  • Planting of Schisandra

    When planting the strongest shoot of the seedling should be cut into three buds, the roots are shortened by 20-25 cm, weak shoots are removed. Roots are dipped in a clay chattle with mullein( 1 liter per bucket).The sapling is placed on a cone-shaped tubercle, the roots are spread out in all directions and sprinkled with earth. Then it is compacted, the plant is watered abundantly and the trunk circle is mulched. It is better to plant several plants at once in a trench 50 cm wide and not more than 60 cm deep. In the middle of it, at a distance of 1.5 m from each other, metal pegs are fastened to support the support. At the bottom of the

    lay gravel, gravel, broken brick, construction debris with a layer of 30 cm and slightly compact, from above - fertile soil mixed with manure( 60-70 kg per 1 m) and sand( 3-4 buckets), add lime - 500phosphorus - 150 g. nitrogen - 40-50 g. per 1 m. The landing time is autumn and spring.

    Deep landing pit for Schizandra is not needed, when planting it is enough just to dig deep( on the bayonet of the shovel) the site, having previously made a 1 sq. Km.m 2-3 buckets of well decomposed humus. In the future, the soil under the bushes is not dug, but only shallow loosened.

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    For a permanent place in the garden, it is recommended to plant lemongrass in the spring. Choose a site in an elevated place where there is no stagnation of water and where it is possible to put trellises. Planting pits are prepared at a distance of 1 -1.5 m in a row. From the nursery the seedlings are delivered with a closed root system, i.e.with a clod of damp earth wrapped in plastic wrap. In the planting pit 40x40 cm, a mixture of organo-mineral fertilizers is applied in the same doses as for other berry plants. To the bottom of the pit for drainage lay stones and sand, then pour fertile soil mixed with fertilizers. On the mound in the hole, a seedling is planted, watered, and the soil around it is compacted. The root collar of the seedlings is not buried. After sowing the soil near the seedlings, there should be no recess to avoid stagnation of water. During the summer weed weed, small loosening. In dry weather, the seedlings are watered, and the soil around is mulched. In the first years of life young seedlings, especially

    , are recommended to be watered and sprinkled more often. For the winter plantings of lemongrass are not harbored. At the time of flowering and fruiting, the seedlings enter the 5th-6th year of life, provided they have a timely garter on the trellis.

    Propagated schizandra and seeds, and cuttings, but it is better to propagate by seeds. Only it is necessary to remember - the seeds should be both male and female. Seeds must necessarily be stratified, i.e.sustain 90-100 days in wet sand at a temperature of 17-20 ° C.In the spring, as soon as the earth warms to a depth of 10-15 cm, the seeds are sown to a depth of 4-5 cm, and the distance between the rows is 20-25 cm, the ridges should be shaded, covered with shields at a height of 80-120 cm from the ground. On a permanent place, Schizandra is planted at the age of 2-3 years. After the landing, it is necessary to provide support for Schizandra, so that it can catch on the rope, the tree. The best time for planting lemongrass is spring. The soil must be moisture-absorbing, breathable, and this peat-crumb with sand, sawdust. Heavy clay soils are unsuitable for growing Schizandra. The acidity of the soil should be 5.4-5.6 Ph, and for successful survival it is necessary to maintain the soil and air humidity 80-90%.

    The first crop can be obtained 5-6 years after planting. The yield from one plant is about 3 kg, but the periodicity of fruiting is observed every 2-3 years.

    Selecting the place

    For successful growing of Schizandra on the site, choose the place where the liana will be lit by direct sunlight in July for no more than 5-8 hours. We note that Schizandra is photophilous, but young plants can withstand a slight shading.

    Need for support

    The most important and stable feature of Schizandra is the pronounced need for support, on which it rises. Plants of magnolia vine grown from seeds, first have a fibrous root system with a slightly weakly branched root. At the 3rd year of life the seedlings begin to form twisted shoots, which need support. Without finding it, they are bundled into a tourniquet, hanging down to the ground, which slows their growth. Without support from both seedlings and adult plants, new shoots form from the root collar, which spread along the ground, forming many underground shoots and rhizome. Such plants do not bloom.

    A sufficient amount of light is needed, and supports are absolutely necessary. If Schizandra has nothing to catch on, its shoots will spread along the earth and give a lot of root shoots and layers. In spring or autumn, you can dig out part of the layers and transplant to another location. This is one of the most reliable ways of reproduction. Schizandra is easy to breed by cuttings, which are cut in July from the tops of young shoots. They well

    take root after treatment with their growth stimulants( heteroauxin and some other drugs).It is possible to sow freshly harvested seeds from the fall, which will spring in the spring, or they are sown in the spring after a two-month stratification.


    For the purpose of dilating the crown with thickening, pruning is carried out in the summer. Crop shoots are used for propagation. In autumn, the lianas are cleaned from the rhizome, which can be planted in the garden. Pruning is carried out in the autumn, removing dry vines, weak and unnecessary shoots. For the winter, vines can not be removed from the trellis. With a strong thickening of the crown, pruning can be done in the summer, using cut annual shoots on the cuttings. The rhizome is removed in late autumn, also using it as a planting material to expand the planting.


    The best conditions for growing Schisandra are loose fertile soil with a neutral reaction of the environment, for example, light and medium loams. At home, Schizandra usually occurs on well-drained mountain slopes. Schizandra grows on the soil with a weakly acid reaction, with a lack of phosphorus. The best for the growth of seedlings is a mixture of soil, peat, sand in a ratio of 1: 2: 1.On pure pearlitic sand after 2 weeks the growth of seedlings is suspended due to the depletion of seed reserve substances and the lack of additional fertilization. Schizandra has a superficial root system, and therefore deep loosening can damage the roots. The soil is finely loosened around the vines.


    The Schizandra does not tolerate the standing of groundwater or swampiness. To air and soil moisture, it is somewhat less exacting than the plants of actinidia. The main attention in the first years of the seedlings' life should be given to the creation of a favorable moistening regime. These plants do not tolerate stagnant moistening of the soil, but respond well to an increase in air humidity. It should be borne in mind that in their homeland vines grow at high relative humidity. For successful growth seedlings of Schizandra in a dry summer should be sprayed with water in the morning and in the evening to create favorable conditions for the growth of shoots.


    When growing in the culture in the first and subsequent years, Schizandra is very responsive to the application of organic fertilizers. Schizandra reacts well to organic and mineral fertilizers, irrigation. Fertilizers are applied superficially, loosening the soil is shallow, since the roots are at a depth of 8-10 cm.

    In short, the recommendations of experienced gardeners on growing Schizandra can be formulated as follows:

    plant lemongrass in a shaded place on slightly acidic soil rich in organic fertilizers;

    in the second year, give the creeper a support, and in the future, ensure the height of the support in such a way that the Schizandra climbs it to the sun;

    protect Schizandra from both ground and upper waters( the soil must be sufficiently drained);

    do not dig and do not loosen the soil around Schisandra;

    do not forget to water it, but do not be too zealous.

    Procurement of raw materials

    As a medicinal raw material, fruits, seeds, young shoots are harvested. Berries are harvested as they mature, leaves in early summer, shoots in spring. Most often, the mature fruits and seeds are harvested, waxed and dried in dryers at a temperature of no higher than 60 ° C.

    Berries are removed neatly, without crushing them or damaging the vine. Dry berries in the shade, under a canopy, or in the oven, but the temperature during drying should not exceed 50 ° C.

    Leaves of Chinese magnolia vine shoot dark green in August-September, dried and used for making tea.