  • Diseases of currant and gooseberry

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    Powdery mildew( spherote) appears in the spring, usually after flowering: young leaves, tips of shoots and green berries of gooseberries are covered with white loose coating and become as if sprinkled with flour. The raid consists of the smallest spores. Later, the plaque thickens, darkens and the

    becomes like a felt with fine black dots on its surface. In the currant, powdery mildew affects leaves and shoots. The disease proceeds in the same way as on gooseberry.

    Control measures. In autumn or early spring, the fallen leaves are collected and burned. Only need to trim the hooked blackened ends with a small capture of healthy tissue( by 1 -2 kidneys).To eradicate the infection, spray the bushes and the soil under them with iron sulfate( 300 g per 10 liters of water).During vegetation at the first signs of the disease, bushes can be sprinkled with soda ash( 50 grams of soda and the same soap per 10 liters of water), repeating the treatment 2-3 times in 8-10 days. Instead of soda, you can use the infusion of mullein or repaired manure( for 1 part 3 parts of water, insist 3 days, then three times dilute with water and strain).Spraying is carried out in the evening or in cloudy weather during the day. On the currant, the use of sulfur preparations( 40-60 g) and 10% emulsion of topaz( 2 g per 10 l of water) before flowering and after harvesting is allowed.

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    Anthracnose develops mainly on leaves, but can affect young shoots and stems of berries. Often in the second half of summer, red currant bushes and gooseberries begin to lose leaves and in August stand completely bare.

    The causative agent hibernates on fallen leaves. The diseased leaves are first covered with small brown spots, gradually merging, then they become brown and dry up. On other parts of plants small brown sores are formed.

    Control measures. Si. Powdery mildew. In case of disease on young leaves, apply 1% Bordeaux mixture, repeat spraying after picking berries.

    Septoria( white spotting) affects currant and gooseberry On the leaves in June, small angular or rounded gray spots with a brown border and dark dots( picnids) are formed in the center of them from the upper side of the leaf. Later the same spots appear on annual shoots, their tissue is torn. Control measures. See Anthracnose. To increase the resistance of plants to disease contributes to the introduction of sulphate manganese and other trace elements - copper, I boron, zinc - against a background of full mineral fertilizer.

    The column rust appears in the second half of the summer: on the leaves from the upper side there appear small yellowish spots, and on the lower side, orange piles consisting of spores of the fungus are formed on the leaves, then they turn into columns of spores of brick color, similar to hairs.

    Control measures. Before buds swelling, add phosphorus-potassium fertilizers and micro-fertilizers to agricola for berry crops( 40 g per 10 liters of water for watering the soil).Before flowering and after harvesting the bushes sprinkle with 1% Bordeaux mixture. In autumn, destroy the fallen leaves, dig up the soil under the bushes.

    The swelling of is mycoplasmal( viral) disease. It is characteristic of all kinds of currants. The causative agent is in the juice of plants, so the entire bush becomes infected and partial or complete trimming does not help. The most characteristic signs: the petals become abnormally narrow and small, often acquire an uncharacteristic purple color, berries do not tie. Leaves instead of five-bladed become trilobate with coarse veins and lose the typical currant smell.

    The disease with planting material is transmitted. Within the site, the sweating is spread by the currant bud and mites. Control measures. For planting, only healthy material is taken. It is necessary to fight the main vector of infection - the kidney currant tick.

    Increased doses of phosphate-potassium fertilizers and foliar top-dressing with a solution of trace elements( molybdenum, boron, manganese) increase the resistance of the currant to terry. Increasing the doses of nitrogen fertilizers, on the contrary, contributes to the development of the disease.

    Raspberry pests

    The raspberry beetle is the most common pest of raspberries and blackberries. The body of the beetle is oblong-oval, about 4 mm long, covered with dense reddish hairs. Eggs lay in flowers, and later on the tops of the ovaries. The emerging larvae penetrate the fetus and damage it. Control measures. Autumn digging of the soil and spring loosening of it around the bushes contribute to the lining of most of the beetles and larvae hibernating there. During the budding of raspberries, it is recommended that the beetles be shaken off the bushes on the litter. Treat the preparation kinmix 2.5 ml per 10 liters of water).

    Raspberry mole damages the kidneys. Winter caterpillars hibernate in dense white cocoons under the straggly bark of stalks, on stalks of raspberries and in garbage leftovers. In the spring they leave cocoons and bite into the kidneys. Here pupate, turn into butterflies, lay the flower inside the testicle. Control measures. Autumn cleaning of garbage and plant debris in the garden. Cutting and destroying the prolific shoots, leaving no stumps, in autumn or early spring( in March).Early spring treatment with Kinmix( 2.5 ml per 10 l of water).

    leaf aphids suck juice from raspberry leaves. It does not form large colonies. Is a carrier of viral diseases. Control measures. Spraying with plant infusions and decoctions recommended against aphids in other crops.