  • Why hair is split and how to cure them at home

    Every woman faced the problem of split ends. It has a noticeable effect on the condition of the hair, the shine dims, the hair looks unhealthy. What is the problem only specialists can answer, but more often it happens because the girl uses high power of a hair dryer and various plaques when laying, and uses aggressive means, such as vinegar, for hair care.

    The most common reasons for

    In the modern world, every female representative wants to look beautiful, so they constantly use all kinds of means to achieve the desired effect. Hair is most often exposed to harmful effects, to the enormous female sadness.

    Hair roots have greater strength than hair tips, so they should pay special attention, they are most at risk of cross-section. It is worth to carefully treat all produced procedures, so that the ends of the hair remain alive and do not dry.

    Here are some reasons why the ends of the hair are cut:

    • Frequent washing of the head intensifies the work of the sebaceous glands, so the hair becomes fat. And it is worth noting that often the head is washed by the owner of dry hair. To work the sebaceous glands remained normal, wash your head every two or even three days. But washing several times a day is contraindicated, since the hair quickly gets used to the increased work of the glands.
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    • Do not forget that almost all shampoos have the same composition, therefore, buying an expensive product, you do not guarantee your health and beauty of hair. For daily use, a soothing shampoo that suits your hair type is suitable. And be sure to buy a balm, which at the end of washing is applied over the entire length of the hair to protect each strand.
    • Hair coloring and their frequent discoloration result in the hair becoming dry and the scalp becoming irritated.
    • Hot hair dryer is also the reason why the hair is dried, so try to keep the hair dry without exposure to hot air.
    • Combing the hair with a hard comb is another misfortune for the hair. Should be abandoned at least from the brush immediately after washing the head, since wet hair is more prone to brittleness.
    • Nachesi violate the integrity of the structure of the hair, the hair becomes thin and weak.

    One of the causes of split ends is the health problem, and not only the hair, but also the skin and nails, suffer. If the problem is inside, then the mask is useless to do, in this case, go to a doctor who can prescribe the necessary treatment for you.

    How to heal the split ends?

    If you have split hair, you do not know why and how to deal with it, you need to consult a specialist. And, of course, you should start a course on restoring and strengthening the hair bulb.

    It is not necessary at the beginning of treatment to cut ends, it is better to do it after its termination. It is worthwhile to understand that in order to restore shine and strength to hair, and also to get rid of the visited ends, it is necessary to completely change your way of life, to establish a diet, to throw bad habits, to go in for sports.

    In addition to internal treatment, it is necessary to carry out and external, namely: to apply various hair masks and cosmetics suitable for your hair type.

    How to properly care for your hair and what to do so that they do not saber, you can learn from the tips described below:

    • Restore the blood supply to the roots of the hair, for this you can use different masks, and also massage will not be superfluous. Now in professional stores you can buy a massage brush, which can be combed and hair, and scalp.
    • Use balms and masks, which include substances that protect and moisturize the scalp. It is also good when essential oils are found in the composition.
    • Set up a diet and balance the amount of minerals and vitamins. Try to consume more simple proteins and complex carbohydrates.

    Recipes of useful masks

    A good effect on the hair is provided by a mask based on chicken eggs. To make it, you need 20 ml of vegetable oil, lemon juice, egg yolk. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed and diluted with water. The mask is applied after washing your head for half an hour. After it, the hair should be washed with warm water with the addition of vinegar.

    A good moisturizing effect on the hair and scalp is provided by a honey mask. To cook it, you will need: 80 gr.onions, 20 ml of honey. The action time is about 50 minutes, at the end of the procedure my hair is shampooed.

    When doing hair masks, do not forget about dosage, otherwise you can damage the structure of your hair.

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