
Useful and medicinal properties of ivan tea and contraindications

  • Useful and medicinal properties of ivan tea and contraindications

    CYPRUS LUMINOUS( IVAN_CHAI) -Chamaenerion angustifolium( L.) Scop. The family is sprayed - Onagraceae

    Other names

    Bayanik, bezit, Bogoroditsyna herb, Bodinets, Borovoe Potion, Wild Flax, Drepuja, woodpecker, eelushnik, vein, Borage Potato, wild flax, nickel, Ivan-tea, ivnik, kaprenik,a hemp, a hemp, a wild boar, a koporok, a kopor( Kurilian) tea, a kopyl-grass, a red color, a lefkonia, a lenok, a lotto, a maternal, a miller, a witcher, a nitsillose, a whore, a mistletoe, an oploshnik, petrushovy apples,, hollow, empty, down jacket, down jacket, puffin, raspberry, rhubarb, rozovach, romanoshnik, rush, shoemaker, syvod, syzhilnik, scrinch( when yanking the stalk in his hands creaks), eyes of the eyes, jumping off, stadnik, tirlich, tail, bread, snake, hoarse, cortex, cheremote, silk.

    The nickname for "hemp" and "wild flax" was due to its basted properties - its stems give up to 15% fiber yield. Borovoye potion - this name is given to the plant by sorcerers;With infusions on the leaves of the spray, they treated people for headaches, tried to relieve inflammation with ulcers. When the cereals were cheap, the roots of the kipreya went into food. They were dried, ground, and the flour added to the bread, from which it became sweet. So there were national nicknames of this plant - a breadbasket and a millman. The plant received the name of a down jacket because it was filled with cushion fluff in pillows and mattresses.

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    Botanical characteristic

    Perennial root-cropping herbaceous plant. Has a thick creeping horizontal rhizome up to 1 m long, abundantly strewn with kidneys. From each kidney a straight erect, cylindrical, unbranched, densely naked stem stems 50-150 cm high. The leaves are alternate sessile, lanceolate, 5-12 cm long, 0.7-2 cm wide, with sharply protruding veins, dark green on top,from below - gray-green. The flowers are purple, purple, sometimes white with a deep-seated separate cup, with a short tube and an irregular coronet. The inflorescence is the final rare long brush, the flowers of which open from 6 to 7 am. Fruit - a box that looks like a pod of up to 9 cm in length, consists of four leaves, with numerous oblong-oval seeds, with a fluffy white crest. One plant yields up to 20,000 seeds per season( up to 1 kg) per season. In the summer, with its many-storeyed foliage, the snow-capped tree covers the shoots of tree species and tender grass from the heat. And in the autumn, when a sudden frost severely bruises the green shoots, the kiprej detains cold winds, warms the shoots. It is noticed that air is warmer in the brushwood thickets. It can be seen that this plant can radiate heat, creating its own microclimate. In any case, in the environment of the willow-tea life of small plants does not die.


    For the medical purpose, harvest grass, leaves and flowers of the spray during flowering, dried in the shade, under a canopy, in attics, open verandas, in well-ventilated areas, sprinkling a thin layer on a clean litter. Or wither for 1 day, twist the palms until the juice comes out, then lay them on a baking tray, cover with a wet cloth, stand 6-10 hours at 25 ° C and dry 40 minutes in the oven at 100 ° C.Store raw materials in a dry and ventilated room, periodically checking. Whole leaves have significantly less anti-inflammatory activity than crushed. Roots are excavated in autumn, cleaned from the ground, dried in dryers, ovens, and ovens at a temperature of 65-70 ° C.Store in a well closed wooden container or glass container for 2 years.

    Shelf life of the herb 2 years, roots - 3 years.

    Chemical composition of

    Leaves and roots of spray contain protein, tannic, mucous substances, organic acids, flavonoids, carbohydrates, sugar, vitamin C( 3 times more than in orange fruits).Leaves contain up to 10% tannins of the pyrogallic group, alkaloids-about 0.1%, mucus-up to 15%, pectin. In the roots of the plant, tannin is absent and contains less mucus.

