  • Ginger for weight loss

    Nutritionists use the properties of ginger to reduce weight: ginger removes excess fluid from the body and relieves swelling.

    Modern nutritionists love ginger for what it normalizes the appetite. Dishes flavored with ginger seem more saturated, fragrant, so a person reduces the amount of food to quench the sense of hunger. In modern practice, ginger is often included in nutrition systems to normalize weight, as a means of improving digestion, especially the digestion of proteins, and contributing to the production and use of energy by the body.

    To reduce body weight and equalize the metabolism, here are the simplest and most affordable recipes from ginger.

    Ginger tea
    Ginger tea for weight loss came to us from the East, where ginger has traditionally been recommended to everyone who wants to lose weight. According to Tibetan ideas, ginger refers to hot foods that kindle blood circulation and speed up the metabolism, which means they "heat" fat. But in traditional medicine it is believed that ginger tea for weight loss works with essential oil, the main components of which are gingerol and shogaol. They increase the metabolic processes in the body. In addition, ginger, as we recall, is an antioxidant, therefore the use of a cup of such tea a day can be considered as an element of struggle for pure radiant skin without wrinkles and strong health at any age.

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    If you drink before a meal - it dulls the feeling of hunger.

    The simplest recipe for ginger tea
    To prepare it you will need:

    fresh root of ginger the size of a large plum;

    1 liter of water.

    Clean a piece of fresh ginger root, cut it into thin plates and place them in boiling water. Reduce the heat to a minimum, close the lid and cook for 5 minutes. Then remove from heat and let it infuse for another 3-5 minutes.

    Take better after the tea has cooled to 35-40 ° C.You can drink this tea 2 times a day, at any time, however you can adhere to the following recommendations:

    if you have an increased acidity of the stomach, it is better to drink this tea after eating;

    if lowered - that for 10-15 minutes before a meal;

    if normal - then during or one hour after a meal.

    Tip: you can brew a bit more concentrated tea( a bit of ginger needs to take a little more) and then dilute it with water to the desired temperature: while the tea is hot, with cold water( drinking bottled or pre-boiled - do not drink water "from undercrane "), and when it cools down - boiling water.

    Rules for the use of ginger tea
    There are several important points to consider when using ginger tea for weight loss:

    • Ginger tea can be drunk constantly, and not just on active weight loss days.

    • The maximum dose of ginger tea per day is 2 liters.

    • It is best to make fresh ginger tea every day.

    • If you take tea before eating, it dulls appetite and hunger.

    • It is not recommended to drink ginger tea in the evening, as it strongly invigorates.

    • For making tea, ginger is best cut as thinly as possible, for example with potato peeler.

    • After cooking, ginger tea must be filtered, otherwise it will be too saturated.

    Ginger drink for weight loss
    This drink strengthens digestion, neutralizes the toxins accumulated in our stomach and helps to assimilate food.

    0.5 tsp.ginger powder;

    1 cup of water;

    1 circle of lemon;

    1 tsp.honey.

    Ginger pour boiling water over a saucer or a towel and leave for 10 minutes. Then add 1 tsp.honey and lemon. Drink half a glass in the morning:

    • with increased acidity of the stomach - while eating;

    • with reduced or zero acidity - half an hour before meals.

    The second half of the glass of the drink can be drunk during the day in small sips - respectively, during meals or in breaks between meals.

    Ginger tea with lemon

    Peel a piece of ginger root and grate on a large grater;2 tbsp.l.place in a container and pour 1 liter of boiling water. Add 50 ml of fresh lemon juice and honey to taste. If there is a desire, you can put another sheet of mint or lemon balm. Let the tea steep for 1 hour. Take half a glass in the morning on an empty stomach( preferably half an hour before a meal).

    Orange tea with ginger root

    Mix 1/2 tbsp.l.finely chopped ginger root, 60 g of peppermint leaves and a pinch of ground cardamom. Mix the mixture with boiling water for 30 minutes, then strain, add 85 ml of lemon juice, 50 ml of orange juice and honey to taste. Such tea is drunk cold throughout the day. In addition to being an excellent way to lose weight, it also increases the feeling of freshness.

