  • Psychopathy - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

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    For the first time in Russian medical literature, the concepts "psychopathy", "psychopaths" appeared in 1884.Then forensic psychiatrists IM.Balinsky and OM.Chechette conducted an examination of a certain Semenova, accused of murdering a girl, and came to the conclusion that she can not be considered mentally ill in the generally accepted sense of the word, but it is difficult to recognize her mentally healthy. The case caused a great public response and in the newspapers Semenov began to be called a "psychopath", referring to its difficult nature. Till now in a life "psychopaths" people are named, which behavior brings a lot of disturbance to associates, and sometimes contradicts norms of a public morality.

    To date, psychopaths means stable innate or acquired character traits that introduce disharmony into the human psyche and create significant complications in everyday life. As a rule, with psychopaths, some features of the character are very pronounced, while others are underdeveloped. For example, irritability and excitability are excessively expressed, and the behavior control function is reduced. Or so: a high level of claims, egocentrism and the lack of an adequate assessment of their capabilities. Such traits can also be found in healthy people, but they balance with them and behavior does not go beyond social norms. Psychopathy is quite significantly different from mental illness. People with psychopathic tendencies do not deteriorate with time, but there is also no improvement - i.e.lack of dynamics. Also, such people do not have intellectual disabilities, there are no delusions, hallucinations. For psychopaths is characterized by a one-sided perception of the environment, i.e.they see only what corresponds to their expectations, and other information is ignored or denied. Therefore, people with psychopathy often have inadequate self-esteem( both overestimated and underestimated) and can not learn from their mistakes.

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    Causes of psychopathy

    Causes of psychopathy are not thoroughly studied. Some scientists believe that the characteristics of the character that form psychopathy are genetically conditioned, as well as, the color of the eyes, for example. Others tend to think that the psychopath forms an unfriendly environment. Also there is an opinion that the basis of psychopathy is an unrecognized organic lesion of the brain.

    Symptoms of psychopathy

    External manifestations of psychopathies are extremely diverse. Depending on the prevailing motives in behavior, the following types of psychopathies are distinguished:

    1. Paranoiac psychopathy . Such people are slopes to suspicion, they have a sharp sense of justice. They are rancorous, unsettled in the team. In communication too straightforward. In the family, they are often jealous spouses. Often paranoid psychopaths are attracted to litigiousness - that is, Initiate litigation for any reason, often meets hypochondria - the belief in the presence of any disease and fixation on one's health.
    2. Schizoid psychopathy .These are closed dreamers, cranks with non-standard judgments. In everyday life they are stupid, but fascinated by abstract sciences - philosophy, mathematics. The schizoids are lonely, but they do not bother with it. Often indifferent to relatives.
    3. Unstable psychopathy .Such people are distinguished by the lack of willpower. Also they do not have any interests, their point of view. They are subject to external influence, suggestible. Such people have no remorse, they easily give out promises and forget about them. Do not even feel affection for close relatives. At school, they often had behavioral problems, when they were teenagers there were shoots from home( if parents tried to discipline the child somehow).Being adults, these people are inclined to dependency and the search for easy earnings, without thinking about morality. Therefore, among patients with unstable psychopathy there are many criminals, alcoholics, drug addicts.
    4. Excitable psychopathy .Outwardly, such people can not differ in any way from others until their interests are hurt. In this case, an inadequate outburst of anger, irritation, aggression is possible. Sometimes patients regret their incontinence, but do not fully admit their guilt. In childhood, the excitable psychopaths constantly had conflicts with their peers, at adulthood they often change their place of work, tend to blame others in all their life troubles.
    5. Hysterical psychopathy .People of this type tend to theatrical behavior, the desire to be in the center of attention, inflated self-esteem. They are brightly dressed, sociable, impressionable, suggestible. Interested in art. Great importance is attached to relationships with the opposite sex, constantly in a state of falling in love, but deep feelings for them are uncharacteristic.
    6. Psychosthenic psychopathy .These are anxious, suspicious and insecure people. They are punctual, hardworking, but do not succeed in life because of fear of failure and inability to make their own decisions. The circle of communication is small, strongly attached to relatives. They do not like public attention. Sometimes, in order to relieve a constant anxiety, they can abuse alcohol.
    7. Asthenic psychopathy .Its main feature is increased fatigue, reduced efficiency. Asthenics can not long concentrate on one thing. They are insecure, impressionable, quickly tired of society. Concerned about their health.
    8. Affective psychopathy. These people are characterized by frequent mood changes, including for no apparent reason. Sometimes they are active, cheerful, but after a while they become depressed, moody. Such differences can be related to the seasons.

