
Two strips on a pregnancy test: what does it mean

  • Two strips on a pregnancy test: what does it mean

    Hardly now there is a woman who at least once in her life did not use a pregnancy test. How correct are the test results? Do two strips on a pregnancy test a real pregnancy?

    Principle of the pregnancy test

    The principle of the pregnancy test is the presence in the urine of a special hormone - the chorionic gonadotropin. This hormone is produced by an embryo after it is attached to the body of a woman. Until this moment, this hormone in the body of a woman is absent.

    There are two strips on any test system: control and diagnostic. The control strip indicates that the system received a dose of liquid for analysis, and the control strip itself determines the presence of a hormone in the urine with the help of special antibodies.

    When the test begins to work

    First of all, the desired hormone enters the bloodstream and only in a few days it can be found in the urine. Thus, immediately after conception, using the test does not make any sense. In the urine, the hormone appears only in the second week after conception. It is best to wait at least one day of menstrual cycle delay.

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    In early pregnancy, the level of chorionic gonadotropin grows twice every day, so if the first test gives a negative result, then a second test can show a more accurate result in a couple of days.

    Evaluation of results

    A pregnancy test shows a positive result, what does it mean? This means that the urine is found in the urine. The presence of a hormone in the blood can be due to the following reasons:

    • pregnancy, and the test does not recognize normal pregnancy and pathological;
    • treatment with preparations containing chorionic gonadotropin;
    • residues of the hormone after interrupted pregnancy.

    An erroneously positive result can be if the principle of using the test system is violated or it is unsuitable for use.

    The test shows a negative result. This may mean the following:

    • pregnancy is not present,
    • pregnancy is there, but the test is too early,
    • pregnancy is there, but too much fluid is drunk before testing,
    • is pregnant with a threatening miscarriage.

    As you can see, none of the pregnancy tests gives a one hundred percent response. Both a positive and a negative test must be passed at least a couple of times.

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