  • Fighting pests and diseases of the garden

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    Cycle of development of apple moth Fruit


    Successful control of pests is possible only with the use of a comprehensive system of measures. They can be: preventive, mechanical, biological and chemical. But one can not rely on any one method, it is necessary to apply them in a reasonable combination. Then you can fulfill the basic requirement: to protect, but not to harm.

    I. Preventive measures to protect plants from pests and diseases oblige the horticulturist:

    - use disease-resistant varieties, so you need to carefully look at the description of varieties and pay attention to these properties;

    - laying plantations to produce a healthy planting material from special nurseries, especially berry crops, because the most dangerous pests spread mainly with seedlings. It is a bud mite on the currant, strawberry mites and nematodes on strawberries, sprouting on raspberries;

    - do not allow thickened plantings, t.it is in them, in the first place, successfully develop diseases: rot, blotchiness, fungal raids. Hence, it is necessary not to plant plants so often, and if thickening occurs, then it is necessary to thinly thin trees and shrubs;

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    - use some purely technical techniques, namely: spray not only the upper, but also the lower surface of the leaves, becauseit is there that pests are concentrated. Unusual advice. The effect of the drug is enhanced if the sprayed plant is covered with a film, and soap is added to the solution of the pesticide for better adhesion.

    II.To mechanical measures of struggle it is possible to carry:

    - removal and burning of nests of the hawthorn and the clutches of the ringed silkworm( late autumn);

    - cleaning of old bark from boles and skeletal branches;

    - whitewash of the stem and tree branches( in autumn and spring) with lime or special paint;

    - cutting and burning of shoots affected by powdery mildew, monilioz on cherry;

    - installation of trapping belts, collection and destruction of caterpillar codling moth. Harvesting the scavenger.

    III.The biological method of struggle involves, first, the use of natural enemies of garden pests.

    These are useful garden insects and insectivorous birds. They eat caterpillars, larvae, beetles, aphids. Therefore, the gardener must prepare and hang bird houses in advance, and in winter, feed the birds with seeds, bacon, and leave a part of the fruits in the rowan, irriga, and bird-cherry trees.

    Useful garden insects: insect predators: 1 - lacewing and its larva;2 - ground beetle, eating caterpillar;3 - seven-point ladybug and its larva;4 - fly-fly and its larva;insect-parasites;5 - Trichogram;6 - rider-finder

    Another group of gardener assistants are predatory birds and useful animals. In this regard, the task of the gardener is to protect them in every possible way, to use less pesticides less, not to light fires, not to water sprinkling. On site, it is necessary to allocate a place for sowing siderates, which attract useful insects.

    The second area of ​​biological control is the use of plants that have properties that are toxic to pests. More than a hundred species of plants have been discovered, extracts of which possess insecticidal action. These are marigolds, potatoes, onions, dandelion, tansy, nettles, tomatoes, celandine, horse sorrel, yarrow, garlic. In the literature on gardening and horticulture, recipes for these and other plant insecticidal extracts are given.

    But when using herbal preparations in the form of broths and infusions, you must remember and observe the following rules:

    1. Plants can be prepared in advance. They can be dried and used in the next year. Plants are usually collected in a phase of budding and flowering, when they contain the greatest amount of toxic substances.

    2. The water temperature for infusions from dry plants should not be higher than 35-40 ° C.

    3. Infusions and decoctions must be filtered before spraying, and for better adhesion and wettability, 40 grams of laundry soap per 10 liters of water are usually added.

    4. Because herbal preparations have little effect and they are not resistant, spraying should be done on the day of their preparation, several times per season after 3-7 days.

    5. Treat the plants only with a sprayer, and not with a barbaric method - using a broom.

    6. Spray should be in quiet weather, preferably in the evening hours and closer to night, on dry leaves.

    The last two rules also apply to the use of chemicals.

    7. After processing with vegetable extracts, vegetables can be eaten not earlier than 10 days later.some of them are not safe for humans.

    In addition to insecticides, there is a group of plants that have a deterrent effect due to volatile discharges with an unpleasant odor( phytoncidal effect).These plants are planted along with those whom they want to protect, in row-spacing, along the edges of beds and even in rows( splotches).

