
Oligospermia - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

  • Oligospermia - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

    Oligospermia is a term for reducing the total amount of sperm that is secreted during ejaculation. At the same time, the concentration of spermatozoa per milliliter of this fluid can remain within normal limits. According to the world criteria of spermogram, analysis is normal, where the amount of sperm is from 2 to 5 ml. If the amount of semen per ejaculation is less than two milliliters, then it is advisable to talk about oligospermia.

    Causes of oligospermia

    Among the causes of this pathology, it is common to identify factors that are good and that are not easily treatable. The first group, as a rule, includes labile causes, which can be easily eliminated even without the use of medications. For example, with hypovitaminosis and malnutrition in the human body is a small number of proteins, because of which the testicles formed insufficient amount of sperm. Therefore, for the normal process of spermatogenesis, it is important not only to eat properly and regularly, but also to use the entire spectrum of vitamins and microelements necessary for the body, which play a very important role in the process of sperm formation.

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    Bad habits on the process of spermatogenesis are also caused by bad habits, in particular alcohol abuse and smoking. Also, this physiological process in the human body can be disturbed due to poor sleep, frequent stress and excessive fatigue.

    It should be remembered that an informative spermogram can be only when the sperm is collected after 4-day abstinence. If the analysis was preceded by frequent sexual acts or masturbation, then there may be a so-called functional oligospermia. In this case, analyzes can not be taken into account in any case, but it is absolutely necessary to change them.

    Exactly the same as excessive activity, sexual abstinence can lead to oligospermia, which, however, is also functional. As for this result of the analysis, which arose against the background of a catarrhal disease, it can be double-digit. On the one hand, this can also be a temporary phenomenon, and on the other - it is necessary to beware of complications that may be hidden behind the usual, at first glance, viral infection.

    In addition, in medicine, cases are described when oligospermia developed as a result of work in harmful conditions or against a background of excess weight. So, these factors can not be excluded from the list of possible causes of small amounts of sperm.

    In addition to the risk factors that can cause oligospermia, there are diseases that lead to the development of the latter in most cases. Such problems include inflammation of the testicles, inflammation of the epididymis, infection of the genitourinary system, trauma to the reproductive apparatus, acute and chronic prostatitis.

    Possibility of fertilization with oligospermia

    According to official data of the World Health Organization, for a normal fertilization of an ovum in a woman's vagina during sex, at least half of the semen of a male should enter, and the amount should exceed 1.5 ml. Otherwise, fertilization is impossible. By simple mathematical calculations, it can be determined that fertilization with oligospermia is a casuistry. Nevertheless, world practice knows not isolated cases of such a phenomenon. That is why statistics gives about 5% on the possibility of fertilization during oligospermia.

    Tactics for oligospermia

    Naturally, in most cases, oligospermia in the assays is of a functional nature and occurs after a few days. But at the same time, expectant management is contraindicated, since the cause of oligospermia can be an infectious disease, and then every second counts. Therefore, the first step should be to consult a urologist, who should determine further tactics.

    Treatment for oligospermia

    Treatment of oligospermia directly depends on its cause. During the infectious process, antibacterial drugs are prescribed, with hormone deficiency - hormone replacement therapy, and with stress or other psychological factors - psychotherapy sessions. In addition, general procedures are set for improving the quality of life. Patients should abandon bad habits, start eating right and stabilize their psychological background. There are also specific biological supplements aimed specifically at eliminating this pathology, such drugs as Viardot, Tribestan, Verona can be purchased at any pharmacy.

    In most of its cases, oligospermia is a completely reversible process. Exceptions are cases of chronic diseases of the genitourinary system, such as prostatitis or orchitis. In such situations, against the backdrop of maintenance therapy with vitamins, attempts are made to become pregnant or the technique of in vitro fertilization is used.

    Rev.the doctor the urologist, the sexologist-andrologist Plotnikov А.N.