  • Useful and medicinal properties of ginseng

    Perennial herbaceous plant up to 50-70 cm tall. The root is fleshy, cylindrical with branches, often of a bizarre shape, fragrant. Stem is thin green, leafy. The leaves in the whorl on the top of the stem are long-petiolate, palchatosyllabic, number of them - 2-5;the lower leaves on the petioles are smaller than the upper ones, oval, with a pointed apex and a wedge-shaped base, along the margin small-filamentous. The flowers are from 5-16 pink, less often white, in the apical umbrella. The fruit is bright red, double-seeded. Blooms in July. Fruiting in September.

    Grows in virgin broad-leaved, coniferous forests in common with Korean cedar. It grows solitary, sometimes forms "families" up to 100 plants or more. It grows in the Far East. Introduced into culture.

    Medicinal raw material is the root of plants aged no more than 5 years.

    The ginseng root contains a number of physiologically active substances, in particular glycosides: panaxaponin, pa-noctylon, panaxosides A and B, ginsenin, probably also related to glycosides, panaxic acid( mixture of palmitic, stearic, oleic and lenoic acids) andetc., vitamins B1 and B2, ascorbic acid, phosphoric acid, iron, manganese. In addition, the root

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    contains resinous substances, starch, fatty oil, phytosterin, pectic substances, cane sugar.

    The roots of wild and cultured ginseng are used fresh and canned - in sugar. Often used in combination with pantami and other medicinal plants.

    The action of ginseng on the body is due to its stimulating effect on the cortex and subcortical formations of the brain.

    Ginseng increases the strength and mobility of the basic cortical processes, enhances the positive conditioned reflexes, facilitates the elaboration of conditioned reflexes and strengthens differentiation.

    It is established that preparations from the root favorably influence the pattern of blood, increase gas exchange, stimulate tissue respiration( especially the brain), increase the amplitude and reduce the frequency of cardiac contractions;accelerate the healing of wounds and ulcers. Extract of ginseng, taken orally, increases the secretion of bile, the concentration of bilirubin and bile acids in it, increases the photosensitivity of the human eye in the process of dark adaptation. It is the strongest causative agent of the central nervous system, which is superior in action to a mixture of pro-zerin with phenol;in contrast to the latter, it does not have a phase effect and negative consequences, it does not disturb sleep, increases working capacity in the conditions of night wakefulness, etc.

    The beneficial effect of ginseng on the body is explained by the content of biologically active substances in it. So, glycoside panaxaponin is attributed to an exciting action, this glycoside also has the property of toning the heart and blood vessels. Panaxic acid actively affects the metabolism. Panacea has analgesic and soothing nerve centers. Panavilon stimulates the endocrine system. Ginsenin regulates carbohydrate metabolism, causes a decrease in blood sugar and increases the formation of glycogen.

    The intake of ginseng root preparations is accompanied by an increase in physical, mental performance,

    , weight gain, improvement in well-being, sleep, appetite, mood. Unlike other stimulants, such as phenamine, there are no negative effects when taking ginseng.

    In the scientific medicine, ginseng is used as a tonic for hypertension, physical and mental fatigue, after severe long-term illnesses, impotence, decreased efficiency, lack of appetite, functional disorders of the cardiovascular system, disorders of sexual functions, especially with gonadal gland function, diabetes,mental diseases of a functional nature, such as: neurosis, neurasthenia, psychasthenia. Also shown are preparations of ginseng with chronic hypo and anacid gastritis. The intake of these drugs contributes to a faster recovery of the functional state of the liver in Botkin's disease.

    In Russia 10% alcoholic tincture and powder from the ginseng root are allowed for use.

    Prescribe drugs inwards, before meals. Tincture is taken for 15-25 drops 3 times a day, powder - 0.25-0.3 g 3 times a day.

    When taking ginseng preparations, you need to remember that these doses are average and depending on the individual characteristics of the patient and the nature of the disease can be increased or decreased.

    When treating ginseng, it is recommended that in the first 10 days, half the doses be prescribed. With repeated courses of treatment, the dose can not be reduced. In the absence of the effect of ginseng treatment, the dose should be increased in accordance with the individual characteristics and condition of the patient. Treatment should be conducted at least 30-40 days. To obtain a more lasting effect, it is recommended to perform 2-3 treatment courses, and in some cases even more. Breaks between courses - 2-3 weeks.

    Application of

    Root weighing 40-50 g pour cold boiled water, sweetened with sugar, for 3-4 hours, cut, opus

    pour into 0.5 liter 40 ° alcohol and insist 17-20 days in a dark place. Take once a day, 30 minutes before a meal, 10 ml each, without washing with water. Drink the amount of alcohol for 2 weeks. The course of treatment is 90 days with two breaks of 10 days each. This course of treatment can be repeated only after a year.

    In case of an overdose and a very long course of treatment without interruptions, there are side effects in the form of headaches, insomnia, palpitations, etc.

    Ginseng root is attributed to the ability to prolong life and youth, due to which some recommend to use it to healthy individuals from the age of 40.Chinese doctors believe that ginseng increases the immunobiological properties of the body and, with prolonged use, it acts anti-inflammatory.

    In national medicine of China, ginseng is used in combination with other drugs in the treatment of tuberculosis, rheumatism, diabetes and as an expectorant for certain diseases of the bronchi, with nocturnal sweating, hemoptysis, anemia, hysteria, general decline of strength and many other diseases.

    In Korea, for therapeutic purposes, also use the leaves of ginseng to accelerate the healing of wounds and ulcers.

    Growing and cultivated in North America ginseng five-leaved, and in Japan - creeping ginseng have a similar, but much weaker, pronounced effect.


    Tincture 50%: 15-25 drops 3 times a day for 1/2 hours before meals.

    Powder: 1 powder( 0.25 g) 3 times a day for 20-30 minutes before meals.