
Allergic swelling of the scrotum - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

  • Allergic swelling of the scrotum - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

    Allergic swelling of the scrotum is a symptom of many allergic diseases, which is manifested by an increase in size and reddening of the skin of the scrotum.

    Causes of an allergic edema of the scrotum

    The allergic reaction of the scrotum is the immediate cause of the allergic edema of the scrotum, which arises from the increased release of serotonin, histamine and other allergy mediators into the blood. It is much more important to identify those factors that can contribute to the onset of this allergic reaction.

    In most cases, an allergic swelling of the scrotum occurs when food allergens enter the human body. Most often these can be citrus, chocolate, coffee, fish, eggs and other food products. In more rare cases, allergic reactions to other types of food can be noted.

    In addition to food allergens, quite often the causes of allergic edema of the scrotum are domestic or pollen allergens.

    Allergic rhinitis, allergic bronchial asthma or urticaria may be factors leading to the development of an allergic edema of the scrotum. In this case, the swelling of the scrotum does not necessarily have to develop against the background of these diseases. It is enough that the patient has a history of at least one episode of an allergic disease.

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    Symptoms of an allergic edema of the scrotum

    The name of the disease almost completely reveals his symptoms. Soon after the ingestion of an allergic agent, the first symptoms of the disease appear. The scrotum begins to increase in size, the skin over it stretches and acquires a red tint. Patients are concerned about the itching in the area of ​​the external genitalia. A distinctive feature of the allergic edema from other acute scrotal diseases is bilateral symmetrical organ enlargement.

    Allergic edema of the scrotum

    Similarly, sharply as the symptoms appear, they may also disappear. Most often this is due to the use of appropriate treatment or removal of the allergen from the body. Often, an allergic swelling of the scrotum is a single case in a person's life. In another situation, he can acquire a prolonged recurrent course, constantly accompanied by repeated episodes of the disease.

    Any case of manifestation of an allergic edema of the scrotum is an absolute indication for the treatment of the patient to the urologist for the purpose of diagnosing and treating the disease.

    Diagnosis of an allergic edema of the scrotum

    At the stage of admission to a urological hospital, a very important task is before the doctor - he needs to decide whether the patient needs surgery or not. First of all, the urine and blood of the patient are taken for analysis. If a large number of leukocytes is found in the patient's blood with a shift of the leukocyte formula to the left, then this usually indicates acute surgical pathology. If, however, the patient's blood can detect an increased number of eosinophils, then the doctor, first of all, should think about allergic swelling of the scrotum.

    Various diagnostic methods can be used to confirm the diagnosis, the most common of which is diaphanoscopy. With her for the scrotum a light source is started, against which you can see the changes in the testicle parenchyma. As a rule, with allergic edema of the scrotum, this study is completely uninformative, while in acute surgical pathology one can see a seal on the site of a twisted hydatide or spermatic cord.

    More detailed information can be obtained after conducting an ultrasound examination. Although it does not confirm the diagnosis of an allergic edema of the scrotum, it makes it possible to exclude other pathologies, including those requiring immediate surgical intervention.

    In the "cold period", when patients already regress the symptoms of the scrotal edema, they are allergic to the body. For this, a number of techniques are used, such as skin allergic tests, which make it possible to determine not only the type of allergy in a person, but also the substances on which the reaction develops. Carrying out such studies in the acute period is prohibited, since it can contribute to exacerbation of the symptoms of the disease and the progression of the latter.

    Treatment of an allergic edema of the scrotum

    In the treatment of this disease conservative methods are used that eliminate clinical symptoms and prevent complications. The first stage in the treatment of an allergic edema of the scrotum is the intravenous use of antihistamines. Among the latter can be identified drugs such as suprastin, diphenhydramine, pipolfen and modern L-cet, as well as cetrine. They are appointed and released only on the advice of a doctor. With mild forms of the disease, the introduction of drugs inward in the form of tablets, in more complex situations - intravenous or intramuscular injection of solutions.

