  • The healing properties of berries and fruits

    About nutritional value and special healing properties of fresh berries and fruits, mankind has known since time immemorial. They not only satisfy hunger, but also increase the tone of the body, optimize metabolism, serve as an excellent supplier of energy, vitamins and trace elements. Most nutritionists are advised to use fruits and not juices in nutrition and treatment.

    Fiber, which is contained in the pulp of fruits and berries, lasts longer in the body and prevents the increase in blood sugar.

    For treatment, you should choose berries and fruits that will not only serve as a preventive for the body, but will also actively resist the diseases that are overwhelming you. And, of course, do not forget about contraindications. And this means that consultation with a doctor before choosing a fruit and berry diet is mandatory.

    Watermelon - almost 90% water, so it quenches thirst well. He has low caloric content( 38 kcal per 100 g of pulp), which means that it is useful for those who want to lose weight. Long since watermelon is used as an effective diuretic for edema of kidney and cardiovascular origin. Watermelon stimulates oxygen exchange in cells. Watermelon diet is indicated for urological diseases - cystitis, nephritis, pyelonephritis. This berry improves blood formation, protects the mucous membranes of the whole body. Regular use has a rejuvenating and revitalizing effect on the skin, improves the condition of the hair, strengthens bones and teeth.

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    Watermelon juice effectively cleanses the kidneys, bladder and urinary tract, washing toxic substances and slags out of them.

    Contraindications: do not use with individual intolerance.

    Apricot - stone fruit with delicate fragrant pulp. In apricots a lot of provitamin A, ascorbic acid, B vitamins, which make the muscles elastic, strengthen the nerves, participate in the process of hematopoiesis and cell growth. In the fruits of many minerals, especially potassium, which stimulates the activity of the heart and the cardiovascular system. Apricots suspend aging, help with the decay of forces, act as a sedative.

    In the absence of contraindications for the general cleansing of the body recommended "watermelon starvation: for 2-4 days, the diet consists only of watermelons and black bread.

    Contraindications: apricots are not recommended for pregnant women and people predisposed to gastric disorders.

    Quince - especially sweet varieties, when consumed in food have a beneficial effect on the psyche, invigorate, improve mood, eliminate obsessive thoughts and headache. Fruits and juice from them strengthen the heart, the liver, have a diuretic effect. Due to the high iron content, quince is useful for anemia. Boiled in honey fruits strengthen the stomach, increase appetite, stop mucous vomiting. All varieties are effective for diarrhea, bleeding and jaundice. Peel and seed chambers are brewed like tea and drunk in ARVI, cough, tracheitis and bronchitis. Regular use of quince improves the complexion, eliminates bad smell from the mouth.

    Contraindications: do not use with individual intolerance.

    Pineapple is an exotic fruit with a yellow pulp of pleasant taste and aroma. In pineapple, proteins, simple sugars, organic acids, alkaloids are found. It contains a lot of potassium, iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and copper. Pineapple also contains carotene, ascorbic acid, vitamins E and B. But the most unique pineapple is bromelain, a substance that some nutritionists consider to be the best fat burner. Pineapple stimulates digestion, and also activates the defenses of the body, cleanses blood vessels, has anti-inflammatory properties.

    Pineapple is useful in diseases of the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidney, radiation sickness, malaria and scurvy.

    Pineapple juice improves well-being, as it cleanses the body. It is useful to use with anemia, inflammation, cold and other diseases. The high content of bromelain makes women beautiful and slim.

    Pineapple promotes active protein digestion, better digestion of food and helps maintain the harmony of the figure.

    Contraindications: do not use with individual intolerance.

    Orange - one of the most useful citrus fruits, rich in vitamins, and therefore its use prevents the development of vitamin deficiency. The organic complex, consisting of cellulose and pectin substances, contributes to the normalization of digestion, as it reduces putrefactive processes in the intestine, reduces gas production, neutralizes toxic substances that enter the body from the outside or are formed during the course of tissue metabolism, and helps to remove excess cholesterol from the body. Oranges are included in almost all diets intended for weight loss. Fruits stimulate cellular metabolism and add vitality, are the best assistant to the immune system.

    It is desirable to use orange juice with pulp, since in this case fiber, pectic substances, all vitamins, phytoncides, organic acids and mineral salts are preserved. Orange juice has an antiseptic effect, stimulates the activity of the intestines, protects against flu and colds, improves brain function, stimulates cellular metabolism and hemopoiesis processes, strengthens vitality, the immune system, and quenches thirst during the fever. It is useful in hypo- and avitaminosis, atherosclerosis, hypertension, liver disease, gout, gastritis, enterocolitis, flatulence, chronic constipation, especially in the elderly.

