Useful and medicinal properties of hemp seed
Annual large-scale dicotyledonous cultivated herbaceous plant with a straight, often branched stalk, covered at the top with successive, below opposite large leaves, to the base palpate-dissected by 5-7 lobes;leaf lobes elongated-lanceolate, pointed at the apex, wedge-shaped at the base, large-serrate along the margin. Male specimens - "poskan" - bear spreading paniculate staminate inflorescences. Flowers of pistillate plants - "materki", - twisted in the upper part of the stem, sit in the axils of pri-colored leaves. A plant with an unpleasant odor. Fruit is an ovate. Blossoms in July, bears fruit in August.
Fruits contain fatty oil, protein substances, resin, vitamin K, traces of alkaloids, steroid saponins.
The herb has an antibiotic effect. In folk medicine, the fruits are triturated with water to form an emulsion and drunk with kidney diseases;poultices from the flowers( male and female) with fractures of the bone as an emollient and analgesic, with the breast( use oil with starch as an ointment), eye diseases( put a lotion from the broth diluted in a ratio of 1:10), chronic rheumatismcompress of seeds or pulp, in the absence of seeds make baths from steamed grass).
Hemp "milk" is used inside lactating mothers for the addition of milk, used as a strengthening and cleanser for dropsy, scrofula, hemorrhoids, diseases of the urethra.
Hemp seed is also used as a diuretic, especially when urine retention in children.
Tincture of hemp seed is consumed with pulmonary tuberculosis;products of dry distillation of fruits lubricate wounds, burns, abscesses.
Juice from leaves is used as a laxative. Hemp oil and salt are taken from worms. Mature seeds( male individuals) obkladyvayut themselves, so that "kavtun went upstairs."Ointment from hemp oil with honey - for the treatment of calluses.
Tincture 25%: 20 drops 3 times a day.
Broth: 20 g per 200 ml;for 1-2 tbsp.spoon 3 times a day.
Milk from hemp seed is prepared as follows: the seed is ground in enameled pottery( can be clayed) or pounded, gradually adding water, - turns white, milk-like liquid.
Male flowers are applied from face to face.