    A fragrant elixir with green tea

    Brew 1 tsp.ordinary green tea 1 liter of boiling water. Let it brew for 5 minutes and add a finely chopped ginger root( 3-4 cm), a pinch of cinnamon, a couple of cardamom pods and a clove stick. Pour the tea into a stainless steel saucepan and bring to a boil, continuing to cook for 20 minutes. Let it brew for another half an hour. Then strain into a convenient teapot and pour over the cups. Instead of the usual tea, you will have an unusually fragrant elixir. It can be drunk both hot and cold. Such a drink, in addition to a weight loss effect, has an antioxidant and rejuvenating effect.

    Apple tea with ginger

    To prepare one serving you will need:

    3 apples;

    1 ginger root;

    150 ml of water.

    Finely chop apples and ginger, pour water and bring to a boil;15 minutes cook on low heat, then strain, and the tea is ready.

    Tibetan tea with ginger

    For the preparation of 1 liter it will be required:

    0,5 l milk 1,5-2,5% fat content;

    0.5 liters of water;

    10-11 pieces of cloves;

    9-11 pieces of cardamom;

    1 tbsp.l.crushed fresh ginger;

    0.5 tsp.ground nutmeg;

    2 tsp.green tea;

    1 tsp.black tea( the Indian "Darjeeling" is best suited).

    In cold water add consistently: cloves, cardamom and green tea. Bring to a boil and pour the mixture with milk. After that, add tea, fresh ginger and nutmeg. Let it brew for 5 minutes and strain. Take tea in the morning on an empty stomach without sugar and seasonings instead of breakfast.

    Ginger Drink

    This drink includes three flavors - hot, sour and sweet and is shown to those in the body that everything flows slowly, and only fat accumulates quickly. It helps to digest food and neutralizes toxins accumulated in our stomach.

    For cooking, you will need the following ingredients:

    1.2 liters of water;

    3 tbsp.l.grated ginger;

    5 tbsp.l.honey;

    4 tbsp.l.orange or lemon juice;

    2 tablespoons fresh mint.

    First boil water, add ginger, honey and mix everything thoroughly. Liquor strain through a sieve. Then add a pinch of black pepper, a little fresh mint and juice. Drink hot before eating.

    Vegetable salad

    This salad is very suitable for fasting days. For its preparation, you need the following ingredients:

    2 pieces of carrots and 1 piece of baked beet;

    peel of 2 oranges;

    1 tsp.lemon juice;

    1 tsp.celery powder;

    1h.l.fresh ginger.

    Carrots, beets and lemon zest grind and mix with the rest of the ingredients. Add 1-2 tbsp.l.vegetable oil, and lettuce is ready.

    Ginger helps to get rid of excess weight not only because of fat burning, but also because it speeds up the removal of toxins from the body.

    Using garlic with ginger to enhance the effect of losing weight

    Garlic is another unique product, given to us by nature. In addition to its valuable nutritional qualities and rich flavor, it is famous for many useful properties for the body. In particular, the substance acylline in its composition helps to lower the tension of the blood vessels, which means it improves blood flow and prevents the occurrence of vascular diseases. Due to this property, garlic can regulate high and unstable blood pressure, lower blood cholesterol level, save from cold and perform many more amazing feats for the benefit of our body!

    For us, its interaction with ginger is of interest now. Both these products are responsible for the permeability of the cell membrane. Thanks to the combination of ginger with garlic, the "gate" cells open, letting in ions of sodium, potassium, sulfur, silicon, calcium and selenium( a known antioxidant).

    As you know, fat deposits accumulate in special cells that have the property of stretching, filling up with more "stocks".So, ginger together with garlic "open" these stores, provoking the release of accumulated deposits. When stocks get into the blood, at first the person feels a sharp burst of strength and vigor - still, it was the energy reserve that the body saved up on a "rainy day"!

    If we used for this stimulation not ginger with garlic, but some medicine, the ejection could be too strong. If the body could not cope with the release, a large number of stocks would turn into poisonous toxins. We would need special purification therapy to prevent violations of the function of excretory organs - the liver and kidneys.