    Contraindications: do not consume orange with individual intolerance.

    Bananas is a delicacy with a high content of nutrients and an effective remedy for gastrointestinal disorders, especially in children. Bananas are prescribed for digestive disorders, stomach ulcers, diarrhea, enteritis and ulcerative colitis. Mature fruits are often used as an antiscorbutic agent, as well as nephritis, heart disease. Bananas are prescribed for dietary nutrition and on unloading days with sick atherosclerosis and hypertension. Among the mineral substances in the banana, potassium salts have been found, which help to remove the liquid from the body, which is essential for swelling. Sour fruits are useful in diabetes. Since the banana pulp contains very important physiologically active substances( serotonin, dopamine), the fruits help to fight insomnia, bad mood, stress, depression and neuroses.

    Banana nectar is recommended for use in gastrointestinal diseases and liver diseases. It has a positive effect with hemorrhages in the stomach and duodenum.

    Contraindications: do not recommend bananas with a tendency to obesity.

    Hawthorn - for medicinal purposes use not only fruits, but also flowers and hawthorn roots. In fruits, except carotene and rare acids, contains more than 10 valuable in the pharmacological relation substances. Since ancient times, the fruits of hawthorn have been used to treat cardiovascular diseases, since they normalize the rhythm of the heart, prevent premature fatigue of the heart muscle, selectively dilate the vessels of the heart and brain. In folk medicine, medicines from hawthorn, including juice, are recommended for hypertension, angina pectoris, climacteric neurosis.

    Contraindications: do not use with individual intolerance, use caution with hypotension.

    Grapes is a delicious and effective product recommended for exhaustion, loss of strength, anemia, tuberculosis and for the activation of carbohydrate metabolism. Fresh grapes are useful, as well as raisins and fruits of processing - juice, syrup, wine, decoctions. A peel of berries, rich in ballast substances, eliminates intestinal atony, digestive problems, constipation. Grapes and grape juice soften the premenstrual syndrome, accelerate the passage of urine through the kidneys, bladder and mochevyvodyaschim ways, wash out toxins and bacteria from them and reduce inflammation. They help with fatigue, stress and depression, strengthen the nervous system, remove water from the body, toxic substances, and also bind fats.

    Contraindications: not recommended for diabetes mellitus, exacerbations of peptic ulcer, obesity, enterocolitis.

    Cherry is an indispensable curative berry with general and capillary strengthening, antisclerotic, diuretic and expectorant action. Anthocyanins and anthocyanides, which give the ripe berries a dark red color, block the inflammatory processes and are ten times more active than aspirin. This means: 20 cherries may well replace 1-2 tablets of aspirin. Berries and juice from them improve appetite and digestion, quench thirst, relieve nausea, help with anemia and febrile conditions, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, have a mild laxative effect, help to fight excess weight, has a rejuvenating effect. In folk medicine it is recommended to consume fruits of cherry with milk for inflammation of joints( arthritis) and gout.

    In elderly people, increasing blood circulation, hawthorn prevents sclerosis, spasms, narrowing of the vessels, positively affects the elasticity of their walls.

    Contraindications: do not use berries for individual intolerance.

    Blueberries is a black-bluish, sweetish berry that is used for general strengthening of the body, as an anti-inflammatory and antipyretic agent for colds. Blueberry has a tonic, antiscorbutic, antihypertensive, mild laxative, diuretic, antidiabetes and antihelminthic effect. Berries and juice squeezed out of them are used to improve metabolism, with gastritis with reduced acidity of gastric juice, pancreatitis, colitis, cholecystitis and catarrh of the stomach. They improve appetite, reduce blood sugar levels, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, improve heart function, they are recommended to be included in the menu for liver diseases.

    Blueberry juice is good for removing thirst for colds, normalizes intestinal function, is shown with weakened immunity.

    Contraindications: do not use berries for individual intolerance.

    Grapefruits - an indispensable fruit for a diet that helps strengthen the heart. It practically lacks fats and sodium, while at the same time high in potassium, which controls blood pressure. Fruits are a rich source of pectin, which lowers the level of cholesterol in the blood, they activate the cellular metabolism and cell growth, increase the production of hormones, purify the intestines and stabilize the intestinal flora. Grapefruit and fruit juice strengthen the immune

    Pectines contained in drinks and blueberry dishes, bind and remove cholesterol, as well as salts of heavy metals - lead, mercury, etc.

    system, help with venous disease, seizures and are indispensable for diets intendedfor weight loss. Folic acid, contained in pulp and juice, is a stimulator of cell growth and activates the process of hematopoiesis.

    Contraindications: excessive intake of grapefruit can lead to heartburn and acidic eructations.

