tool will allow you, without leaving home, to experience the healing power of the Dead Sea water. The Dead Sea compresses will help you get rid of skin defects, one way or another withAnyone who has had to live and put up with the problems that your skin creates will be able to appreciate this remedy

    Ingredients: aloe extract, oillavender, salicylic acid

    Method of application: in the form of compresses or lotions, wipes and masks. Wipe the napkin on the affected skin for 1-3 minutes.

    It is used for the following ailments: acne( acne), psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis, trophic ulcers, infected wounds, pressure sores.

    Effective in the resorption of scars, scuffing, soothes the skin after shaving, when treating burns, with bleeding, relieves fatigue and tones, treats radiation ulcers.

    Body Lotion

    Lotion is created on the basis of aromatherapy oils, medicinal plants and antioxidant vitamins. This drug is able not only to soften the skin and make it supple, but also to stimulate the skin's regenerative ability, to clean its surface. Undeniably beneficial effect of lotion on the body as a whole. This remedy is an excellent stimulator of the limbic system, which can also "incorporate" the various mechanisms of our organs and systems, if applied to massage the body. Very useful "Lotion for the body" with fatigue, with frequent nervous breakdowns, general weakness. Irreplaceable its effect and during the recovery of the body after severe diseases. In addition, experience shows that massage, done with the use of lotion, is extremely effective. The lotion can be used after taking baths.

    Ingredients: jojoba oil, sunflower, orange, rosemary, thyme, vegetable wax, aloe extract, lecithin, tocopherol( vitamin E), organic acids: salicylic, ascorbic, lemon.

    Method of application: apply a thin layer of the product on your hands and rub it with light massaging movements.

    The lotion acts as a libido stimulant, acting through the limbic system of the brain, improves the erection;helps to get rid of fatigue, frequent nervous breakdowns, general weakness, hypotension, asthenia, bronchitis, eliminates cellulite, skin cancer, helps to solve musculoskeletal problems, is effective for pain and cramps in the calf muscles, tones the body as a whole.

    Regenerating cream "Solaris"

    If your skin has been exposed to sunlight or thermal burn if it is damaged due to an environmental disaster, if you suffer from problems of the musculoskeletal system or trophic skin changes and, finally, if you are simply tormented by skin irritations, the cream "Solaris"For you is simply irreplaceable. This product uses avocado oil, which has amazing protective properties for the body cells - protection against free radicals, and an exclusive BOMC system delivers a set of essential amino acids to the cell to repair the damaged nuclear apparatus of the cell. The multifunctional composition of the cream "Solaris" makes it possible to successfully use it to restore the disturbed functions of the skin. To achieve the best results when applying the cream, it is recommended to apply it twice a day( morning and evening) a thin layer on the affected skin areas.

    Ingredients: emulsion of vegetable wax, avocado oil, sunflower, jojoba, aloe, orange, rosemary, thyme, tocopherol( vitamin E), organic acids.

    Method of application: Apply twice a day( morning and evening) a thin layer on the affected skin.

    It is used for skin rejuvenation, for the prevention of sunburn, for skin cancer, for resorption of scars, for radiation therapy, for musculoskeletal problems, for trophic ulcers, after diabetes, for Crohn's disease, stomach ulcer, colitis, rectal cracks, hemorrhoids, erysipelasinflammation, dermatitis, cellulitis, during pregnancy( eliminates stretch marks on the abdomen), with radiation fibrosis, postoperative keloid scars, is also used for prostatitis.

    Aloe gel with microclusters

    Transparent gel, wrung directly from the leaves of aloe, can quickly alleviate suffering and accelerate the healing of wounds. The action of the gel is similar to the action of a freshly cut aloe leaf. Gel with microclusters is a non-tacky softening gel with the addition of ingredients of plant origin. It is useful for use in cuts, burns, diaper rash, skin irritation, sunburn, with small insect bites, and after shaving as a light moisturizer. Microclusters, which are part of the gel, increase the absorption of all the curative ingredients contained in it. Aloe gel with microclusters is a combination of concentrated aloe juice, cabbage extracts and other plants. Aloe has been known for centuries as a healing plant. Aloe juice perfectly softens the skin, helps maintain moisture in hot, cold and windy weather.

    Application: Apply a thin layer of gel on clean skin.

    For external use only. Contraindications: do not use with deep( punctured) wounds.

    Shampoo for daily use

    Irreplaceable cleanser and moisturizer for hair, which does not require additional use of the conditioner. Drinking hair and scalp, shampoo soothes and at the same time invigorates. Under his influence, the hair returns or strengthens the lost luster, increases the elasticity of each hair. To achieve all these effects is not difficult: just apply the shampoo on damp hair, easily rubbed into the scalp, and then rinse well with water. This procedure can be done daily.

    Composition: extract of aloe, chamomile, jojoba, essences of rosemary oils, thyme, ylang-ylang, betaine.

    Shampoo calms and stimulates simultaneously, quickly leads the body to normal after sleep. Useful for washing the body in diseases such as skin cancer, asthma, migraine, rheumatism. Has antifungal and antiseptic effect. An irreplaceable remedy for alopecia.

    Shampoo with aloe

    This shampoo is a source of biologically active substances, which, penetrating through the skin, affect the entire body. This shampoo acts as an immunomodulator, a powerful antioxidant and a means of promoting cell regeneration. In addition, shampoo restores hair growth and has an excellent detergent effect. This is a family shampoo that is useful for your children.

    Purpose: improves the structure of the hair and restores the physiological balance of the scalp. Moisturizes the hair along the entire length and protects them from damage caused by the drying sun and heat treatment. Provides gentle hair care, gives them lightness and docility.

    Ingredients: hydrolyzed egg white, water, cocoylmethyltaurine sodium, polyoxyethylene lauryl ether sulfate, lauryl betaine, distearic acid glycol, cocamideprobyl betaine, cultivated aloe extract, panthenol.

    Method of application: apply the necessary amount of shampoo to damp hair, massage and after 1-2 minutes rinse with warm water.

    Suitable for all hair types. It is best to use shampoo two or three times a week.

    Aloe Vera Cream for Intensive Hair Treatment

    The high concentration of wheat bran, chamomile and more than 40% aloe in the composition ensures the restoration of the keratin layer, polishes the hair, making them elastic, durable and shiny. The cream with aloe is the ideal means of caring for damaged hair( after staining, chemistry, hot styling).Regenerating qualities of the drug provide strengthening and hair restoration, stimulate the reproductive qualities of the cells of the growth zone, stop hair loss. The cream greatly facilitates the styling, gives the hair volume and stability. Usually it is enough for 5 minutes to apply the cream on clean damp hair and, after massage the skin lightly, rinse with water. However, with damaged and dropping hair, it is advisable to use it as a mask, leaving up to thirty minutes on the hair.