
Useful and medicinal properties of hazel( hazel)

  • Useful and medicinal properties of hazel( hazel)

    Hazel( hazel) - shrub 3-7 m in height with gray rounded shoots. The leaves are regular, rather large, roundish or obovate, on the apex with a short point, the bases are cordate, biconate along the margin and, in addition, slightly pubescent on top, with a few large teeth, dark green on top from below, lighter. The fruit is a well-known brownish-yellow nut, sitting in a bell-shaped green plush.

    It is widely distributed in the undergrowth of mixed and deciduous forests. It grows throughout the European part of the country, as well as in Ukraine and the Transcaucasus.

    Medicinal raw materials are fruits( nuts), leaves and bark of stems.

    Fruits of a hazelnut contain fats 62,1-71,6%, protein 14,4-18,4%, nitrogen 2,2-2,6%.Nut oil has in its composition unsaturated fatty acids: oleic, linoleic, myristic, palmitic, stearic. The leaves contain 0.04% essential oil and glycoside mycitroside, and the bark - essential oil and tannins, flobaphenes, ligcerol alcohol, betulin.

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    Important fruits are present in the fruit, namely: protein, fats and vitamins. The protein serves as a restorative. Unsaturated fatty acids reduce cholesterol and increase blood phospholipids. Consequently, nut chemicals help improve metabolism.

    It is believed that in the disease of atherosclerosis, the main role is played by the violation of cholesterol and protein metabolism. Reduction of cholesterol under the influence of nut oil occurs when bile acids are bound by fatty acids contained in the oil. In addition, nut oil has a laxative and choleretic effect.

    The combination of three factors: increased bile secretion, accelerated movement of the dietary mass and increased cholesterol binding in the intestine by unsaturated fatty acids - creates the most natural physiological conditions for the isolation of cholesterol from the body.

    Nuts are very useful for the treatment and prevention of atherosclerosis and its consequences - heart and brain infarction. There is an opinion that the fruits of hazel are just a delicacy. Do not forget about their curative effect in the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis, which ranks first among diseases of the cardiovascular system.

    Essential oil and other components of the bark of the hazel are antiseptic, vasoconstrictive and anti-inflammatory. It is recommended instead of the well-known imported raw material of hamamelis with dilated veins, periphlebitis, shin ulcers and capillary hemorrhages.

    Decoction of leaves is recommended for the treatment of prostatic hypertrophy( with enlarged prostate gland).

    In folk medicine, nuts are used against urolithiasis, and nuts with honey - for rheumatism, anemia and as a general restorative. Decoction of leaves and bark is recommended for varicose veins, phlebitis, trophic ulcers of the shin. Decoction of leaves is drunk with prostatic hypertrophy. The oil, squeezed from the grains of hazel, mixed with egg white, burns, and also used as a means to improve hair growth.

    G. Frazer, an American specialist in cardiovascular disease, has discovered and proves this with his experiments that for those who eat a handful of nuts every day, the risk of cardiovascular disease is significantly reduced compared to those who do not eat nuts at all or eat them occasionally.

    Nuts, raw or roasted, are a source of fats and proteins that are especially beneficial to the human body. They satisfy the body's need for high-grade proteins. In addition, nuts contain a lot of magnesium, which helps prevent a widespread disease like cardiac arrhythmia.

    Infusion and decoction of hazelnut leaves, which have anti-inflammatory and tightening effect, are used to clean the contaminated skin of the face, to wash greasy hair.

    To make the skin tender and velvety, recommend to apply after the bath so-called "blue lotion", which includes the decoction of young branches and hazel leaves.

    Prepare in advance a decoction of hazel at the rate of 1 tablespoon of crushed raw material for 200 g of hot water( boil on low heat for half an hour, cool at room temperature for 10 minutes and strain) and boil cornflowers( 1 pinch of crushed cornflower seeds per 100 g of boiling water,same technology, after filtering bring the volume to the original boiled water).Heat 4 tablespoons of boiled water with 3 tablespoons of soap flakes over a slow fire( the soap "Detskoye" is the best for this purpose).When the flakes dissolve, remove the dishes from the fire and add 1 teaspoon of glycerin, 4 teaspoons of olive oil( can be replaced with unrefined sunflower or corn oil) and 1 teaspoon of hazel broth. Stir until the mixture cools. Then pour in the broth of cornflowers and mix again.

    Decoction of young branches and leaves of hazel helps to remove swelling and redness of the eyelids. Wet the cotton napkin in a warm broth and for 12 hours several times apply to the eyes.

    Oil of hazel fruits is rubbed into the head to strengthen the hair.

    Nuts are eaten fresh, very tasty roasted nuts( calamaries in the oven at 110 ° C).They are used in the manufacture of chocolate, sweets, cakes, pastries, made from walnut oilcakes halva. From nuts produce cream, milk, flour. The oil, extracted from nuts, has a good taste and is easily absorbed by the body. It is used for food purposes.

    Dosage form: for cooking broth from bark and leaves 1 tbsp.l.of the crushed raw material is poured with 1 glass of hot water, boiled over a slow fire for 30 minutes, cooled for 10 minutes at room temperature and filtered. Take 0.25 glasses 3-4 times a day with meals.

    Leaves and bark hazel are applied as infusion: 1 tbsp.spoon of finely divided raw materials per 1 cup of boiling water( dose for 1 day).

    Indications: varicose veins, trophic ulcers of the lower leg, colitis, urolithiasis, additional nutrition after severe diseases.

    Preparation and storage: with medicinal raw materials are fruits, bark and leaves. Fruits are harvested when ripe. Dry in an oven or dryer at a temperature of 60-70 ° C.The leaves are torn off during the blossoming of the hazel. Dry under an awning or in an attic. The bark is removed in the early spring from the branches to be cut down. Store raw materials in wooden containers for 2 years.