  • Lipa useful properties

    Lime heart-shaped( small-leaved)

    Family Linden-Tiliaceae

    The generic name comes from the Greek teleia-linden, as it was called Virgil, Ovid, Pliny and other Roman authors. Apparently, the name is associated with the word ptilon - wing, feather, due to the fact that the peduncles have a winged bracts. The species definition comes from the Latin cor( genitive case cordis) - the heart.

    Botanical Description of .Deciduous tree in height up to 25-30 m with a black cracked bark and a spherical spreading crone. Young twigs reddish-brown with small lenticels. Leaves alternate, petiolate, cordate with serrate margin. Young leaves have stipules, which then fall off. On the top the leaves are green, glabrous, from below gray-green with bundles of tender reddish-yellow hairs in the corners of large veins, and especially at the base of the leaf. The flowers are yellowish-white, fragrant, collected by 5-15 in wilting dichasias( semi-zonotics).Bracts discolored, fused with the general stalk with its vein in its lower part. The bract is a yellowish-green color, lanceolate with blunted apex. Flowers are regular with a double perianth of five sepals and five petals. Stamens are many, fused into five bundles, pistil one with an upper pubescent one-cavity ovary. Fruits - slightly pubescent or glabrous globular nuts with tasty seeds.

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    Blossoms in late June or early July, flowering is almost annually abundant. Fruits ripen in August - September.

    In the western regions of Ukraine, the linden is either flat-faced or large-leaved - Tilia plathyphyllos Scop. It is used in the gardening of cities and other settlements. The leaves are often larger, the hairs in the corners of the veins are light, and the flowers in the inflorescences are 3-9.Pear-shaped nuts. Blooms somewhat later.

    Geographical spread. Grows in the zone of broad-leaved and coniferous-deciduous forests. Occurs in the middle and southern part of European territory, in Western Siberia to the right bank of the lower reaches of the Irtysh. Usually grows in a mixture with other rocks, especially oak. Clean lime trees are represented only in the southern Urals, and in other parts of the country they have a small area. So, lime forests are found only in the Mogilev region.

    Collection and drying. Collect lime blossoms with bracts at the time when most of them bloomed, and the rest are in the bud stage. At a later gathering during drying, the flowers become brown and an increased crushing occurs when packing raw materials. Avoid collecting inflorescences with bracts affected by leaf beetles that eat the flesh of the leaf, leaving veins. Collect the flowers, cutting them off with their hands, from the inclined lower branches. The upper branches with an abundance of flowers are often cut off by the cuttings, and then in the shade they break off the inflorescence. In no case can not cut large shoots, break branches. Recently, in settlements, when collecting raw materials, they often "use car lifts." Of course, the prime cost of raw materials in this case increases, but trees do not suffer at all and gather much more raw materials.

    The collected flowers are loosely folded into baskets, not at any time rammed, and delivered to the drying.

    Dry raw materials in the shade, in attics, under canopies, in rooms with good ventilation or in landat a temperature of 40-45 ° C. During the day, 2-3 times the flowers are tossed in. Drying is considered complete at the moment when the peduncles become brittle. The dried raw material is poured into open boxes or shoveled into a heap and left in the room for 2-3 daysand only after that they are packed in bales, keels or bags.

    Medicinal raw materials. Finished raw material - linden flowers - Flores Tiliae - corymbose inflorescence of 5-15 flowers( in linden heart-shaped) and 3-9 flowers( in linden-leafy).Mostly bloomed flowers, but there are buds and single unripe fruits. Bracts are yellowish-green or light-green, about 6 cm long, about 1.5 cm wide, all-sided, elongate-lanceolate, blunt at the apex, fused at the middle to the middle with a peduncle below the half-length. Flowers about 1 cm in diameter, yellowish. The smell is fragrant, the taste is sweetish.

    Art.274 GF X and GOST 6518-69 allow: moisture not more than 13%;inflorescences with bracts, damaged by pests and having rusty spots, not more than 2%;inflorescences with yellow or brown bracts or blackened flowers not more than 4%;leaves and shoots of lime no more than 1%;completely discolored inflorescence with fruits no more than 2%;crushed parts passing through a sieve with a hole diameter of 3 mm, not more than 3%;individual flowers or inflorescences without bracts not more than 15%;organic impurity not more than 0.3%;Mineral - no more than 0,1%.

    Chemical composition of .Lime flowers contain 0.05% essential oil, the carrier of a pleasant odor is aliphatic sesquiterpene alcohol farnesol;glycosides( hesperidin and tiliatsin), saponins, tannins, coumarin fractin, carotene, vitamin C, etc.

    The medicinal raw materials in scientific medicine are flowers, in folk medicine - flowers, leaves, kidneys, fruits and a young bark. Collection of flowers is carried out together with the bracts of bracts. Collection during rain or dew is not allowed. Dry the flowers in the shade in the air or in dryers at a temperature of 40-45 degrees. Shelf life 2 years.

    Lime flowers contain essential oil( 0.05%), glycoside, thiadiazine, tannins, wax, hyperspedin, sugar, mucus, vitamin C, carotene. Leaves contain phytoncides.

    In medical practice, lime blossom has long been used as a sweatshop. Infusion of flowers is recommended for rinsing the mouth, throat in inflammatory diseases( sore throat).Lime blossom is part of the sweatshop collection( tea) in equal quantities with raspberry fruits.

