
The probability of getting pregnant after a period with an irregular cycle or with a long cycle

  • The probability of getting pregnant after a period with an irregular cycle or with a long cycle

    The majority of women are sure that after months can not become pregnant, but strict scientific theories are not always confirmed by life. It turns out that the probability of getting pregnant after menstruation exists and there may be several reasons for this phenomenon.

    "False" monthly

    After sexual intercourse, women may have bloody discharge, which is taken as the beginning of the menstrual cycle, which started earlier due to some external factors. After such "false" menstrual period, the woman ceases to protect herself and can become pregnant.

    Long bleeding

    A long menstrual cycle in women can lead to an unexpected pregnancy. The fact is that the beginning of a new cycle is the first day of bleeding. The new egg already begins to ripen. Normal bleeding takes place in 4-5 days. But if the bleeding is prolonged, the mature egg can come out when the woman is sure that she still has time not to worry about conception.

    With long bleeding, the probability of getting pregnant is quite high.

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    Sperm capacity

    It is a question of that spermatozoons are capable to survive in a body of the woman within several days and all this time they quite can fertilize an ootid.

    Irregular monthly

    If the monthly is irregular, with atypical ovulation time, then any prediction of pregnancy in such a situation is useless. How many days the cycle will last, and from which specific day to start its counting - is completely incomprehensible.

    Attached ovum

    There are times when the monthly occur after the fertilization of the egg has occurred and it is attached to the wall of the uterus. Bleeding says that there was no fertilization, but the egg for some reason remained attached.

    Maturation of several eggs

    The chance to get pregnant after a month is great if not one, but two or even several ovules mature. Especially the risk is great if the eggs go out of the tubes at the same time.

    Probability to become pregnant immediately after the end of menstruation exists. Modern ecology, stress and stress make any cycle cycle irregular and unpredictable.

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