  • Shortening trimming

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    The shortening is to shorten the length of the shoot or branch by removing its top, most often shortening part of the annual growth or perennial branch. With a strong shortening, dormant buds awaken on a cut branch, lateral branching grows more strongly, the so-called branched branches become smaller.

    The reaction of fruit trees and shrubs to pruning has a basic common feature: the more intensive the pruning, the more actively the development of new shoots. This technique can be used to care for old and slow growing fruit trees, but do not abuse it, interfering too much in the natural process of plant development. After intensive shortening of branches and branches, the buds receive a powerful impetus to growth, new strong shoots develop from them, from which strong branches eventually form. New shoots next year in their turn: are subjected to shortening pruning with the goal of rejuvenating the plant and obtaining from a non-rich harvest.

    Shortening trimming should be quite intensive. If the cutting was weak or insignificant, the load on the tree from the remaining large number of kidneys will be so great that an intensive growth of the tree crown will begin, one of the shoots that are formed will be short i weakened.

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    An interesting method of uneven truncating trimming can be proposed to correct errors related to the growth rate of the fruit tree. If you bend the tree unevenly, then this will lead to the opposite effect, that is, the strongly shortened part of the tree will grow slower, and the weakly cut part, on the contrary, is more intense.

    Plant response to shortening of

    When the branches are shortened, the substances that were supposed to ensure the growth of shoots at the removal of the part of the branch are redistributed between shoots that grew below the cutting site. With a slight shortening of noticeable results in the number of shoots, the strength and height and angles of separation will practically not be observed. As the degree of shortening increases, the shoot growth zone approaches the base of the branch, and even if the number of growing shoots does not increase, their growth will increase and the angles of separation become more acute.

    Shortening trimming has a local action, that is, the zone of influence of trimming on the growth of branches does not extend beyond the shortened one-year branch.

    Effect of different

    degree of pruning

    on the development of the plant

    1. Strong shortening pruning causes intensive growth of shoots from the terminal( terminal) kidneys.

    2. Weak, shortening pruning results in a moderate uniform growth of lateral shoots from the left middle kidneys.

    3. Uneven trimming causes uneven intensive growth of the whole tree.

    It should be remembered that the stronger the pruning, the stronger the reaction of the tree to it, the more active the subsequent growth of the tree after trimming. Excessive growth of the plant after strong pruning of

    can lead to thickening of the crown and a new strong pruning. Therefore, it is more rational not to run the tree so that you do not have to resort to strong pruning

    . One of the truncating trimming techniques is pruning on the kidney, which is carried from the base of the kidney to the top of the branch. After shortening the shoot, the buds located below the pruning site experience a strong impact, causing them to bloom, which leads to intensive development and branching of the shoot. The more there are branches located close to the horizontal direction, the more intense will be the process of formation of lateral shoots, located mainly on the upper side of the branches. Thus, the growth of the tree in height will decrease, it will be able to use its powers to plant flowering buds and form fruit. Shortening of the annual branch should be made as close as possible to the kidney, but in such a way as not to damage the kidney, because the next year it must develop a new shoot.

    It should be borne in mind that on steeply growing branches, as a result of pruning to the kidney, intensive growth of weak lateral shoots may occur, which is undesirable. The is the following, which is the

    If you trim to a weak but well-formed kidney located at the bottom of the shoot, it will turn out to be weak and its growth will be significantly limited. Receiving shortening trimming to the last lower kidney makes it possible to weaken the development, for example, of a competing shoot, if for some reason it can not be removed entirely. This trimming allows you to choose from two equal parts Cut the shoot over the kidney

    To perform a cut above the kidney it's better to use a curved garden knife. It should be installed at an angle of 30 ° from the back of the kidney, over which it is necessary to make a cut, and sharp movement of the knife to cut off the upper part of the branch. The best result is a cut performed above the tip of the

    kidney, the opposing shoots retain both. Usually in this case, one of the shoots is cut out, and the second removes the apical bud or by garter is fixed in a horizontal position to accelerate fruiting. Applying this trimming technique, you can not cut out the opposing shoot, but shorten it to the last lower bud, hindering its growth and allowing it to rest for a year. The next year, out of the last kidney left, young shoots with a flower bud will develop, which will bloom a year later. Thus, by accepting trimming to the last kidney, it is possible to prevent the phenomenon of alternation of the periodicity of fruiting, since all the new fruit branches, ready for fruit formation, will constantly develop in a year.