
Hypoplasia of the placenta: causes, treatment, impact on the development of the unborn child

  • Hypoplasia of the placenta: causes, treatment, impact on the development of the unborn child

    The placenta is a unique organ that is present in the body of a woman only during pregnancy. The importance of the placenta can not be overestimated. The placenta serves both to unite the mother and the fetus organ, and at the same time it protects the child from harmful viruses and bacteria. Therefore, any pathology of the placenta can cause disturbances in the development of the fetus.

    One such pathology is placental hypoplasia, or, in simple terms, a small child's place.

    Today we will talk about the causes, the treatment of placental hypoplasia.

    Causes of hypoplasia

    The primary small placenta is most often caused by genetic disorders, which are the reasons for the development of this anomaly of pregnant women. There is such a violation infrequently and is associated with the pathology of fetal development.

    Secondary hypoplasia occurs during pregnancy. Most often, the cause of hypoplasia is the mother's illness: hypertension, atherosclerosis, late toxicosis. Blood flow in the vessels of the placenta decreases, which prevents the fetus from developing normally.

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    Unlike primary hypoplasia, the secondary is treatable and with proper diagnosis and treatment does not cause any consequences.

    When hypoplasia, the fetus lacks oxygen and nutrients. A consequence of this may be a delay in intrauterine development of the fetus.

    However, a small baby seat can be perfectly normal. For example, in very small women, the size of the placenta is naturally smaller than that of women with a normal constitution. This decrease in the placenta is not a pathology.

    Treatment of

    The diagnosis can be made only after careful examination. One ultrasound for diagnosis is not enough.

    Hypoplasia indicates the presence of the disease in the mother. Therefore, first of all, we need to find out the reasons for this violation. If this is, for example, hypertension, then first you need to normalize the pressure of the mother, and then apply drugs that help improve blood flow in the vessels of the placenta.

    With hypoplasia, treatment is always complex. The cause is elucidated, then we get rid of the cause, in parallel supporting and increasing the blood flow in the vessels of the placenta.

    Treatment is usually carried out in a hospital, a woman is prescribed drugs that improve the flow of blood to the placenta, and also treat its underlying disease, which is the cause of hypoplasia.

    It is necessary to constantly monitor the fetal heartbeat, and its movement. After all, if the placenta stops performing its functions, the fetus may stop.

    Depending on the degree of hypoplasia and fetal status, a woman can make an early delivery by caesarean section.

    With timely treatment and constant medical supervision, the child is born absolutely healthy and full.

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