    Use a hot decoction or infusion of linden flowers at night for coughing, colds, headaches, throat, croup, abdominal pain, rheumatism, fainting, pneumonia, as an anticorrosive. The boiled young fake bark gives a lot of mucus and is used to treat burns, gout, hemorrhoids. Decoction of fresh flowers is used inside with cuts in the urethra( mixed with sage grass), the presence of sand in the urine. In addition, lime-colored preparations are successfully used inside with measles, mumps, convulsions. Shredded fresh buds or fresh leaves are used topically as an anti-inflammatory, analgesic and emollient for burns, inflammation of the mammary glands and other inflammatory processes. The crushed linden charcoal from dried wood is drunk 1 teaspoon with goat's milk for pulmonary tuberculosis;products of dry distillation( tar) grease affected areas of eczema.

    Outwardly, the linden fruit is applied in the form of powder or grinded in vinegar for bleeding from wounds, nose, mouth, etc.;the severed kidneys or leaves are used as an emollient for abscesses;and cambium is recommended for burns. Leaves are applied on the chiri.


    Broth 1: 1 st.a spoon of finely chopped flowers is brewed in a glass of boiling water, it is insisted for 20 minutes and filtered;use 1-2 glasses at night( as a diaphoretic), rinse add 5.0 g of purified soda to a glass of broth.

    Broth 2: 2 tbsp. Spoons of flowers brew like tea in 2 cups of boiling water, boil 10 minutes, strain and drink hot at night 2-3 glasses( diaphoretic) with cramps, nervous diseases, the presence of sand in urine, mumps, measles, as an analgesic and soothing.

    Broth 3: 1 tbsp.spoon on a glass of boiling water, brew like tea, rinse with sore throats, pharyngitis and tonsillitis.

    Note. Coal, produced from lime wood, is also used in folk and scientific medicine.

    Potion: 2 tbsp.spoons of linden flowers, flaxseed, uncooked sliced ​​pumpkin seeds, hemp seeds, blackberry leaves, black elderberry, St. John's wort and 1 st.spoon of camomile flowers. The mixture is well mixed and taken from it 4 tbsp.spoons for 0.5 liters of water, brew, insist 30-40 minutes, filter and squeeze;take 4 times a day for an hour before meals.

    Indications: linden flowers, or "lime blossom," are used as a sweatshop and antipyretic agent for colds, gastritis.as well as for mouth and throat rinsing. Wood lime coal is used for flatulence and diarrhea.

    Infusion of small-leaved linden flowers with honey

    Take 10 g of linden flowers( 3 tablespoons) and pour 200 ml of boiling water in an enamel saucepan, cover with a lid and put into a boiling water bath for 15 minutes, then allow the infusion to cool and strain it. Remain the remaining raw materials. The volume of infusion is brought boiled water to 200 ml and dissolve in it 1 tbsp.spoon of honey.

    Take in a warm form 1 / 2-1 glass 2-3 times a day as a diaphoretic and antipyretic agent for colds.


    Lime flowers have sweatshops, and hence antipyretic action, which, apparently, is due to the presence of the glycoside of the thiwiazine. For this purpose they are brewed, like tea, at the rate of 1 tablespoon of cut raw material per 1 cup of boiling water;insist at least 20-30 minutes. Sedentary funds are very popular among the people and since ancient times are used in household use. In ancient Russia believed that together with sweat from the body "out" the disease, and "infused" health.

    As a diaphoretic lime is prescribed inside. For the same purpose, use a rennet tea with raspberries. Use fake tea and with raspberry jam, honey.

    Lime has a disinfectant effect, so infusion of flowers( tea) is used to rinse your mouth and throat. In this case, it is mixed with sage and chamomile. Brew 1 teaspoon per 1 cup of water. Healing part: flowers.

    Plant characteristics: tree with heart-shaped leaves. Flowers are fragrant with bracts.

    Composition of tea and way of its preparation:

    Lime tea:

    1.1 h. Lime flowers per 1 tbsp.boiling water. To insist and drink like tea. A golden drink with a pleasant aroma, very tasty.

    Healing properties: wellness, diaphoretic, expectorant and anti-inflammatory effect.

    2. 15 g( 1 st.) Dried linden flowers for 200 ml of boiling water, infuse for 10-15 minutes, drain, add 15 g of honey. Before brewing, dried fake color is slightly roasted. Healing properties: influenza and other colds.

    3. 2 st. . flowers on 2 tbsp.boiling water, boil for 10 minutes, drain. They drink like tea at night in hot condition. Healing properties: the same.

    4. Flowers linden and leaves peppermint - 1: 1, 1 st. Collection per 1 tbsp.boiling water. Brew and drink like tea for 2-3 glasses a day in a hot form. Healing properties: the same. Healing part: leaves.

    Composition of tea and way of its preparation:

    Tea from fresh leaves: the ground leaves are brewed and drunk as tea.

    Healing properties: quench thirst, relieves fatigue.

    Treatment with baths with linden flowers

    The bath with lime color eliminates insomnia, soothes the nervous system, relieves irritation and inflammation of the skin, stimulates sweating, cleansing the body of harmful metabolic products.

    Lime baths are used in complex therapy in the treatment of obesity, however in this case you will need a doctor's consultation.

    To prepare the broth, pour 1 glass of lime-colored 2 liters of cold water and leave for 10 minutes. After that, bring the mixture to a boil and cook under the lid for no more than 7 minutes. Strain the broth and pour into the water at a temperature of 37 ° C.The bath time is 20 minutes. The course is enough for 6-7 procedures.