  • Treatment with vegetables, fruits and juices

    According to the World Health Organization in the diet of healthy eating an adult should be present at least 40 types of vegetables, fruits, nuts and berries. It is preferable to use them in raw form. Vegetables, berries and fruits contain a large number of useful biologically active substances - vitamins, mineral salts and trace elements, various carbohydrates, organic acids, phytoncides, flavonoids, tannins, essential oils actively involved in metabolic processes. Their presence allows vegetables, fruits and berries to actively protect our body from a variety of diseases.

    It is desirable that at least 5 types of vegetables and 3 kinds of fruits are present in the diet. In weight form, the average daily set of products, in addition to potatoes, should include 400 g of vegetables and 100 g of fresh fruit.

    Healing properties in plant products, including vegetables, fruits, berries, spices and nuts, are determined by the presence of antioxidants and substances that strengthen the immunity of our body. Antioxidants prevent the development of many chronic diseases.

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    This powerful internal force, which helps us to "be liberated" - this is how the word "immunity" is translated from Latin - from the effects of unfavorable factors affecting our body and causing all sorts of diseases.

    The value of vegetable products is that they usually have a low energy value: on average, 100 g of edible part of vegetables from 20 to 40 kcal, fruits and berries - from 30 to 50 kcal( except for more caloric potatoes, green peas,bananas, grapes, dates and sea-buckthorn).Due to low energy value, unloading fruit and vegetable diets are very useful.

    The list of the best antioxidants is headed by cranberries, blueberries, blackberries, and among the vegetables are the leading artichokes, red-brown potatoes and legumes.

    At the same time, remember: prolonged use of mono-diet can contribute to the occurrence of side effects, so be sure, before you start any treatment, consult your doctor.