    If the first-line therapy in the form of antihistamines did not give its result, go to the next level - the use of hormonal drugs. For the treatment of an allergic edema of the scrotum, most often, drugs such as prednisolone, hydrocortisone and dexamethasone are used. They are administered intravenously, depending on the age and condition of the patient.

    Among other drugs, you can identify painkillers, which are used in the development of severe pain syndrome. Justified the use of non-narcotic analgesics such as analgin and ketanov, which very well eliminate the symptoms of the disease.

    Rehabilitation after

    After recovery, the main task of doctors is to normalize the patient's immune status. For this purpose, the patient is treated with a variety of immunomodulators and immunostimulants. In the domestic pharmaceutical market, they are represented by such drugs as timolin, thymogen and others. Their use can cause serious side effects, so they are only used as directed by the doctor.

    Features of nutrition and lifestyle

    All patients who suffered an allergic edema of the scrotum, before determining the exact cause of the disease should adhere to a strict hypoallergenic diet. They are forbidden to use citrus fruits, chocolate, cocoa, coffee, milk, eggs, strawberries and other colored fruits. Only after the whole spectrum of diagnostic studies is carried out and the patient is excluded from food allergy, his diet can be expanded.

    If the patient is diagnosed with pollen or household allergies, then it makes certain adjustments to the way of his life. Patients who have allergic reactions to house dust should, if possible, get rid of all soft objects in the apartment and conduct a wet cleaning daily.

    Patients with pollen allergies at the time of flowering of a certain plant are recommended to leave their residence or to minimize their street walks, exercising them only during cool wet weather.

    Treatment with folk remedies

    Treatment with folk remedies for allergic swelling of the scrotum is not something that is ineffective, but even dangerous, since the use of various infusions and compresses can only contribute to the development of the allergic process. Of course, there are cases when this kind of treatment gives a positive effect, only in this situation it is necessary to remember that the allergy has a tendency to self-resolution without the use of any therapy.

    Complications of an allergic edema of the scrotum

    All the complications of an allergic swelling of the scrotum can be divided into local and general. If the first are associated with compression of the nervous and vascular structures, the latter have exclusively allergic genesis.

    When the swelling of the scrotum is extensive, the nervous and vascular structures that pass through the anatomical site can be pinched. The result can be the development of stagnant phenomena in the venous system of the testicles. As a rule, in most cases it ends with varicose veins of the testicle.

    The most formidable complication of this disease, which develops due to a rise in the blood level of allergic mediators, is urticaria with edema Quincke. The clinical picture of this complication is characterized by multiple rashes on the body of a person with edema of the face and neck. The danger of this complication lies in the fact that swollen subcutaneous fat cells squeeze the larynx, so that its stenosis may occur. This quickly leads to respiratory insufficiency and death of a person. To save life in this case, it is necessary to renew the patency of the airways, which is possible only by intubation of the trachea or tracheotomy.

    Prophylaxis of an allergic edema of the scrotum

    Allergic edema of the scrotum refers to those diseases in which prevention is much more important than the treatment itself. Prophylactic measures begin with the detection of the allergen, in which patients are responding.

    Prevention of food allergy is probably the easiest among all types of allergies. To prevent repeated episodes of the disease from the diet, it is necessary to exclude the product, leading to the development of clinical symptoms. As already mentioned, most often as such products are citrus, chocolate, cocoa and other extractives.

    More difficult and problematic is the prevention of pollen allergy. Most often, recommendations for a change of residence or at least a temporary move are difficult to perform, so patients are advised to use individual means of prevention. To go out into the street, if possible, is recommended only in the evening or in wet weather. When traveling in a car, it is not allowed to open windows, it is necessary to use only the air conditioner.

    Prevention of household allergies is quite simple, because for its implementation it is only necessary to keep the apartment clean. From the room it is desirable to remove all "dust collectors": carpets, soft toys, upholstered furniture with textile coating. The less there are such items in the house, the less often you need to carry out a wet cleaning.

    Allergic reactions to animal hair are prevented by completely eliminating contact with the animal. If the latter is associated with a professional feature or strong emotional attachment, then it is recommended to use special shampoos for pets.

    Rev.the doctor the urologist, the sexologist-andrologist Plotnikov AN