  • Soil liming

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    Soil liming is carried out to regulate their acidity. In the central zone of Russia, soils are mainly characterized by high acidity, which is unfavorable for the cultivation of fruit crops. To neutralize the acid soils are calcareous. Liming is carried out in the period of pre-planting soil preparation. Liming the entire area, intended for the bookmarking of the garden. On average, it is recommended to deposit 3.5-4.4 kg of lime per 10 m2.Calcareous materials( ground limestone, dolomite flour, calcareous tuff) are introduced in autumn or spring under the digging of soil to a depth of up to 20 cm, can be simultaneously with organic fertilizers.

    Recommended lime doses( in kg per 1 m2)

    depending on soil acidity

    Type Soil acidity indicator, pH

    soil4.0 4.1-4.5 4.6-5.0 5.1-5.5

    Sandy loamand

    light loam 0.6 0.45 0.3 0.15

    Medium and

    heavy loam 0.9 0.65 0.5 0.4

    Soil liming is carried out once every 3-5 years, depending on the initial state of the soil andits plasticity, after which again the soil acidity is analyzed and, if necessary, the liming is repeated.

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    It should be borne in mind that lime-pushers can not be imported simultaneously with manure, as this results in the loss of nitrogen in the form of ammonia. They are embedded in the soil separately. The lime material is evenly spread over the soil surface.

    Layout of the fruit garden

    The garden garden areas are usually small, so before laying the garden, you need to think everything over, make a sketch of the site, which will later be used as the basis for all the works in the garden. When drawing up the sketch, one should take into account the position and configuration of the garden area, the relief, soil conditions, existing tree and shrub plantations, natural features such as large stones, stumps of cut trees, vegetation, and personal preferences and wishes of family members for recruitment and quantity of fruit cropsand their own work opportunities.

    After determining the desired set of fruit crops, the number of plants necessary for planting, calculate the area for their placement, and then proceed with the design of the plan.


    Drawing up a plan for planting fruit crops assumes a serious responsibility, as the tree cultures are very durable, grow to large sizes and change anything in the future will not be easy.

    A carefully planned well-kept garden will become the pride of the family and the decoration of the site. In a well-designed garden all its parts are in a certain connection with each other and complement each other. Such completeness is a result of comprehension of different aspects of the issue.

    When designing a garden and garden, it is important to consider the location of the site in relation to the sides of the world and the direction of the prevailing winds.

    Trees, buildings, bushes should protect the site from the prevailing winds and not obscure it. Fruit trees group in one place, berry bushes - in another, a garden and strawberries - in the third.

    On the sketch, put a plan of plantations on a certain scale, so as not to distort the real space. For example, 1 cm on the plan should be equal to 1 m of the plot. On the plan, you must specify the north-south direction and the selected scale. For the designation of sites, conventional symbols are used. Trees should be marked with double colored circles, where the inner diameter of the mug is the projection of the tree trunk, 1 outer - the projection of the crown. For bushes, you can take any other designations: zadratiki, crosses, triangles or polygons. In this case, it is also necessary to designate the contours of the plantations. For clarity of the image for each type of fruit trees and bushes you can choose your own color. For example, apple trees are designated red, pears - blue, cherries - pink, plums - purple.

    The main parts of the garden have to be put on the plan: a house with a recreation area, a garden, a garden, outbuildings, a greenhouse, paths to provide for the location of woody fruit crops.

    In small areas, it is possible to allocate 3 rectangular platforms of different length and width, depending on their main purpose. Dynamically located rectangles and squares look pretty good in small areas. Fruit trees and shrubs are planted in rows along the boundaries of the site, leaving the center free for strawberries and garden. Fruit trees and berry bushes should be arranged so that they do not obscure the vegetable crops and plantations of strawberries. The largest and tallest trees should be located on the northern side of the site, and skilfully trim their height and width of the crown. Organizing plantations with separate distribution of crops, one must take into account their need for lighting. It is necessary that the height of the plants increases in the direction from south to north. On the southern side of the site, there is a place for vegetables and strawberries, on the northern side for apple and pear trees, and between them there are medium-sized breeds - cherry, plum and berry bushes.

    Place fruit trees so that they do not obscure adjacent areas. The distance from the trees to the borders should be at least 3 m. At a distance of 1 m from the border, you can plant raspberries, currants, gooseberries, which can bear fruit and with some shading. From the buildings trees are recommended to plant at a distance of 3 m so that tall buildings do not give a shadow to the trees during the daylight.

    The distance from the fruit plants to the site boundary should not be less than:

    for poorly grown fruit trees - 2 m,

    for strong trees - 3 m,

    for berry bushes -1 m.

