  • Useful and therapeutic properties of the touch

    Synonyms: toffee, cockerels.

    Description. Perennial herbaceous plant of the family of tangentidae( Iridaceae) 60-80 cm high. Rhizome fleshy, thick, light brown, having from the underside accessory roots. In the lower part of the rhizome,

    fasts die of foam, leaving behind newly formed tuber roots, on the upper ends of which grow leaves and stems. The leaves of the iris are xiphoid, vaginal, entire, bluish-green in color, 40-50 cm long. Flower-bearing shoots are erect, gray-green in color;at the top of flowering shoots there are two or four flowers. The flowers are large, bisexual, single-breasted. Blooms in May-June. Fruit is a triangular box;seeds oblate, dark brown, wrinkled. The mass of 1000 seeds is about 80-85.

    In nature there are more than 100 kinds of iris, but only a few are of industrial importance. This iris is Florentine( I. florentina L.), iris Germanic( I. ger-manica L.) and iris pale or pale( I. pallida Lam.).

    Iris Germanic has a cylindrical, strongly branched rhizome;The share of the pericarp of its flower is blue-purple in color. Iris flowers of Florentine yellowish color, and iris pale - pale blue.

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    Medicinal raw materials: rhizomes.

    Biological features."Violet root", made from rhizomes of iris, freshly has an unpleasant smell, but after drying for three to four months, gradually acquires the fragrance of violets.

    Distribution. Various types of iris occur in subtropical and temperate latitudes, as well as in mountainous areas on the Mediterranean coast. It grows in the Caucasus, Siberia, Central Asia, the Far East, Belarus, Ukraine. In culture, it is cultivated in France, Germany, Italy and the USA, and in the CIS - mainly in the Crimea, the Caucasus and Moldova as an essential oil plant. Iris is cultivated in botanical gardens and experimental stations as an ornamental plant.

    Chemical composition. Rhizomes of iris contain an essential oil in an amount of 0.1-0.4% per dry matter. The most valuable component of essential oil is iron( 5-40%).Roots also contain iridium glucoside, starch, fatty oil( 9-10%), tannins and organic acids.

    Application. It is cultivated for obtaining essential oil. From this oil, the main product, the irons used in the perfume industry, is obtained. In addition, iris powder, extracted from its dry rhizomes, is used. Cooked from iris flour is used in the confectionery and distillery industry. The rhizomes of iris are also used in the form of the so-called "violet root", which is given to chew children when their teeth are cut. They are also used for catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, pneumonia, liver, gallbladder, colitis.

    Agrotechnics of cultivation. Site selection. The most favorable are marl and calcareous soils with good water permeability. In the crop rotations, the iris should be placed in pairs, if it is planted in autumn, or after winter wheat, if it is planted in the spring. Iris is recommended for cultivation on the gently sloping sites as a long-term culture.

    Soil treatment. For autumn planting, the steam is treated in such a way that by this time the soil is loose and clean from weeds. To do this, it is necessary to carry out systematic cultivation of steam, and in September to plant iris. For spring planting, autumn plowing is required to a depth of 27-30 cm, and in spring, after the moisture is closed, the soil is cultivated with cultivators and immediately the plants are planted. Autumn planting in comparison with the spring provides a more complete planting.

    Application of fertilizers. Before autumn plowing it is recommended to apply mineral fertilizers at the rate of 3-4 c / ha of superphosphate and 2.0-2.5 c / ha of potassium salt.

    Reproduction. Iris is propagated predominantly by the apical parts of the rhizomes - processes that have their own root system. The shoots are prepared on two-year-old plantations intended for plowing. Larger processes( weighing up to 30-60 g) give the best

    results. Landing is made immediately after harvesting the shoots using a two-hull tractor plow. The row spacing is 60 cm, and the distance in rows is 30 cm.

    Care of plantations. If planting is done in autumn, it is necessary to inspect the plantation in the early spring and, if found to plant out of the soil, transplant them to another place or in the old place to slough into the soil. Further care consists in systematic loosening of rows between 6-10 cm depth and weeding of weeds in rows as needed. The last cultivation is carried out in the fall to a depth of 12-14 cm, after which the plants hibernate.

    When the peduncles appear, they should be removed( piercing);at the same time, the yield increases.

    Harvesting is done with a tractor plow, and in small areas with shovels. The best time for harvesting is the period of budding, when the maximum amount of essential oil accumulates in the iris. Rhizomes extracted from the soil, after the passage of the plow are collected and immediately sent to the sink. After preliminary washing of the rhizomes and cutting off the leaves on them, a secondary, more thorough washing is required. Clean rhizomes are dried and sent for processing to the plant. The yield of rhizomes of iris with good care is 50-80 c / ha.

    The greatest effect is given by a two-year iris culture, both on the yield of rhizomes, and on the yield of essential oil.

    Quality requirements. In the finished form, the raw material of the iris should consist of dense, heavy, slightly flattened fork-branchy pieces of rhizomes, not more than 14 cm long, 4 cm wide, white or yellowish with a slight pleasant odor.

    The roots of the tangent should contain not less than 0.1% of essential oil and not more than 5% of ash.