  • Signs of pregnancy - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

    It is necessary only to complain to the girl-friend or the husband, that to you horror as it would be desirable the herring or pickled cucumbers, as the rhetorical question will immediately follow the tone of the real gynecologist: "Why did it suddenly pull you to the salt? And for a long time you have it? "And here, in the kitchen, while you still do not have time to cope with the coveted cucumber, you will expose and confirm the diagnosis:" You are pregnant. "

    Eh, if everything was so simple and understandable with this pregnancy and its signs, then what is easier: a can of pickles and fatty herring instead of any examinations of the gynecologist, immodest questions, complex tests and tests - and the diagnosis is ready. .. However, suchway pregnancy can not always be determined.

    In fact, not always changing the taste and eating habits is a sign of pregnancy. How many future mothers did not feel anything like this, waiting for their baby."Of course," some will say, "it's not necessary, the main symptom of pregnancy is a delay in menstruation!"But even this most notorious delay in menstruation can not completely

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    determine pregnancy in early terms!

    Let's try to figure out what are actually the symptoms of pregnancy and how accurately each of them indicates that this or that woman is waiting for the child. ..

    So. ..

    Is it possible to determine in the very first days after conception, beforedelay in menstruation?

    Conditionally all the signs of pregnancy are divided into three small groups in medicine, depending on how accurately they indicate the birth of a new life inside a woman.

    Doubtful( or presumptive) signs of pregnancy:

    This category includes those symptoms that can only suggest the possibility of pregnancy with these symptoms. And some women who are expecting a child, they are very pronounced and appear almost from the first weeks of pregnancy. In others, not only pregnancy in early terms, but the entire period of bearing a child is not characterized by any of the listed characteristics. These include:

    • Nausea. Most often occurs in the morning and lasts for several hours. Sometimes vomiting is attached - often in the morning on an empty stomach or after eating. In some cases, when nausea and vomiting are particularly pronounced, some changes in diet and diet, and sometimes medical care, may be required. There may also be gastrointestinal disorders, which can begin in 4-6 weeks of pregnancy and end by 8-12 weeks.

    • Change in taste, smell, addictions in food, etc. It is here that the legendary "craving for salty" should be attributed. Sometimes it happens that before pregnancy a woman simply did not like this or that product or dish, and during this period it becomes one of the most desired in its diet. On other pregnant women, from the first weeks, a whole gamut of new fragrances, which they simply did not notice before pregnancy, literally collapses. Moreover, every future mother has her own special sensations, not typical and not at all obligatory for everyone else.

    • Emotional lability. Pregnancy in the early periods is sometimes accompanied by a frequent change of mood, which can repeatedly occur for even one day. The future mother becomes very sensitive to the words and actions of others, reacting to the situation completely different than before pregnancy, the way. A woman who had previously barely noticed a neighbor's child, now can long and with tenderness observe his pranks. The pregnant woman can cry because of the unrequited love of Tasi and Sergei in the 112 series of the series, 111 of the previous series which has never been seen in my life.

    • Some other pregnant women claim that when they got pregnant and did not even know about it, they dreamed that they had caught fish.

    This is not all the dubious signs of pregnancy. But we will not dwell on them too much, since they are only "auxiliary" in the diagnosis, their presence only suggests the fact of pregnancy. Since not always the same nausea indicates pregnancy and not every pregnancy, as you understand, is accompanied by nausea. ..

    Probable signs of pregnancy:

    These symptoms are more likely than dubious to indicate pregnancy. Their expression in each pregnant woman is different. But still they can occur and with other various diseases and conditions outside of pregnancy.

    • Termination of menstruation( "delay").The absence of regular menstruation in women of childbearing period( 18-45 years) gives grounds to assume the onset of pregnancy. Delayed menstruation for 10 days can be considered as a relatively reliable sign of pregnancy provided a regular earlier menstrual cycle .

    • Changes in the mammary glands, which most often begin at a period of 8-12 weeks. It is during pregnancy and lactation that the mammary glands reach their maximum development. They increase in size, become more sensitive( engorgement of the mammary glands), pigmentation( coloring) of nipples and nipple circles intensifies. Over time, even during pregnancy, a light discharge from the nipples may appear.

    • Pigmentation( darkening) of the midline of the abdomen, large labia, inner thighs, and sometimes frontal tubercles, superciliary arches, chin and cheekbones.