    These are the main variants of psychopathy. In practice, they are often mixed, i.e.in the nature of patients expressed different traits. Understand this variety of options is not easy and the doctor, as for attempts to self-diagnosis of psychopathy, they are doomed to failure, because.a person without specialization in the field of psychiatry is practically impossible to draw a line between the manifestations of psychopathy and the characteristics of the character of a healthy person. It is impossible without a verdict of a psychiatrist to confidently say whether there are psychopathic traits in a person, or he is ill with a mental illness, for example, schizophrenia or depression. Therefore, if there are any of the listed symptoms that adversely affect a person's life in society, it is better to contact a specialist: a psychiatrist or a psychologist.

    Timely appeal for qualified help will help to establish social functioning and avoid many problems in the future( after all, if a psychiatric mask hides a serious mental illness, then a rapidly begun treatment significantly improves the prognosis for the patient).

    Examination for suspected psychopathy

    When referring to a psychiatrist, most likely, an electroencephalogram will be assigned to clarify the diagnosis - a painless method of studying the functioning of the brain, and a psychologist's consultation to identify the features of thinking, the state of intelligence, memory. Perhaps, the doctor will need to get acquainted with the data of a neurologic examination or urinalysis, blood tests. This is necessary to exclude some diseases in which symptoms similar to those of psychopathies can be observed( for example, thyroid disease, stroke, craniocerebral trauma, epilepsy).

    Treatment of psychopathy

    Treatment of psychopathies with medicines is performed if pathological traits are so pronounced that they create a significant problem for the everyday life of the patient and his environment. With a reduced mood prescribe antidepressants( fluoxetine, Prozac, amitriptyline and others).When anxiety is used tranquilizers( phenazepam, rudotel, mezapam and others).If there is a tendency to aggression, antisocial actions the doctor will write out neuroleptics( haloperidol in small doses, sonapaks, etaperazin, tryftazin).Also neuroleptics with sedative properties( chloroprotexene) are used in sleep disorders, becausepsychopaths easily develop dependence on hypnotics. With expressed mood swings, anticonvulsants( carbamazepine) are effective.

    It must be remembered that in the treatment of psychotropic drugs, the use of alcohol and, especially, of drugs, is unacceptable.this combination can lead to irreversible consequences, up to a lethal outcome. Also, during the period of treatment it is better to refrain from managing motor transport, at least, it is necessary to clarify this issue with the attending physician. Relatives of the patient are advised to follow the dosages of the drug, tk.at a psychopathy often there is a propensity to abuse of medicines. Without a doctor's prescription, you can buy soft soothing agents in the pharmacy, such as valerian, novopassita, motherwort tincture( if you are talking about an excitable type of psychopathy or there is an anxiety), but you can hardly expect a visible result from them.

    Psychotherapy sometimes gives a good result in correcting manifestations of psychopathy. Methods such as psychodrama are used - this is a kind of group psychotherapy, in which scenes from everyday life are played out. In Western countries, psychoanalysis is popular - a long individual program of psychotherapy to identify subconscious complexes and negative attitudes.

    It happens that people avoid going to psychiatrists, even if there is evidence for this. Being afraid of publicity or side effects of psychotropic drugs, such patients resort to the help of traditional medicine. But herbalists do not have effective means for treating psychopathy. All that they can recommend is herbal preparations consisting of valerian, melissa, mint, hops and other plants with soothing properties. Perhaps, aromatherapy will be offered using essential oils of geranium, lavender, marjoram, or hot baths with any infusions( usually the same balm or pine extracts).Such methods are not likely to cause direct damage to health, but often the hobby of folk medicine prevents the patient from receiving modern medical care, which leads to a deterioration in the state. As agreed with the doctor, it is possible to apply therapy with medicinal plants along with the main treatment.

    Psychopathy greatly complicates a patient's life in society and often makes his loved ones unhappy. Psychopaths often fall into criminal situations, often they commit suicidal attempts - sometimes because of the inability to control their impulses, and sometimes with the goal of blackmail or attracting attention. Asthenics and psychasthenics with good intellectual data can not achieve recognition because of the nature of their nature, and awareness of this fact can lead them to depression. Depression, in turn, often entails abuse of alcohol or drugs - this is the easiest and most effective way to relax patients, but in reality the problems are only exacerbated. Timely and correct treatment relieves patients and their relatives from these troubles. Also, a visit to a specialist will help not miss the onset of more severe mental illness, which from the outside may seem a manifestation of psychopathy.

    Doctor psychiatrist Bochkareva OS