  • Dogrose Contraindications

    Rosehip - the most valuable medicinal plant, the healing properties of which were known more than a thousand years ago. Avicenna gave a description of its use in cosmetics, for the treatment of tumors, wounds, ulcers, headaches. More details about the beneficial properties of dog rose look here.

    In modern medicine, rose hips are an excellent vitamin remedy for beriberi. Various drugs from it are used for anemia and exhaustion of the body after serious illnesses, as a wound-healing agent for fractures and ulcer of the stomach, gastritis. But at the same time, because of the high content of ascorbic acid, gastritis with increased acidity of gastric juice, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer caused by an increased acid-forming function are contraindications to the use of dogrose.

    Rosehip is used as a capillary strengthening for hypertension, atherosclerosis and various hemorrhages. And because of the high content of vitamin K, which increases blood coagulability, contraindications for dog rose are thrombophlebitis, endocarditis and heart failure of grade III.

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    Oil from hips is used for the treatment of trophic ulcers, dermatoses, bedsores, for resorption of scars from injuries and burns. Widely used in cosmetology: for moisturizing the skin, combating pigmentation, prevents the appearance of wrinkles.

    For nutrition, moisturizing and toning the skin, for the prevention of wrinkles it is recommended to wash with the infusion of rose hips. To cook the infusion, pour 2-3 tablespoons of finely chopped petals of dogrose 400 g of boiling water and after cooling strain.

    For dry skin of the face, a lotion is recommended from the rose hips: pour 3 cups of dry petals with almond or peach oil and heat on a steam bath until they are completely discolored.

    With increased skin sweating, the decoction of the petals, fruits and leaves of the dog rose makes a good effect. For foot baths, the roots of rose hips are used.

    N Despite the fact that rosehip oil contributes to the normalization of the sebaceous glands, and the narrowing of pores, its use in pure form with increased skin fatness prone to the appearance of acne is highly discouraged.

    For a long time in the medicine of the countries of the East - India, Tibet, China - the dogrose is used for the treatment of the kidneys, liver and bladder, and infusion of its flowers with neurasthenia. Decoction of Tibetan branches is consumed inside with bloody diarrhea, rheumatism and radiculitis. Tibetans use different parts of this plant and for the treatment of tuberculosis, scarlet fever and typhoid.

    Currently, dogrose is one of the most popular vitamin and medicinal plants used in homeopathy, dermatology and cosmetology. For the treatment use decoctions of rose hips, roots, leaves and fruits. For example, the broth of fruits is used inside with inflammatory skin diseases, pink and juvenile acne. Decoction of petals with honey is used to treat eczema and other skin diseases, and decoction of leaves rinse the hair after washing, which gives them a beautiful appearance. Decoction of dry roses is good to grease the eyelids, roses help with inflammation of the eyes, this was also written by the great Avicenna more than a thousand years ago.

    The pharmaceutical industry produces powders, tablets, syrup, liquid extract.

    Fresh fruit is made from compote, often mixed with dried fruit, jelly, vitamin tea( with currant, rowan), syrup, flesh is made from jam, it can be frozen.

    The hips for long-term storage are dried. Make sure that the fruit does not have mold. It is the mold that causes negative consequences when using rose hips.

    "After ingestion of the dog rose must rinse the mouth with warm water. The acids contained in the infusion, destroy the tooth enamel"
    ( Home remedy., 412 recipes of Russian traditional medicine and modern pharmacopoeia VI Sklyarov).