
Useful and medicinal properties of the Crimean rose

  • Useful and medicinal properties of the Crimean rose

    Synonyms: rose French, rose gal.

    Description. A perennial shrub of the Rosaceae family, 60-100 cm high and over. The stems and branches are erect, covered with glandular short setae and subulate spines bent downwards. Leaves are long-petioled, regular, nonparietal, consisting of five to seven leaflets. Leaflets are rounded, ovate or elliptical, crenate-serrate. The flowers are large, located on long pedicels, one to three at the ends of the branches. Calyx five-leaved, corolla five-petalled, half-mahogany. Petals purple-red, less often pink. Fruit is false, malomyasisty, brownish-red. Blooms in May-June.

    Medicinal raw materials: petals.

    Biological features. In winter, as a result of partial freezing of the upper part of the Crimean rose stems, the yield of its flowers decreases. Experiments have shown that rose bushes are best preserved in winter conditions when they are grounded;while the average yield of flowers from the bush is 630 g., which is 40% more control( without hilling).

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    Distribution. It is found in wild species in France, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Greece and other countries, and in the CIS - in the Crimea, Moldova, the North Caucasus and Transcaucasia. It grows in open places, along the fringes of forests, among shrubs, along the slopes of mountains.

    Cultivated in France, Switzerland, Greece, etc. In the CIS, it is cultivated as an oilseed crop along with a rose of Damascus or Rosa damascene Mill. And a Rose of Mayan, or Capital( R. centifolia L.).Especially widespread is the rose of Damascus;Maya rose is cultivated only in France.

    Chemical composition. The composition of rose oil, which is contained in the flowers of the Crimean rose in the amount of 0,04-0,05%, includes: citronellol, geraniol, nerol, eugenol, citral, linalool, 3-4% sugars, quercetin, bitter substances, fattyoil, organic acids, red pigment, wax, etc.

    Application. Rose oil and rose water are widely used in perfumery, cosmetic, confectionery, soap and liqueur and distilleries.

    In folk medicine, rose petals are used as a light-knit and antipodal agent. Rose oil is used to flavor pharmaceuticals in order to improve their taste and smell. In addition, the rose is used as an ornamental plant.

    Agrotechnics of cultivation. Site selection. The cultivation of roses on the same site can last 20 years or more. Therefore, the areas under the rose should be removed outside the crop rotation, protected from cold north-east winds. It is most expedient to breed it on southern small slopes. The best rose grows on calcareous-gravelly alluvial mountain soils and river valleys with a powerful arable layer and good aeration, and chernozems and chestnut soils are also favorable for it.

    Soil treatment. Under the planting of roses in autumn, plantation plowing is carried out to a depth of 60-70 cm. In the early spring, the area is harrowed. In case of strong compaction, the soil is plowed to a depth of 18-20 cm and harrowed.

    Application of fertilizers. In September and October, ie. Before plantation plowing, 35-40 t / ha of manure or compost with addition of 3 c / ha of superphosphate, 2 c / ha of ammonium sulphate and 1.0-1.5 c / ha of potassium salt should be added.

    Reproduction. The oil-bearing rose multiplies by cuttings, layers, the rosealization of the rose on the dog-rose and the division of the old bushes into parts. The most effective way is propagation. To do this, in autumn, the well-developed

    branches are selected on the bushes and cuttings 8-12 cm long are cut from them with two or three axillary buds, which are buried in the ground to a depth of 6-8 cm, and covered with manure from above. Spring cuttings begin to germinate, and in the second year they already give small bushes.

    To reproduce the rose Crimean summer green cuttings they are planted in the spring in cold hotbeds, often sprayed with water, tightly closed and shaded. For rooting and engraftment of cuttings it is recommended to use synthetic growth substances: indolyl-butyric acid and heteroauxin. When processing cuttings with a solution of 0,01% heteroauxin, the callus appears on the fifth to the seventh day and almost all the cuttings take root on day 25, without treatment with the solution it is formed only for 15-20 days, and the rooting takes place on 35-40 days. In accordance with GOST 3577-47, planting should be carried out with standard seedlings of the first and second class.

    Sew cuttings with a row spacing of 2.5-2.8 m, and the distance between plants in rows is 1.5-1.8 m. Pits are digging 40 cm deep and 60 cm wide. Planting is recommended in October or early spring. Saplings should be planted 5-6 cm below the soil level.

    In addition to the basic fertilizer, during planting, 1 kg of humus and 30-40 g of ammonium nitrate are introduced into the fossa. To protect the seedlings from frosts, they are ground with a layer of 20-25 cm.

    Care of plantations. In spring open the bushes bitten in autumn and produce the first loosening in rows. After the opening of the bushes and their pruning, ammonium nitrate is introduced simultaneously with the first cultivation. The rows are treated with cultivators to a depth of 10-12 cm. The area under the roses should always be in a loose state and be clean from weeds. With the advent of buds in the year of planting, the latter must be removed. On six-, seven-year plantations make rejuvenation by cutting out the old main branches. In autumn row rows are plowed and dug in rows to a depth of 15-18 cm.

    In October-November organic fertilizers are introduced at the rate of 20 t / ha of manure or 6-8 c / ha of bird droppings and mineral fertilizers in the amount of: 2 c / ha of ammonium sulphate, 3 t / ha superphosphate, 1.5 c / ha potassium salt. If

    organic fertilizers are not available, they are replaced with mineral fertilizers at the rate of 4 c / ha superphosphate, 2 c / ha potassium salt and 3 cc / ha ammonium sulfate. Fertilizing the rose is recommended in the first year of fruiting after harvesting flowers( superphosphate - 1.5 c / ha, ammonium sulphate - 1.0 c / ha and potassium salt - 0.5 c / ha).Fertilizers are introduced into furrows on both sides of the rows. When spring pruning, remove dry frozen branches and shorten the strongly growing branches, which contributes to the duration of flowering and increase the yield of flowers.

    Harvesting. Flowers are cleaned daily in the early morning during flowering, and in several receptions( 8-12 times).When collecting roses in the middle of the day, the percentage of essential rose oil decreases. Immediately after collection, the flowers are sent for processing to essential oil.

    The Crimean rose gives a good harvest already in the third year of the crop, and the full crop is in the fourth year - over 1000 flowers from each bush or about 15-24 centners per hectare with an oil content of 0.048-0.050%.