    For example, ants scare peppermint, wormwood, tansy, valerian. Fruit jelly on apple tree will avoid garlic planting and wormwood bitter in the trickle bar. Moles do not tolerate neighborhood with castor, daffodils, and mice are afraid of garlic, blackcurrant, sweet clover, tansy, coriander.

    The mite on the currant and the gooseberry moth will not develop very much if the cut branches of blackberry are cut into the bushes. This plant will also scare away the gooseberries and the apple moth. The same effect is obtained by planting tomatoes in the immediate vicinity of gooseberry, and garlic - among the currant bushes. Sowing under the apple tree nasturtium will scare away green aphid, and tansy - moth.

    IV.Chemicals against pests and diseases should be used in combination with other protective equipment in strict accordance with the permitted regulations, consistent with the phenophases and periods of plant development( Table).

    System of measures for protection of fruit crops against pests and diseases

    Relative calm

    Kidney swelling

    Bud budding -( "green cone")

    Bud extension. Flowering







    1. 5% iron vitriol. Whitewashing of boles and skeletal branches. Snow trampling

    2. 3% nitrafen( once every 2-3 years) + 1% urea( trickle).Shaking of beetles-weevils

    3. 0.3% carbofos + 0.3% copper chloride or 3-4% Bordeaux fluid

    4-5.0,3% Carbofos + 0,3% Copper chloride or 1% Bordeaux fluid

    Stone fruits


    Whitewashing of boles and skeletal branches

    1.3% Iron vitreous( crown) + 7% Urea(trunk)

    2. Inta-Vir( 1 table per 10 liters) or 0.2% decis + 1% Bordeaux fluid

    3-4.0,3% carbofos + 0,3-0,4% copper oxychloride or 0,1% topsin-M

    Growth of the ovary

    Fruit development and maturation

    Deciduous leaf






    Felling of the hog belts

    Collectionfalling, removing the trapping belts

    Spraying 5-7% urea. Cleaning the bark. Protection from mice. Whitening of boles and skeletal branches

    Stone stone

    Cutting of sick branches

    Spraying with 4% urea. Whitewashing of boles and skeletal branches

    System of protection of berry bushes against pests and diseases

    Relative calm

    Bud budding, leaf dissolution

    Bud extension






    Currant, gooseberry


    Pruning shrubs. Spraying with 3% nitrafen or hot water treatment( up to 70 ° C)

    Collection of tick bud

    1. 0.3% carbofos + 0.3% copper chloride

    2. 0.3% carbofos + 1% Bordeaux fluid


    Spraying2-3% nitrafen

    Pruning shoot tips

    Spraying 0.3% carbon fosse + 0.3% copper chloride

    Shaking beetles. Cutting of young shoots damaged by a raspberry fly

    Growth of the ovaries

    Berry ripening

    Falling fall





    Currant, gooseberry

    3. Whey or manure infusion

    Digging up the under-soil zone


    Shaking beetles. Cutting of young shoots damaged by a raspberry fly

    Spraying with 1% Bordeaux liquid or 0.3% copper chloride

    Cutting of the sprouting shoots

    Insecticides( against pests)

    Fungicides( against diseases)

    Lepidocide( powder, tablets) -20-30 g / 10 l of water

    Integral( liquid) - 25 ml / l

    Decis( emulsion concentrate) -2 ml / 10 lwater

    Vectra( suspension concentrate) -2 ml / 10 l of water

    Danitol( emulsion concentrate) -10 g / 10 l of water

    Skor( emulsion concentrate) -2 ml / 10 l of water

    Inta-Vir( tablets) - 8-12 g / 10 l of water

    Strobes( granules) - 2 g / 10 l of water

    Kreotsid( concentrate of emulsion) - 2 ml / 10 l of water

    Copper sulfate( powder) -50-100 g / 10 l of water

    Carbocinemulsion) - 2 ml / 10 l of water

    Cuproxate( emulsion concentrate) - 0.25%

    Spark( powder, tablets) -10 g / 10 L of water, 1 tablet / 10 L of water

    Cartridge( powder) - 40-60 g / 10 l of water

    Metaldehyde( tablets) - 30 g / 10 m2

    Copper oxide( powder, tablets) -40 g / 10 l of water

    Abiga Peak( aqueous suspension) - 0.4%