    Pharmacological properties of

    Cyprus preparations due to tannins and mucus have anti-inflammatory and enveloping properties. Whole leaves of spray have a significantly lower anti-inflammatory activity than crushed leaves. This phenomenon is observed in connection with the combined action of tannins and mucus. They also have soothing( sedative), anticonvulsant, analgesic effects. Preparations of spray are not toxic.

    Application in medicine

    In folk medicine, the aqueous infusion of leaves is used for headaches, they are brewed with flowering tops and drunk like tea).Fresh crushed leaves, attached to the wounds, contribute to their rapid healing. Decoction of leaves is drunk with scrofula, gastric diseases and as a sleeping pill, with inflammation of the ear, throat and nose. Tea and i kipreya can relieve the need for surgery for prostate adenoma. Under the influence of preparations from kipreya prostate enlargement slows down or stops altogether. A water or alcoholic spray extract prevents the inflammatory process and works well in acute and chronic diseases of the prostate, adenoma, inflammation of the ureters and chronic inflammation of the bladder, and as a supportive and absolutely harmless therapy after prostate surgery.


    The grass contains tannins, mucus, sugar, vitamin C. Folk medicine uses flowering plant branches. Blossoming grass, stewed in ovens, is applied in the form of poultices to a sore spot. Applied with inflammation of the ear, throat, nose.

    Infusion or decoction from the leaves is a good anti-inflammatory and analgesic for various inflammations of the mucous membranes, it is also useful for headaches.

    Application of

    Decoction: 15 g per 200 ml;for external and internal use. For internal - 1 tbsp.spoon 3 times a day before meals.

    Infusion of herb grass: brew 200 ml of boiling water 20 g of dried herbs for 2 hours, then strain. Take 1 tbsp.l.3-4 times a day before meals with colitis, gastritis, peptic ulcer and duodenal ulcer, headache, insomnia.

    Broth from the leaves of the spray: brew 200 ml of boiling water 15 g of crushed leaves, boil in a water bath for 15 minutes, infuse for 1 hour, then strain. Take 1 tbsp.l.3-4 times a day before meals with gastritis, colitis, peptic ulcer and duodenal ulcers, bleeding, anemia, acute respiratory infections. Use for gargling with sore throats, as well as for washing wounds, ulcers, pressure sores.


    Growth sites

    It grows all over Russia, in forests and among shrubs, especially abundant in clearings, forest glades, wastelands and dried peat bogs, on embankments along roads. The first among other plants he covers with his flowers forest fires, felling.

    It grows on the fringes of forests, over embankments, felling, often forms a continuous thicket. It occurs often.


    In Ivanche there is so much useful that all the contraindications that it has - pale, before its benefits. Medicinal ivan-tea, in contrast to other herbs, has a minimum number of contraindications. This is due to the fact that the tea is non-toxic and has a balanced chemical composition.
    With caution in its use, along with sedative( sedatives).The thing is that this herb itself has a calming effect. Therefore, if you start using it with other soothing - there can be a violation of the nervous system. As a conclusion - it is advisable to get medical advice.
    also with caution and when used with antipyretics. Therefore, again, it is necessary to have a preliminary consultation with a specialist who will tell whether it is possible to use tablets( medicines) together with this plant.
    A certain contraindication to kipreya is that it is an easy laxative. Therefore, if you, for example, go through a course of treatment( for example, during 2 weeks every day you drink Ivanche in the form of a decoction) - one day you may have diarrhea. There is only one way out - when you use, watch your gastrointestinal tract( its urges when using).For example, you can start using a decoction not every day, but every other day.
    With care, it should be eaten by children, pregnant women and nursing mothers. In such cases, it is recommended that you consult with your doctor before starting tea and taking advantage of harmful substances on the basis of this plant.

    It is not recommended to increase doses and drink more than twelve glasses of infusion and decoctions in one day. Since the desire to prevent one disease will rapidly move into another. In ivan-tea contains caffeine, which has an exciting effect on the central nervous system. If you drink liters of a decoction of willow-tea, then you will not be able to get rid of insomnia.