    Pear is a fruit considered in folk oriental medicine an excellent remedy that gives joy and relieves stress. Fruits have an invigorating, refreshing effect, improve mood, are useful in heart diseases, strengthen the stomach, promote digestion of food, help with burning in the bladder. The flesh of the fruit is more easily tolerated by the body than the flesh of the apples. In folk medicine it is used for colds, fever, cough. Fruits have fixing properties, and therefore are useful in disorders of the intestines, accompanied by diarrhea. The pear is included in the diet of patients suffering from diabetes, since it contains a large amount of fructose. Decoction of dried pears has an anesthetic, antiseptic, diuretic action, it is prescribed as a lotion for severe headaches.

    Pears help with poisoning with mushrooms, and their seeds have antihelminthic effect. Pear juice is an excellent diuretic.

    Contraindications: pear is not recommended in the morning on an empty stomach, and also it is not necessary to take a great interest in pregnant women and with constipation.

    Blackberry is a valuable berry that has a soothing, firming, anti-inflammatory, expectorant, bactericidal, wound healing and antiseptic action. Blackberries and juice from berries are shown with increased nervousness, and also are a means of protecting against stress. Berries strengthen the immune system, help with diseases of the veins, convulsions and hemorrhoids, improve the work of the intestines, have an anti-inflammatory effect on the mucous membrane. They are recommended for diabetics. Due to the optimal ratio of iron, copper and cobalt, it is beneficial for hemopoiesis. Dark-red berries of blackberry contain plant pigments that block inflammatory processes.

    Contraindications: individual intolerance is possible.

    Wild strawberries - one of the most healing berries. It is successfully used as an astringent, hemostatic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, analgesic wound-healing, diuretic and cholagogue. The value of berries and juice from them is that they excite appetite, improve digestion, well quench thirst, lower blood pressure, give a good effect on sclerosis. Fresh berries are useful in the general decline of strength, anemia, liver and biliary tract diseases, uterine bleeding, jaundice, rickets and hemorrhoids. Traditional medicine recommends the use of strawberries in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, gastritis, kidney stones, beriberi. Delicious berry is indispensable for everyone who needs dietary nutrition.

    Strawberry juice is recommended for atherosclerosis, gout and cholelithiasis.

    Contraindications: may cause an allergy manifested in skin rashes, itching, redness of individual skin areas.

    Cranberries is an effective remedy for avitaminosis, a general decline in strength and fatigue, as it contains a lot of vitamin C. Berries and cranberry juice prevent the growth of pathogens, enhance the effect of drug therapy, lower temperature, help with coughing, headache, colds andinfluenza. They increase the strength of the walls of blood vessels, increase the elasticity of capillaries, regulate the sugar content in the blood, reduce cholesterol, improve the work of the stomach and intestines, increase appetite and quench thirst, are used to purify the kidneys and remove stones from them, help with diseases of the genitourinary system - cystitis andgynecological inflammations. Drink from cranberries is recommended for atherosclerosis, hypertension, insomnia, obesity, poor metabolism.

    Contraindications: extreme caution is necessary with increased acidity of gastric juice.

    Lemon is an effective remedy that strengthens the immune system. It improves the absorption of iron to supply cells with oxygen, strengthens blood vessels and stops bleeding gums. Fruits and juice from them improve the growth of cells and rejuvenate the body, help get rid of toxins and putrefactive fermentation processes, especially in the liver. Lemon and juice squeezed out of fruit help to remove those deposits of toxic substances that can not be excreted in any other way, stimulate the production of gastric acid, release fat, activate metabolism and help to conduct a course of losing weight. The systematic use of lemon regulates the intake of calcium in bones and teeth, connective tissue, hair and nails.

    In folk medicine used to reduce inflammation in skin diseases, juice is moistened with sore ulcers and wounds.

    Contraindications: should be careful to people with high acidity of gastric juice.

    Raspberry is a berry with a special taste and aroma, long appreciated for its healing properties and an abundance of nutrients. Fruits have anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antipyretic, expectorant, antiemetic, analgesic and metabolism-restoring action.

    Among other berry crops raspberry is high in fiber, which activates the work of the intestines, increases the secretion of digestive juices and bile, so it is recommended for sluggish digestion and constipation.

    Raspberry and juice from it is used for anemia, impaired permeability of blood vessels, ulcer diseases. They are recommended for use in atherosclerosis, kidney and bladder diseases. Juice from raspberries is shown to people with high acidity of the stomach.

    Regular use of raspberry juice makes the hair lush and shiny, and the skin - soft and supple.

    Contraindications: an allergic reaction is possible, it should be refrained with exacerbations of gastritis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum.

