
Useful and medicinal properties of arnica mountain

  • Useful and medicinal properties of arnica mountain

    Perennial herbaceous plant with a thick short rhizome. The stem is one, rarely several, rough from short glandular hairs, 50-80 cm high, mostly with few opposite, branches located above the middle, less common stems. The leaves are one-piece, top short-bitten, the lower ones are assembled into a rosette of 4-6 roots pressed to the soil, stem leaves are few, in number of one or two pairs, sessile, opposite. Baskets large, up to 7 cm in diameter, single, rarely double, located on the tops of the stem and lateral branches emerging from the sinuses of the upper pair of leaves. Wrapping baskets from 1-2 rows of almost identical leaves. The marginal flowers are pistillate, yellow-orange with a tongue, on the apex with a tridentate corolla;medium - bisexual, tubular;those and others are equipped with a fairly long tuft - a cup. Fruits - pubescent, narrow;seeds are long, with a crest of hard hairs. Blooms in June and first half of July.

    grows in light pine forests - green shoots, on clearings, forest meadows and fringes, in places of transition of pine forests to a dried grassy swamp, etc.

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    With a therapeutic purpose, flowers and sometimes roots are used. It is used as a decoction in gastric diseases, stomach ulcer( the plant is poisonous), with

    disease caused by lifting of heaviness, bloody diarrhea, bronchitis, gout, flu, heart disease, seizures, epilepsy, brain concussion and apoplexy( cerebral hemorrhage),and also as a diuretic. With a cold drink a decoction of herbs or flowers.

    Outwardly, these drugs are used as a strong hemostatic agent for extensive wounds, bruises and tumors( blood), neuralgic pain.

    Application of

    Decoction: 10 g per 200 ml, 1 tbsp.spoon three times a day, before meals.

    Tincture: it is usually made from 100 arnica flowers per 1 liter of 70 ° alcohol or vodka. Dose of alcohol tincture - 30-40 drops, vodka - 60-70 drops three times a day.

    Tinctures on vodka wash wounds, make dressings, apply compresses to bruised places, take from pains in the abdomen, with damage to bones.

    When washing wounds( open) tincture is better to dilute in a ratio of 1:10.

    Decoction of arnica roots: South for 200ml of water, 1 tbsp.spoon 2 times a day after a meal with atherosclerosis as a heart-stimulating remedy.