    If we use garlic and ginger every day in small quantities, our body gradually learns to throw out exactly as much stock into the blood as can be split and withdrawn through the excretory organs. Thus, you can quickly get rid of extra pounds, but do not break the debugged system. You can not cook special dishes, but add to ginger tea when brewing garlic.

    Recipe for ginger slimming tea with garlic

    1 liter of water;

    2 tbsp.l.grated fresh ginger root;

    2 garlic cloves.

    Peel the ginger and cut into thin slices. Add garlic and pour boiling water, leave to infuse for 2 hours. Then, strain the drink and take half a cup before meals during the day.

    Recipes from obesity
    • Lemon juice with ginger honey: fasting on ginger water with lemon juice and ginger honey is the most effective method of fighting obesity. From half a lemon it is necessary to squeeze out juice, to add 1 ch. L.fresh ginger honey and pour it all with a glass of scarcely warm ginger water. Take a drink at regular intervals.

    • Mix in equal proportions celery juice and ginger honey. Take 2 tbsp.l.2-3 times a day for obesity, as well as a decrease in general tone, neuroses.

    • Prepare collection: birch white( buds), chamomile medicinal( flowers), St. John's wort( grass), immortelle sandy( flowers) - all for 25 g.

    All thoroughly mix and pound in a mortar into fine powder. Pour in a porcelain teapot 1 tbsp.l.powder 0.5 liters of boiling ginger water, infuse 12-15 minutes, drain. Drink in the morning and evening for 1 glass, adding 1 tsp.ginger honey. After the evening tea reception until morning, do not drink, do not eat.

    • Take 1 tbsp.l.ginger honey, dissolve in 100 ml of ginger water at room temperature and drink in the morning on an empty stomach. Then 2 hours is not. In the evening, 2 hours before sleep, again drink on an empty stomach 100 ml of ginger water with 1 tbsp dissolved in it.l.ginger honey. The course of treatment is 1 month. After a 1-2-week break, you can repeat it.

    • Effective technique to reduce body weight: for 14 days 3 times a day for an hour before meals take 1 glass of carrots and cabbage juice( 1: 1) and for 30 minutes for 1 glass of oat-herb-herbal decoction in a ratio of 1 /2;1/4;1/4 cup. During this period, limit the use of meat, flour and sweet food and walk in the evening at a rapid pace for 1 hour( anywhere, but not where the transport goes), then take a warm shower. In the juice or broth, you can add ginger honey to taste. Juices and medicine take two weeks, and walk for a month, but daily.

    • Oat-herb-herbal decoction: 3 cups of unmalified oats and rinds should be rinsed with warm water, poured into a five-liter enamel pan, add 3 tbsp.l.birch buds and 2 tbsp.l.leaf cranberries, pour 4 liters of cold ginger water and insist in a cool place one day.

    In another enamel saucepan boil 1 l of ginger water. Quickly wash in cold water and mash 1 cup of dry rose hips, pour them into boiling ginger water. Boil not more than 10 minutes, remove from heat and allow to stand for 1 day in a cool place.

    Infuse oats with birch buds and cranberry leaves put on fire, close tightly with a lid and boil for 15 minutes on moderate heat. Then, stirring, add there 3 tbsp.l.grass sporisha( its other name - bird mountaineer), 1 tsp.calendula flowers, cumin, 2 tbsp.l.corn stigmas. All this boil for another 15 minutes, remove from heat and let it brew for 45 minutes.

    Both infusion, without stirring, filter separately through gauze in one layer in a colander. Then connect them. You should get 3-3.5 liters of broth, since some of the liquid will absorb oats, herbs, and dogrose.

    Ready-mixed broth should be poured into bottles of dark glass and stored in the refrigerator for no more than five days. Take it immediately after preparation. Each next serving of infusion, taken from the refrigerator, must be warmed up before use.

    • In Russia they treat with love a brew cooked from dried fruits or only some dry apples, with the addition of ginger honey to taste. Do not forget that the greatest benefit from the cook is on the third day after it is cooked. It has all the substances useful to man, it quenches thirst, does not cause a feeling of hunger. Those who want to lose extra pounds can arrange unloading days - to drink such a brew during the day.