  • What to do with hemorrhoids during pregnancy?

    Hemorrhoids are one of the most common rectal pathologies. If there is hemorrhoids during pregnancy - what to do, a lot of women are interested.

    Of all appeals to the proctologist about the intestines, almost 40% of patients are patients with this disease. Particularly high probability of its occurrence in pregnant women, so prevention of hemorrhoids during pregnancy is very important. Hemorrhoids are characterized as a disease that occurs with blood overflow of blood vessels of venous plexuses localized in the anus. It is these pathologically enlarged veins that are called hemorrhoids.

    Features of hemorrhoids developing during pregnancy

    Hemorrhoids are found in early pregnancy, but are more frequent in later periods of childbearing, when the enlarged uterus causes a more significant violation of the blood filling of the vessels.
    There are primary and secondary hemorrhoids. Primary is due to hypodynamia, when a woman spends a lot of time in a sitting position, improper diet, excess weight, chronic constipation.

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    A certain role is assigned to a hereditary predisposition to vein insufficiency, taking certain medications or taking up some sports( motorcycling, rowing, lifting weights).If hemorrhoids occur for the first time during pregnancy, then it is also referred to as the original form. It should be remembered that any remedy for hemorrhoids for pregnant women should be prescribed by a doctor after an anamnesis and a thorough examination.

    Secondary hemorrhoids is a consequence of cirrhosis of the liver, severe cardiac and vascular pathologies, cancerous processes that occur with a violation of blood flow through the vessels of the small pelvis. If we talk about hemorrhoids caused by pregnancy, it is worth noting that women who at least once gave birth to children suffer from this disease almost five times more often, so prevention of hemorrhoids in pregnant women should be mandatory.

    This pattern can be related to the fact that the enlarged uterus presses on the pelvic floor and, accordingly, on the hemorrhoidal venous plexus. Hemorrhoids are also caused by constipation, which often develops during pregnancy. In this case, the number of births and the age of the woman affect the degree of risk of the disease.

    What if I have hemorrhoids in pregnancy? First of all, you should forget about all the traditional methods of treatment and immediately go to the doctor, since slight violations during the initial stages of hemorrhoids may later develop into severe complications during childbirth and the postpartum period, and may affect the normal course of pregnancy at its late stages.

    In addition, hemorrhoids can cause anemia, accompanied by arthritis and pathology of the genitourinary system or skin. Often women with unexpressed symptoms do not think about whether hemorrhoids are dangerous during pregnancy, and then face various complications.

    This is especially true for women who have had certain clinical symptoms of hemorrhoids even before pregnancy, but have not been treated. That's why a woman before pregnancy, and already during this period should carefully treat her health and in any violations report this to the doctor.

    Symptoms and symptoms

    Depending on the location, the hemorrhoidal nodes are external and internal. The internal nodes lie inside the rectum, so they can not be seen when viewed. Such hemorrhoidal formations cause itching, a sensation of heat and pain, which can go to the back of the sacrum. Bleeding from the internal nodes are more massive, so anemia is more common in patients with a deep bedding of pathologically dilated veins.

    External hemorrhoid during pregnancy is localized directly in the anus, so it is easy to diagnose with external examination, to conduct a digital rectal examination is not necessary. Such nodes are prone to frequent fallout and are more painful, which greatly complicates the emptying process.

    The disease proceeds as follows:

    • the first stage - discomfort in the anus, painful bowel movements, there may be slight bleeding. The examination reveals hemorrhoids, but they do not fall out, the rectal mucosa is red, with signs of inflammation, small blood vessels are dilated. If he starts to worry about hemorrhoids during pregnancy - what the doctor will do that will diagnose and prescribe an individual treatment;
    • the second stage - the previous symptoms are joined by the deposition of hemorrhoids. Patients complain of itching, discharge and pain of a pulling character in the anus area, which are given to the lumbosacral region;
    • the third stage - all the symptoms of hemorrhoids in pregnancy are pronounced, the loss of nodes requires manual repositioning;
    • the fourth stage is the most dangerous, since the hemorrhoidal nodes are not corrected. This can cause severe pain in the area of ​​the anus.

    The risk of massive bleeding, as well as thrombosis, in which the hemorrhoids become dense and sharply painful, develops edema and hyperemia around them, while the woman may have a fever, which adversely affects the fetus. If we talk about how dangerous hemorrhoids are in pregnancy, it should be noted that with thrombosis and prolapse of nodes with subsequent pinching, in some cases, the surgeon's assistance is required, and any surgical intervention is extremely dangerous in pregnancy.

    How to cure the disease?

    In the treatment of this disease it is important to observe the following rules:

    • to regulate the emptying of the intestines with appropriate dietary nutrition. To do this, the diet of the patient should include foods high in fiber, as well as those that show laxative effect. It is useful to use sour-milk products, dried fruits.
    • plays an important role hygiene - it is better to use wet toilet paper( sold in pharmacies), it is also necessary to wash thoroughly after defecation;
    • at external sites it is possible to spend a sedentary bath with an infusion of a camomile or with a solution of potassium permanganate.

    What is possible for pregnant women from hemorrhoids, and what is contraindicated, can only be advised by the attending physician, do not listen to the advice of people who are not professionals in the field of medicine. With the ineffectiveness of non-pharmacological therapy, topical medications are prescribed, most often in the form of suppositories or creams.

    For the rapid elimination of pain, often used drugs, which include anesthesin or lidocaine. From the second trimester, you can use Gepatrombin G - cream for hemorrhoids for pregnant women, which shows anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory effect.

    To improve the condition of the vascular walls from the third trimester, you can take Detralex in tablets. With acute hemorrhoids and the threat of paraproctitis, antibiotics are prescribed. Any drugs from hemorrhoids during pregnancy can not be used without the advice of a doctor.

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