    Seabuckthorn - berries and juice squeezed out of it are widely used in official and folk medicine. They improve digestion, normalize the metabolism, protect against thrombosis, help to arrest the growth of pathological tissues. Outwardly, the broth of fruits is used to treat skin diseases, and the decoction of the seeds is used as a laxative. Seeds of sea-buckthorn are used to make a particularly valuable therapeutic oil. It is used to treat the cornea of ​​the eyes, non-healing wounds, pressure sores, burns, with ulcers - internal( stomach and duodenum) and external.

    Contraindications: sea buckthorn is not recommended for use in diseases of the pancreas, gall bladder and liver.

    Peach - anti-stress fruit: thanks to the high content of niacin, magnesium, carotene, yellow pigments( xanthophylls) and other nutrients quickly improves mood. Fruits and juice strengthen the immune, cardiovascular and nervous systems. In peaches, the fiber content is high, so they stimulate the intestinal peristalsis, revitalize and regulate the digestive system, and eliminate constipation. Peaches, as well as nectarines( hybrids with smooth peel and easily separable stone) and brunoli( hybrids with poorly separable stone) contain potassium, which removes liquid from the body, and sodium, which retains water in tissues. That is why the fruits and juice of them are recommended for weight loss diets, in addition, they return the skin freshness and healthy appearance.

    Contraindications: the bones of fruits contain dangerous hydrocyanic acid and the substances that it synthesizes in the body.

    Plum - fruits of plum have long been valued as a remedy for various digestive disorders. Modern folk medicine recommends the use of plums in the treatment of gastritis, colitis, stomach ulcers, because they have the ability to reduce gastric acidity. Fruits strengthen the heart and immune system, help cope with stress in anxious nervous states, depression. It is useful to include plums in the diet for those who are overweight, they clean the stomach, it is useful to use plums for schoolchildren during the exams.

    Doctors advise more often with constipation, atherosclerosis and rheumatism.

    Contraindications: plums are not recommended for use in large quantities in diabetes mellitus. In addition, the nuclei contain substances that, under the action of digestive enzymes, release poisonous hydrocyanic acid.

    Black currant is a valuable therapeutic and dietary berry, characterized by a high content of substances vital to man, which increase the strength of the walls of blood vessels and capillaries. It calms the nerves and improves mood, strengthens the immune system, activates cellular metabolism, kills viruses and bacteria. The optimal combination of vitamins C and P in fruits allows them to be used in blood diseases, anemia, and also as a hemostatic. Berries and juice from it are rich in magnesium salts, which reduces the spasms of blood vessels and prevents thrombosis. Black currant in any form is effective for rheumatism and as an antiallergic agent.

    Contraindications: individual intolerance is possible.

    Blueberries - a berry rich in nutrients useful to the body, is most often used as a means of improving eyesight. However, bilberry and its juice are also effective in beriberi, they strengthen immunity, lower the level of cholesterol and fats in the blood, are useful in bronchial asthma, cholelithiasis, kidney and bladder diseases. Berries have astringent and disinfectant properties, they help with anemia, putrefaction in the intestines, diarrhea, acute and chronic enterocolitis. Blueberry juice is recommended for diabetes, atherosclerosis, joint diseases. It helps blueberries to get rid of excess weight, it is used for diseases of the skin and mucous membranes.

    Contraindications: individual intolerance is possible.

    Apples is a valuable dietary product. Fruits have a stimulating, bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, anti-sclerotic, astringent, laxative, diuretic, choleretic and expectorant properties. Apples are rich in potassium, which is extremely important for the normalization of the activity of the heart muscle, nervous system, water metabolism, kidneys and muscles. Fresh fruits are prescribed for hypo- and avitaminosis, colitis, dysentery, typhoid fever, anemia, hypertension, obesity. They lower blood pressure, cholesterol and fat in the blood, purify the intestines. Pectins neutralize and remove from the body cholesterol, salts of heavy metals, toxic substances formed in the intestines by putrefactive bacteria and other microflora. Acid varieties are recommended for increasing the acidity of the stomach. Kashitsa from fresh apples heals wounds, including those that are not long healing, but in a mixture with butter helps to get rid of abrasions on the lips and cracks in the breast of nursing mothers.

    In apple juice, many valuable unsaturated fatty acids, sugar, minerals in the form of salts of phosphorus, magnesium, calcium.

    Apple juice is useful in anemia, atherosclerosis and obesity, helps with gout and thyroid diseases, strengthens blood vessels and weak veins.

    Contraindications: do not recommend for gastritis, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer. Accordingly, sweet varieties are used against the background of low and zero acidity of gastric juice, and acidic - with increased acidity.