  • Shaggy dog

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    Features of the game and its educational value. This game has a plot character: it creates an image that you need to fear. The child's task is to meet this danger and even touch it, but do not run to a certain signal( the last word of the text).Thus, the game teaches children to control their behavior, overcome fear and not pass before difficulties. Its imaginative character fosters the development of the imagination, and joint activity is the rapprochement and unification of children.

    Description of the game and the techniques of its conduct. The teacher draws a circle on the ground. This is a house for a shaggy dog. At a distance of 2 or 3 steps from him draws a line, to which children must go. From this line, at a distance of 15-20 steps, a second trait is drawn, where the children will flee from the shaggy dog. Such training attracts the attention of the kids. Using this, the adult adjusts them to the game and explains its rules.

    At first the role of the shaggy dog ​​is assumed by the educator. At his instruction, all the children approach the line marking their house, take up their hands and line up. One of them( the most intelligent) is in the center. He will direct the movement of children and set his pace. To show how to do this, the teacher first leads the line himself and pronounces the following words, which the children repeat with him:

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    Here lies the shaggy dog ​​,

    With his nose buried in his paws.

    Quietly, quietly he lies,

    Whether it is dozing, or sleeping.

    Come to him, wake up

    And see, something will happen!?

    Holding hands, children sneak up to the line. When the last words are said, they touch the dog, who, sitting with his eyes closed, allows himself to pat and caress. Suddenly, all of a sudden, for all the dog opens his eyes and barks, and the kids run to their house( outside the line).

    The dog runs after the children, barks at them and returns to their house again. The game begins again. Each dog performs its role twice.

    Rules of the game.

    1. Do not touch the dog until the text has run out.

    2. The dog does not move and does not open the eye until it is touched.

    3. Run into your house and escape from the dog can only after he bark.

    Tips for the educator. Try to create an expressive image of a shaggy dog-good-natured by nature. But he is angry because he is prevented from sleeping. The dog does no harm to anyone and does not even catch children, but only chases them away with a loud barking. This role requires expressive movements: the dog walks around his house, climbs into it, settles down comfortably( the performer of the role squats, hides his nose in the palm of his hand, closes his eyes).

    In explaining this role, it should be emphasized that the dog does not move when the children touch it, but they should not push and pull it, because they can get angry. It is important that the dog barked unexpectedly for everyone. This moment can prompt the adult, touching the hand to the child or giving him a signal.

    In this game the dog does not catch children. In order for the kids to have a rest from running, the dog should move for a while in free space, bark, etc., before again taking his place or before choosing another performer of the role.

    Wake up the dogs the children go in a straight line, coordinate their steps with the rhythm of the text. You need to monitor this when you repeat the game.

    Usually children are most attracted by the role of shaggy dog. Everyone wants to get it and expresses his impatience. To ensure that all participants in the game are satisfied, you can choose not only the dog, but also two puppies that will act together with it.