  • Eczema( dizziness) - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

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    Eczema is a chronic, dermal, non-contagious, inflammatory disease characterized by rashes, itching, periods of exacerbation and remission( improvement).

    Another name for eczema is moss deprivation. In translation from ekzeo - to boil, this explains the property of bubbles to quickly open, like bubbles of boiling water.

    The disease itself is widespread.

    There are two forms of eczema: acute and chronic.

    The following types of eczema are distinguished:

    • The true( idiopathic) form is characterized by an acute onset of the disease. The defeat is symmetrical( more often the brushes are involved, but can be located anywhere), the boundaries are indistinct. There are foci of redness, against which vesicles( vesicles), papules( nodules) are formed, the skin is swollen;after a while, the vesicles are opened, forming erosion( skin defect), serous contents are released( called eczematous wells) - this condition is called wetness, then the contents shrink and serous( if serous) or hemorrhagic( ie bloody) crusts are formed.
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    • Microbial eczema develops on the site of chronic foci of infection, with the attachment of infection, the following subspecies can be identified.

    Mycotic form - when attaching a fungal component, scaling is added.

    Paratraumatic form - rashes are located at the site of the injury.

    Varicose form - against the background of trophic disorders, most often located on the shins, rashes of cyanotic-lilac color, disposed asymmetrically.

    Numerous( coin-like) - cyanotic-pinkish rashes, with vesicles, papules, mocclusion, diameter 1,5-3 cm

    Dyshidrotic eczema - localized on the palms, sole, lateral surface of the fingers, characterized by swelling, wetness, bubbles, nodules.

    • Seborrheic eczema develops in seborrheic patients on skin areas rich in the sebaceous glands( scalp, ears, navel, chest, between the scapulae, between the buttocks, the elements of the scaly spots against the background of reddening.)
    • Occupational eczema occurs primarily on the exposed parts of the skinas a result of exposure to occupational hazards, the diagnosis is made by the occupational pathologist, each new exacerbation is more severe and harder, longer. If the cause is eliminated, improvement is noted
    • Eczema in childrenIt affects the skin of the face( only the skin around the mouth remains free from the rash.)
    • Tylotic( corn-like) as dyshidrotic, the elements on the palms and soles are localized, the horny( surface) layer thickens, Areas of hyperkeratosis in the form of homozygosity in place of bubble elements

    Symptoms of eczema

    With all types of eczema, swelling, redness of the skin, against this background, bubbles,nutie, serous and / or hemorrhagic crusts, peeling, scratches, cracks, stains from deep pink to bluish-purple color. Severe itching, especially in the evening and after contact with water.

    Eczema provoking factors

    The process is based on immune disorders, leading to allergic inflammation of delayed type.

    An important role is played by psychosomatic factors, dysfunction of the nervous, endocrine, digestive systems, external stimuli( physical, chemical, bacterial, etc.), hereditary predisposition.

    Complications of eczema

    Complications include infection, a fungal component.

    Diagnosis of eczema

    The diagnosis is based on a clinical picture and anamnesis.

    Treatment of eczema

    Treatment of eczema is complex.

    • , first of all, it is aimed at eliminating the factor that triggered the development of the disease: elimination of neurotic disorders, elimination of neuroendocrine disorders, exacerbations of chronic diseases, hypoallergenic diet;
    • hyposensitizing therapy( solutions of sodium thiosulfate, calcium chloride intravenously, calcium gluconate, magnesium sulfate intramuscularly);
    • antihistamines( dimedrol, pipolfen, suprastin, tavegil, diazolinum, cimetidine, zaditen, peritol, fexadine, clarotadine, telphast or others);
    • for severe forms of eczema prescribed corticosteroid hormones( for example: prednisolone);
    • immunocorrectors( decaris, tactivin, thymalin, diucifon, methyluracil, pentoxyl);
    • in acute form appoint haemodesis, diuretics;
    • vitamins of group B;
    • external treatment: lotions with boric acid, silver nitrate, dimexide( with acute moccous eczema);solution of diprosalik, salicylic ointment, boric ointment, cream with ketoconazole, triderm ointment, celestoderm, Lorinden C, diprogen, Wilkinson's ointment, Castellani liquid( it after the opening of the vesicles treat the skin);baths with potassium permanganate followed by opening and extinguishing of bubbles
    • minimal contact with water during the exacerbation.

    Recommendations for eczema

    • During an exacerbation, be sure to observe a hypoallergenic diet.
    • Contact with household chemicals only in gloves, then the hand skin lubricate the cream.
    • Minimal contact with water.