
Raw food: the pros and cons, the impact of eating raw food on the body

  • Raw food: the pros and cons, the impact of eating raw food on the body

    To date, more and more women have started to refer to various methods of losing weight. Many talk about raw food, the pros and cons of which make you wonder whether it is worth sticking to this method of nutrition or not.

    Raw food has also no clear limitations in nutrition and is divided into several directions. Full transition to vegetarian food, the use of all products in raw form( even fish and meat), the exclusion of products of animal origin.

    Pros of raw food:

    Undoubtedly, there are numerous advantages of raw food.

    1. A large amount of used fiber goes only to benefit your stomach, creating a kind of shake for him. Skin problems can also be solved by eating more vegetables.

    2. In the raw food of vitamins is contained more than in processed heat.

    3. There is no possibility to overeat, which is so destructive for the figure. Raw food does not only saturate the body with vitamins, but it also allows you to lose weight.

    4. Weight correction is better than with mixed diets.

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    Minuses of raw food:

    Now let's talk about the disadvantages of raw food.

    1. Contraindications may be problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

    2. It's pretty hard to make nutrition balanced so that the amount of vitamins is consistent and does not interfere with the absorption of important vitamins, such as D and calcium.

    3. When using raw fish and meat, the risk of helminth infection increases.

    4. Difficulties in keeping your goal at a party or on holidays. Of course, eating raw food is quite beneficial for the body, but if you decide on such a way of eating, then be determined that you have to stick with it all your life, since if you decided to become a raw food only because of the desire to lose weight, thenwith a rapid cessation of weight, not only will they return, but also "overtake" your former weight.

    Do not think that eating vegetables, you can not have a variety in food. Fantasy plays a huge role here. You can make a variety of salads or eat whole vegetables.

    Undoubtedly, proteins of animal origin are different from those found in vegetables, and they can not completely replace each other.

    Decide for yourself whether you like raw food, all the pros and cons of which are described above. Think several times before making your final choice, go to the hospital to check your body - is he ready for such a "raw" life.

    Video materials on the topic of the article

    Many answers to the questions about raw food are available here:

    Raw materials against meat eaters:

    Myths of raw food:

    Opinion of a dietitian: