  • Diseases of plums, cherries and sweet cherries

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    Moniliose affects cherry, plum and other stone fruits.

    Burning burn - is a spring form of monolioze, manifested in the sudden drill and drying of flowers. After them, the leaves wither and wilt, young fruit twigs and annual shoots. With a strong development of the disease, the tree looks as if burnt by fire. In wet weather, ash-gray pads containing spores of the fungus are formed on the affected inflorescences. In summer the disease develops as gray rot. The defeat begins with a small dark spot that grows rapidly and covers the entire fetus. On its surface, many small scattered or merging gray pads of mushroom sporulation form.

    The development of monilial burn and gray rot is promoted by a cool wet, with drizzly weather in spring, during flowering, and in summer.

    Clusterosporium is a dangerous disease of cherries, plums and other stone fruit. It affects leaves, buds, flowers, fruits, shoots and

    branches. In spring, the leaves appear round( 2-5 mm in diameter) light brown spots, surrounded by a vague crimson fringe. The leaves look like shot through shot.

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    The fruits produce small purple, slightly depressed spots, which gradually take the form of wart-shaped swellings. The flesh in the areas of infection ceases to grow and withers to the very bone. Affected kidneys turn black and die, sick flowers crumble. On the affected branches appear reddish spots, eventually turning into ulcers, from which the gum is released, the branches die off.

    Control measures. Fall fall leaves gather, folded in compost heaps;falling asleep with a small layer of earth, peat, or to be embedded in the soil during digging. For the purpose of prophylaxis, it is recommended to treat 1% Bordeaux mixture( 100 g per 10 liters of water) or copper vitriol( 100 g per 10 l of water) before budding.

    Cockcomicosis mainly affects cherries and cherries, sometimes - plum and cherry plum. Felted cherry is resistant to disease. It appears on leaves, green fruits and neodresvesnevshih shoots.

    Small, almost dotted, reddish spots appear on the leaves, which gradually increase, merge and often seize most of the leaf plate. The leaves turn yellow or brown, wither and fall off. Control measures. Burning or composting fallen leaves. Also see Clusterosporium.