    There are two basic layout design styles: regular, or geometric, and landscape, or natural. With regular planting, the plantings are symmetrical with respect to the main axis of the composition. They maintain strict geometric forms of placing trees and bushes, beds for vegetable crops and strawberries are observed straight lines of rows and garden paths, the same distance between plants of each breed. The peculiarity of the landscape style lies in the free placement of plants, close to that which is observed in nature. The free planning of garden plants gives the site a special attraction. Landscape style provides for a wider use of the features of the shape and terrain of the site.

    With regular site planning, the planting scheme for fruit trees and berry bushes can be square, rectangular and chessboard.

    The square arrangement of the is convenient on sections, the length of which slightly exceeds the width.

    The rectangular landing scheme is more suitable for stretched configuration sections. A variation of the rectangular scheme is a wide-row compacted arrangement, which differs from a rectangular arrangement by a stronger thickening of the plants in the rows and a greater width of the rows.

    A geometric polygon can be used as a basis for regular plant placement on a site, then nesting, or group planting, should be preferred.

    Between trees, if grown on slightly grown rootstocks, it is enough to leave 2,5-3 m, and on medium and strong-growing rootstocks - 4-5 m. In a row between trees can be planted currants, gooseberries, felt cherries. This arrangement of plants is suitable for a rectangular or square shape. For

    /. Cord with knots tied regularly through 3,4 and 5 m.

    2. After tensioning the cord, a rectangular triangle with sides of 3.4 and 5 m is formed.

    3. Using a cord, you can build two right angles on opposite sides of the

    section of the siteA group arrangement of plants is suitable for a wrong or triangular shape.

    Distance between fruit plants

    Trees on slightly grown rootstocks - 2,5-3 m in a row, 3-4 m between rows.

    Trees on medium-sized rootstocks - 3-4 m in a row, 4-4.5 m between rows.

    Trees on high-growth rootstocks with volumetric crowns - 5 m and more in a row, 4-5 m between rows.

    Palmettes on high-growth rootstocks - 2-3 m in a row, 3-4 m between rows.

    Palmettes on weakly grown rootstocks - 1,5-2 m in a row, 3-3,5 m between rows. Mixed placement of fruit trees and berry bushes on the site is possible with increasing distance in the row by 1-2 m, between rows - by 1-1.5 m. Then fruit berries can be planted berry bushes.

    Berry bushes planted at the following distances:

    currant red and white - 1.5 m in a row with a row spacing of 2 m;

    black currants - respectively 1.5 and 2.5 m;

    raspberries - 0.5 and 1.2 m.

    gooseberries - after 1.5 m in the row and in between.

    The breakdown of the regular style section begins with a straight line of a long line and a marking of places where fruit trees and shrubs will grow. On a section of a rectangular or square shape, mark the rows parallel to one of the sides of the fence. If the site has a different shape, you must first mark the right angle, starting with the place where the first tree should grow. The marking of right angles can be made using a roulette or cord, on which knots are tied at a distance of 3.4 and 5 m.

    After marking the straight angle, extend its sides with a rope, twine or wire. Then, along one side, the distance between the trees in the rows is marked with the help of a tape measure, and along the other - the distance between the rows.

    Most often, the rows are given a north-south direction, which provides better lighting conditions for leaves and fruits throughout the summer. Then, in the rows, there are places for 1 planting trees and shrubs through certain distances. Pegs are hammered into these places. Distances between fruit plants depend, as already said, on the species, variety, stock, type of soil and the size of the garden. On small plots,

    Placing of fruit trees and berry bushes on the

    site 1. The bushes are placed in a row along the fence, the fruit trees are planted in pairs of

    2 rows, followed by a flower bed and a garden.

    2. Shrubs are arranged in 2 rows parallel along opposite sides of the plot, fruit trees are planted in 2 rows of pairs. Between the rows of bushes and a group of fruit trees there are a flower garden, a garden, a place for rest. 3. Fruit trees are planted far off the fence on one side of the site, shrubs are placed in small groups on both sides of the space allocated for the garden, flower garden and rest area

    The 2-line arrangement of fruit plants consists of the arrangement of - treessystem of double rows, between which a free space is left. In this case, the total thickness of the crown of the double rows should approach to the crown thickness of a single row garden, trees in such rows should be staggered. Disadvantages of the system: it becomes more complicated to look after the crown and fight against pests and diseases, as well as tillage.

    plant trees, grafted on semi-dwarfish and dwarfish rootstocks. The following distances are recommended: apple trees on Antonovka seedlings and on A2 root stock, pears, plums and apricots - 4 m in row with row spacing of 5 m;apple trees on medium-tall stems, cherries, plums Hungarian and peach - 3 m in row and 4 m in row-spacing, apple trees on slightly grown or dwarfish stocks M26, M9, and pears on quince - 2 m in row with row spacing 3 m.

