  • Saluki-catching-up

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    Features of the game and its educational value. This game is aimed at educating the children of courage, the ability to mobilize and avoid danger. The danger in this game is imaginary, imaginary: children do not catch, but only salute each other. But even this can cause the excitement and timidity of the kids: some run away before the time, others, on the contrary, as if petrified, can not budge. In both cases, the child may be besieged. Avoid this will help only the concentration and self-confidence, which will allow you to escape in time from the salon .Over time, the child is convinced that he can avoid meeting with a saber. He becomes bolder and more determined. Helping him, first, the spatial organization of the game( the security strip, where the rubber can not enter) and, secondly, the support of other players in the game.

    In this game, all children( except for the salochki) act in the same way and at the same time, which not only facilitates the efforts of the child, but also brings him satisfaction. The approval of the educator also helps, which applies to all who are not afraid.

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    Description of the game and its methods. The teacher draws a circle on the ground( this is a house for a salon).At a distance of two to three

    steps, a line is drawn from it. Here the children will stop, going to the garden.

    Adult calls to his children, asks them to join hands and line up in line with their backs to the line. Together with the tutor, the children walk amicably with the following words:

    We are jolly guys, like running and jumping, Well, try to catch up with us!(two times)

    The children stop, and the tutor spends one more feature,( this is the feature near which the turtleneck will stop).After two or three steps, another trait is drawn from it, behind which there will be a children's home, where you can hide from the salon. Between these two features a security strip is formed.

    Then the leading one( saber), which occupies a place in the circle, is selected, and the remaining children join hands and line up at their house. Moving now towards the salon, they all step together and repeat with the teacher the same words: "We are funny guys. .." With the last word of this text( but not earlier), everyone turns their backs on the trowel and run to their house, andSalochka tries to catch up with them. If he succeeds, the caught child goes to the house of the salon, and the game continues. If not, then a new driving one is selected.

    At the end of the game, the teacher mentions those children that no one has caught up with, and those leading who have exactly followed the rules of the game.

    Rules of the game.

    1. Go to the little stick boldly, amicably, evenly, holding hands and coordinating your steps with the steps of other children.

    2. Run only after the last word "catch up!" Is said.

    3. Do not catch those who intentionally slows down the traffic to the house.

    Tips for the educator. The basic rule of the game( 2) is the same for both the salon and those who run away from it. Explain to the pupils that in this game they are all brave, adroit and not at all afraid of the Salsola. With all the rules of the game you should introduce the children clearly.

    It is very important to calculate the distance between one line and the other in advance so that the children have enough space to run.

    At the end of the game, those who have followed the rules should be encouraged.