    • Urination disorder. Most often this is a rapid urination, which appears already in the early stages. This is because the growing uterus puts pressure on the bladder. In later terms, the uterus changes its position somewhat, and this not very pleasant sign is eliminated, appearing again at the very end of pregnancy. Now the fetal head begins to exert pressure on the bladder, causing an increase in urination.

    • Increase in the size of the uterus and, accordingly, the abdomen. At first inconspicuous even to the woman herself, and then - an obvious fact for everyone around. Each pregnancy corresponds to a certain size of the uterus.

    • Increased body temperature. High temperature can accompany pregnancy, because during this period there is a change in the hormonal background of a woman and metabolic processes are accelerated. During pregnancy, due to the development of progesterone, the overall body temperature rises. High temperature affects pregnancy: it is poorly tolerated by the mother and potentially dangerous for the child. The increased temperature accompanying the mother's pregnancy causes an increase in the temperature of the child and the surrounding fluid. All this can damage tissues and cause defects in the central nervous system of the fetus. During carrying out the fetus, the warm clothes, the cool atmosphere of the house, the use of a large amount of liquid and food help to prevent heat. Painkillers and antipyretic agents, especially aspirin, should be taken only after consulting with a doctor. Measurement of basal temperature is an informative way to determine pregnancy.

    • Positive laboratory tests and pregnancy tests.

    As you understand, all these signs still do not always indicate the pregnancy. Even laboratory tests and various tests that only indicate the presence of certain hormones in a woman's body in one or another concentration may occur in some "female" diseases.

    Delay in menstruation, changes in mammary glands, increased pigmentation and even changes in the size and shape of the uterus can be symptoms of various gynecological diseases, endocrine pathology;frequent urination - with hypothermia and inflammation of the bladder. But on the other hand, pregnancy without the presence of probable signs is almost casuistic( this is the difference from doubtful ones).For example, it's hard to imagine a child bearing without an increase in the uterus in which it grows. ..

    Reliable Pregnancy symptoms:

    Here we have reached the smallest but most accurate group of symptoms that in 100% of cases indicate that a woman is growing inside a womanand a new life is developing.

    • Registration of the heart of a developing fetus. This can be done in various ways. In the early stages - with the help of ultrasound examination of the uterus( ultrasound);on later - listening to the heart of an unborn child with a stethoscope( a "wooden tube") attached to the mother's abdomen. For this, other methods were invented: ECG of the fetus, phonocardiography and cardiotachography.

    • Determination of the head, back, arms, legs and glutes of the fetus, which is carried out by the gynecologist with the help of their hands through the anterior abdominal wall of the pregnant woman. Simply put, it simply "gropes" the baby, laying both her hands on her mother's tummy.

    • Determination of fetal movements through the anterior abdominal wall of the mother, which is also performed by the doctor during the examination. Of course, the definition of these signs, especially the last two, becomes possible only in late pregnancy, but in this case hardly anyone will be able to doubt the fact of pregnancy.

    In other words, an accurate diagnosis of pregnancy can be made quite early only on the basis of ultrasound. Already in the period of 4-5 weeks, as a rule, during the ultrasound examination of the uterus, the work of a small heart is clearly visible. At later times, it is enough to inspect and listen to the heart of the fetus to establish the fact of pregnancy.

    Pregnancy at an early age

    The same signs are observed, of course, in young mothers 15-17 years. Unfortunately, early pregnancy of girls, not yet ready neither physically nor psychologically for the birth of a child, leads to severe complications during childbirth. Despite the emergence each year of new progressive methods of treatment, a girl's pregnancy can end with the death of a newborn. Borns are of low weight and die 2 times more often than children of more adult mothers. In developing countries, adolescent pregnancy and childbirth is one of the causes of death of young girls. Early pregnancy in girls aged 13-16 years is associated with a high risk for health, because at an early age the incidence rate is 2.5 times higher than that of older women. Pregnancy of teenagers is most often characterized by placental insufficiency, the threat of termination of pregnancy, toxicosis and anemia. As a result of an early pregnancy, the structure of the bones can be disturbed. The body of a young mother, like a child, still uses calcium to grow bones. Most often , an early pregnancy is a tragedy for both the young mother and her parents. It is best to avoid pregnancy at an early age. According to statistics, 100 teenage pregnancies more than half result in abortions, which are often one of the causes of infertility.