    Fruit trees and berry bushes must be planted so that they do not shade each other, which provokes the development of various diseases and reduces the illumination of the plants and their fruits.

    If it is necessary to form trees with flat crowns in the form of a trellis, the one-year plants are planted along a tensioned wire, the first row of which is located at a height of 60 cm from the ground, and the next one every 50 cm.

    On slopes with a steepness of more than 8-10 °, trees are laid across the slopeat a distance of 3-4 m from each other in jammed strips or on bulk terraces. This arrangement of trees prevents the soil from washing away from the slope. In the rows, located across the slope, a mixed planting of trees and berry bushes is possible.

    One of the secrets of successful gardening is the correct choice of plants and their quantities for this site. Therefore, before proceeding to planting, an approximate list of breeds and varieties should be compiled. When choosing it is necessary to take into account the microclimate and the weather in the given locality, the foreshortening and topography of the site, the level of groundwater.

    The groundwater table must be determined. To do this, drill a well with a depth of 2-2.5 m and insert a metal tube into it. From time to time, preferably in spring, summer and autumn, placing a wooden rod in the tube, you need to measure the level of standing water. If the site is not leveled, you need to drill in several places. The measurement data is plotted on the site plan.

    The composition of the plantations will depend on the degree of illumination of the site. Fruit plants, especially pear, cherry, grapes, gooseberries, raspberries, require a lot of light and heat, and grapes also have a prolonged period of vegetation. It is very important to determine the required

    . The right angle sides are extended with a rope and the places for planting crops through certain distances

    to you on the site are given the number of fruit plants based on your fetal needs and possible labor input. Often gardeners, having obtained land, are eager to master them and plant as many fruit and other crops as possible, using every meter. And soon the plots turn into continuous thickets only because people are not able to take care of so many plants that require constant care. The branches of the closely planted fruit trees are intertwined, the tops of the crowns rise high. In wet years in the garden because of excessive thickening is dark and damp. The main skeletal branches and tree stems are covered with moss and lichen. Shoots and branches in the lower part of the crown are denuded, fruit formations cease to function. Berry bushes and strawberries, planted in rows between trees, are strongly shaded, leaves and berries are infected with powdery mildew and other diseases. In the planting of strawberries, berries are affected by gray rot. Fruit trees - scab. There are many pests in the garden. To avoid such undesirable phenomena, it is necessary to plan the possible number of crops on the site, based on its size. When selecting species and varieties for the establishment of a garden, it is necessary to take into account the possibility of more complete and quick satisfaction of the requirements for fruits and berries. It is necessary to plant fast-entering fruiting( quick-growing) breeds - stone and berry fruits and more rapid fruit varieties of apple and pear. When laying a garden, special attention is paid to the apple tree. This is the main fruit crop, which grows well and yields a high yield almost everywhere. In the middle zone on the standard garden plot, the following set of fruit plants can be recommended: 8 apple trees, including 2 trees of summer varieties, 2 - autumn and 4 - winter, 1 pear tree, 4 cherry trees and 2 plum trees. From the berry crops in the garden area should grow strawberries, currants, gooseberries and raspberries. Strawberries are easily multiplied and quick-rooted: it begins to bear fruit for the second year, and the full harvest yields for the third year after planting.

    The average yield of strawberries is 1 kg from 1 m2.Great attention is paid to black currant, berries which contain a lot of vitamins. The average yield is at least 2 kg per bush. A large and regular crop yields red currant. Gooseberries in terms of yields exceed all other berry crops: yield from one bush averages 3-4 kg. Raspberry multiplies easily, but its yield is moderate - an average of 0.5 kg from 1 m2 plantings.






    area under the landing, m2

    NOSTA kg

































    addition to theseThe main crops in the garden area are recommended to grow sea buckthorn, kalina, chokeberry, rosehip, possibly due to the reduction of plantings of other crops.

    When planting fruit trees, it is necessary to take into account the mutual influence of plants that are directly neighbors in one area. This effect is known so far by gaseous and liquid secretions - allelopathy - very little. However, it is established that the walnut tree with its secretions damages the apple trees. Significantly, it damages the apple tree with its secretions of potatoes. Rowanberry and red oppress the growth of neighboring apple trees.