  • Cherry felt

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    Felted cherry, or Chinese( Cerasus tomentosa Lois) is very different from other species - shrubs 2-3 meters high from the family of Rosaceae. The bark is gray-brown, the branches are also gray-brown, young shoots are felt-pubescent. The leaves are broadly elliptic, pointed at the tip, 3-5 cm long and 2-3 cm wide, from above greyish-green, veined wrinkled, pubescent, gray-woolly from below. In autumn the leaves become brightly colored from carmine-red to light-yellow. Blossoms in May-June, abundantly, and fruits ripen in July. Fruit - drupe, globose, about 1 cm in diameter, red.

    In the wild, cherries are found in northern China, widely popular in Korea, China and Japan. In our country this kind of cherry is common in the Far East, Khabarovsk and Primorye. Nowadays it is well-known to amateur gardeners of Non-Black Earth Region, as it annually blooms and fructifies abundantly.

    Felted cherry is an ornamental and fruit plant.

    Cherry is unusually beautiful at the time of flowering: a huge bush in pink flowers. The plant is unpretentious, resistant to diseases and pests, frost-resistant, quickly responds to watering and application of organic fertilizers. Skoroplodna, already in the 2-3rd year it has fruits of pleasant sweet-sour taste, tightly attached to the branches with the help of a very short stalk.

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    Requirements: felt cherry grows better on fertile and easy, well drained soil with neutral reaction. Excess moisture adversely affects growth, fruiting and wintering, which leads to the death of bushes. It is desirable to lime the sour soil.

    The place of the felt cherry is sunny, it does not tolerate shading at all. For better dusting on the site, it is necessary to plant or several seedlings, or several varieties( at least three).

    Ingredients: cherry cherry berries contain a large amount of sugars, mainly glucose and fructose, organic acids - apple and lemon, rich in vitamin C and P-active substances, contain pectins and tannins.

    Fruits cherry felt contains about 11% of sugars, mainly glucose and fructose, about 2% organic acids, mainly apple and lemon. Approximately 50 mg% of vitamin C, 750 mg% of vitamin R. According to the content of folic acid, cherry fruits are close to raspberries, in them up to 2 mg% of carotene, vitamin B, and from trace elements, iron, copper, magnesium.

    Seed multiplication of felt cherry: from freshly squeezed fruit, it is necessary to wash the seeds, not letting them dry, mix with moist sand and place in the refrigerator. In the fall, they need to be sown in grooves of ridges to a depth of 1 - 1.5 cm. Ridges should be made from fertile and lightsoil. For spring sowing, the seeds must be stratified within 120 to 130 days prior to the beginning of pecking, then snow. Seedlings are weeded, watered and loosen the soil. Too thickened crops should be thinned out. In one summer, the majority of seedlings grows to 30-50 cm, a good friable root system develops. Developed seedlings can be transplanted in the same autumn to a permanent place in the garden.

    Planting: planting seedlings 1-2 years old can be planted in autumn and spring. In a planting pit or trench not less than 60 cm wide and not more than 50 cm deep, it is necessary to introduce a soil mixture( per m2): organic fertilizers - at least 3 buckets, lime - 400-800 g. Phosphorus - 40-60, potassium - 20-30 g of active ingredient. All should be evenly mixed. The root system should be cut to 20-25 cm, treated with a clay chatter and planted shrubs at the same depth as in the nursery. After planting, the soil should be compacted, abundantly watered and covered with peat or organic fertilizers. On the site it is enough to plant 2-3 plants of a felt cherry. Of the specific features of growing cherry cherry, the following can be noted. Apply a more sparse planting scheme: 3-3.5 x 1 - 1.5 m. It is carried out by seedlings 1-2 years old at the same depth as they grew before.

    Kinds of felt cherry

    Now cherry types of felt are sorted: Alice, Summer, Natalie, Ogonek, Ocean and Autumn.

    Especially large-bore, winter-hardy and resistant to discoloration of Amurka, Summer and Da-mank.

    Pruning: plants are grown in the form of a bush with a spherical crown that, if necessary, easily translate into a flat one, shortening the lateral branches to branches that grow along the row.

    Crop the bushes after the first commercial fruiting - for 4-5th year after planting. The main method of pruning is thinning.

    Harvesting: fruits quickly deteriorate, so they are harvested in the phase of consumer maturity and immediately recycled.

    Ways of using

    Usage: cherry fruits are consumed fresh and processed. At home, they are dried, used to make jam, compotes, juice, syrup, jam, mors, tincture. The leaves are added to pickles and marinades.

    It is established that felt cherry improves appetite, regulates the activity of the intestines, promotes better absorption of fats and proteins of animal origin, has a capillary-strengthening property, and linoleic acid in oily ointment oil is able to have an antisclerotic effect.

    Fruits are mostly used in recycled form, from them prepare compotes, jam, pastille, jam. Dried berries are added to dried fruits to make compote.

    Compote. Wash the washed berries in sterilized, hot jars to half the volume, then pour hot syrup( per 1 liter of water you need 200 g of sugar).After 1 minute, drain the syrup into a bowl and bring to a boil.

    Pour again and immediately roll up, turn over and hold until it cools. Jam "five-minute": berries to sort out, wash. Cherry mixed with sugar and bring to a boil, boil for 5 minutes over medium heat. Remove from heat, pour over hot, steam-treated cans. When the banks cool down, close the lids( 1 kg of purified cherries -1 kg of sugar).